dojo.provide("dijit.ColorPalette"); dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); dojo.require("dojo.colors"); dojo.require("dojo.i18n"); dojo.requireLocalization("dojo", "colors"); dojo.declare("dijit.ColorPalette", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], { // summary: A keyboard accessible color-picking widget // description: // Grid showing various colors, so the user can pick a certain color // Can be used standalone, or as a popup. // // example: // |
// // example: // | var picker = new dijit.ColorPalette({ },srcNode); // | picker.startup(); // // defaultTimeout: Number // number of milliseconds before a held key or button becomes typematic defaultTimeout: 500, // timeoutChangeRate: Number // fraction of time used to change the typematic timer between events // 1.0 means that each typematic event fires at defaultTimeout intervals // < 1.0 means that each typematic event fires at an increasing faster rate timeoutChangeRate: 0.90, // palette: String // Size of grid, either "7x10" or "3x4". palette: "7x10", //_value: String // The value of the selected color. value: null, //_currentFocus: Integer // Index of the currently focused color. _currentFocus: 0, // _xDim: Integer // This is the number of colors horizontally across. _xDim: null, // _yDim: Integer /// This is the number of colors vertically down. _yDim: null, // _palettes: Map // This represents the value of the colors. // The first level is a hashmap of the different arrays available // The next two dimensions represent the columns and rows of colors. _palettes: { "7x10": [["white", "seashell", "cornsilk", "lemonchiffon","lightyellow", "palegreen", "paleturquoise", "lightcyan", "lavender", "plum"], ["lightgray", "pink", "bisque", "moccasin", "khaki", "lightgreen", "lightseagreen", "lightskyblue", "cornflowerblue", "violet"], ["silver", "lightcoral", "sandybrown", "orange", "palegoldenrod", "chartreuse", "mediumturquoise", "skyblue", "mediumslateblue","orchid"], ["gray", "red", "orangered", "darkorange", "yellow", "limegreen", "darkseagreen", "royalblue", "slateblue", "mediumorchid"], ["dimgray", "crimson", "chocolate", "coral", "gold", "forestgreen", "seagreen", "blue", "blueviolet", "darkorchid"], ["darkslategray","firebrick","saddlebrown", "sienna", "olive", "green", "darkcyan", "mediumblue","darkslateblue", "darkmagenta" ], ["black", "darkred", "maroon", "brown", "darkolivegreen", "darkgreen", "midnightblue", "navy", "indigo", "purple"]], "3x4": [["white", "lime", "green", "blue"], ["silver", "yellow", "fuchsia", "navy"], ["gray", "red", "purple", "black"]] }, // _imagePaths: Map // This is stores the path to the palette images _imagePaths: { "7x10": dojo.moduleUrl("dijit.themes", "a11y/colors7x10.png"), "3x4": dojo.moduleUrl("dijit.themes", "a11y/colors3x4.png") }, // _paletteCoords: Map // This is a map that is used to calculate the coordinates of the // images that make up the palette. _paletteCoords: { "leftOffset": 3, "topOffset": 3, "cWidth": 20, "cHeight": 20 }, // templatePath: String // Path to the template of this widget. templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dijit", "templates/ColorPalette.html"), // _paletteDims: Object // Size of the supported palettes for alignment purposes. _paletteDims: { "7x10": {"width": "206px", "height": "145px"}, "3x4": {"width": "86px", "height": "64px"} }, // tabIndex: String // Widget tabindex. tabIndex: "0", postCreate: function(){ // A name has to be given to the colorMap, this needs to be unique per Palette. dojo.mixin(, this._paletteDims[this.palette]); this.imageNode.setAttribute("src", this._imagePaths[this.palette]); var choices = this._palettes[this.palette]; = "relative"; this._cellNodes = []; this.colorNames = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dojo", "colors", this.lang); var url = this._blankGif, colorObject = new dojo.Color(), coords = this._paletteCoords; for(var row=0; row < choices.length; row++){ for(var col=0; col < choices[row].length; col++) { var imgNode = dojo.doc.createElement("img"); imgNode.src = url; dojo.addClass(imgNode, "dijitPaletteImg"); var color = choices[row][col], colorValue = colorObject.setColor(dojo.Color.named[color]); imgNode.alt = this.colorNames[color]; imgNode.color = colorValue.toHex(); var imgStyle =; imgStyle.color = imgStyle.backgroundColor = imgNode.color; var cellNode = dojo.doc.createElement("span"); cellNode.appendChild(imgNode); dojo.forEach(["Dijitclick", "MouseEnter", "Focus", "Blur"], function(handler) { this.connect(cellNode, "on" + handler.toLowerCase(), "_onCell" + handler); }, this); this.divNode.appendChild(cellNode); var cellStyle =; = coords.topOffset + (row * coords.cHeight) + "px"; cellStyle.left = coords.leftOffset + (col * coords.cWidth) + "px"; dojo.attr(cellNode, "tabindex", "-1"); cellNode.title = this.colorNames[color]; dojo.addClass(cellNode, "dijitPaletteCell"); dijit.setWaiRole(cellNode, "gridcell"); cellNode.index = this._cellNodes.length; this._cellNodes.push(cellNode); } } this._xDim = choices[0].length; this._yDim = choices.length; this.connect(this.divNode, "onfocus", "_onDivNodeFocus"); // Now set all events // The palette itself is navigated to with the tab key on the keyboard // Keyboard navigation within the Palette is with the arrow keys // Spacebar selects the color. // For the up key the index is changed by negative the x dimension. var keyIncrementMap = { UP_ARROW: -this._xDim, // The down key the index is increase by the x dimension. DOWN_ARROW: this._xDim, // Right and left move the index by 1. RIGHT_ARROW: 1, LEFT_ARROW: -1 }; for(var key in keyIncrementMap){ this._connects.push(dijit.typematic.addKeyListener(this.domNode, {charOrCode:dojo.keys[key], ctrlKey:false, altKey:false, shiftKey:false}, this, function(){ var increment = keyIncrementMap[key]; return function(count){ this._navigateByKey(increment, count); }; }(), this.timeoutChangeRate, this.defaultTimeout)); } }, focus: function(){ // summary: // Focus this ColorPalette. Puts focus on the first swatch. this._focusFirst(); }, onChange: function(color){ // summary: // Callback when a color is selected. // color: String // Hex value corresponding to color. // console.debug("Color selected is: "+color); }, _focusFirst: function(){ this._currentFocus = 0; var cellNode = this._cellNodes[this._currentFocus]; window.setTimeout(function(){dijit.focus(cellNode)}, 0); }, _onDivNodeFocus: function(evt){ // focus bubbles on Firefox 2, so just make sure that focus has really // gone to the container if( === this.divNode){ this._focusFirst(); } }, _onFocus: function(){ // while focus is on the palette, set its tabindex to -1 so that on a // shift-tab from a cell, the container is not in the tab order dojo.attr(this.divNode, "tabindex", "-1"); }, _onBlur: function(){ this._removeCellHighlight(this._currentFocus); // when focus leaves the palette, restore its tabindex, since it was // modified by _onFocus(). dojo.attr(this.divNode, "tabindex", this.tabIndex); }, _onCellDijitclick: function(/*Event*/ evt){ // summary: // Handler for click, enter key & space key. Selects the color. // evt: // The event. var target = evt.currentTarget; if (this._currentFocus != target.index){ this._currentFocus = target.index; window.setTimeout(function(){dijit.focus(target)}, 0); } this._selectColor(target); dojo.stopEvent(evt); }, _onCellMouseEnter: function(/*Event*/ evt){ // summary: // Handler for onMouseOver. Put focus on the color under the mouse. // evt: // The mouse event. var target = evt.currentTarget; this._setCurrent(target); // redundant, but needed per safari bug where onCellFocus never called window.setTimeout(function(){dijit.focus(target)}, 0); }, _onCellFocus: function(/*Event*/ evt){ // summary: // Handler for onFocus. Removes highlight of // the color that just lost focus, and highlights // the new color. // evt: // The focus event. this._setCurrent(evt.currentTarget); }, _setCurrent: function(/*Node*/ node){ // summary: // Called when color is hovered or focused. // description: // Removes highlight of the old color, and highlights // the new color. this._removeCellHighlight(this._currentFocus); this._currentFocus = node.index; dojo.addClass(node, "dijitPaletteCellHighlight"); }, _onCellBlur: function(/*Event*/ evt){ // summary: // needed for Firefox 2 on Mac OS X this._removeCellHighlight(this._currentFocus); }, _removeCellHighlight: function(index){ dojo.removeClass(this._cellNodes[index], "dijitPaletteCellHighlight"); }, _selectColor: function(selectNode){ // summary: // This selects a color. It triggers the onChange event // area: // The area node that covers the color being selected. var img = selectNode.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; this.onChange(this.value = img.color); }, _navigateByKey: function(increment, typeCount){ // summary: // This is the callback for typematic. // It changes the focus and the highlighed color. // increment: // How much the key is navigated. // typeCount: // How many times typematic has fired. // typecount == -1 means the key is released. if(typeCount == -1){ return; } var newFocusIndex = this._currentFocus + increment; if(newFocusIndex < this._cellNodes.length && newFocusIndex > -1) { var focusNode = this._cellNodes[newFocusIndex]; focusNode.focus(); } } });