require 'calabash-android/abase' class AndroidScreenBase < Calabash::ABase def self.element(element_name, &block) define_method(element_name.to_s, *block) end class << self alias :value :element alias :action :element alias :trait :element end element(:loading_screen) {"insert_loading_view_id"} # The progress bar of the application is a custom view def wait_for_progress wait_for_element_does_not_exist("* id:'#{loading_screen}'", { :timeout => 10 } ) end def drag_to direction positions = [0,0,0,0] # [ 'from_x', 'to_x', 'from_y', 'to_y' ] case(direction) when :<%= (I18n.translate "directions.down").to_sym %> positions = [30,30,60,30] when :<%= (I18n.translate "directions.up").to_sym %> positions = [80,80,60,90] when :<%= (I18n.translate "directions.left").to_sym %> positions = [90,20,80,80] when :<%= (I18n.translate "directions.right").to_sym %> positions = [20,90,80,80] end # perform_action( 'action', 'from_x', 'to_x', 'from_y', 'to_y', 'number of steps (in this case, velocity of drag' ) perform_action('drag', positions[0], positions[1], positions[2], positions[3], 15) sleep(1) end def drag_until_element_is_visible_with_special_query direction, element drag_until_element_is_visible direction, element, "* {text CONTAINS[c] '#{element}'}" end def drag_until_element_is_visible direction, element, query = nil, limit = 15 i = 0 element_query = "" if query.nil? element_query = "* marked:'#{element}'" else element_query = query end sleep(2) while( !element_exists(element_query) and i < limit) do drag_to direction i = i + 1 end raise ("Executed #{limit} moviments #{direction.to_s} and the element '#{element}' was not found on this view!") unless i < limit end def drag_for_specified_number_of_times direction, times times.times do drag_to direction end end # Negation indicates that we want a page that doesn't has the message passed as parameter def is_on_page? page_text, negation = '' should_not_have_exception = false should_have_exception = false begin wait_for(timeout: 5) { has_text? page_text } # If negation is not nil, we should raise an error if this message was found on the view should_not_have_exception = true unless negation == '' rescue # only raise exception if negation is nil, otherwise this is the expected behaviour should_have_exception = true if negation == '' end raise "Unexpected Page. The page should not have: '#{page_text}'" if should_not_have_exception raise "Unexpected Page. Expected was: '#{page_text}'" if should_have_exception end def enter text, element, query = nil if query.nil? query( "* marked:'#{element}'", {:setText => text} ) else query( query, {:setText => text} ) end end def touch_screen_element element, query = nil query = "* id:'#{element}'" if query.nil? wait_for(timeout: 5) { element_exists(query) } touch(query) end def touch_element_by_index id, index wait_for(:timeout => 5) { element_exists("* id:'#{id}' index:#{index}") } touch("* id:'#{id}' index:#{index}") end def clear_text_field field clear_text_in("android.widget.EditText id:'#{field}'}") end def select_date_on_date_picker date, date_picker_field_id # Touch the date picker field touch "* id:'#{date_picker_field_id}'" # Setting the date set_date 'DatePicker', date.year, date.month, # Clicking in the Done button touch "* id:'button1'" end end