module MyHelp class CLI < Thor include GetConfig class_option :help_dir, :type => :string # option :help_dir, :type => :string # option :layer, :type => :numeric # THOR to SILENCE DEPRECATION # class << self def exit_on_failure? true end end package_name 'my_help' map "-v" => :version map "--version" => :version desc "version", "show version" def version print "my_help #{VERSION}" end desc "git [pull|push]", "git operations" subcommand "git", Git desc "init", "initialize my_help environment" def init(*args) config = get_config # for using methods in Config #config.ask_default init = raise "Local help dir exist." if init.help_dir_exist? puts "Choose default markup '.org' [Y or .md]? " response = $stdin.gets.chomp config.configure(:ext => response) unless response.upcase[0] == "Y" init.mk_help_dir config.save_config init.cp_templates puts "If you want change editor use my_help set editor code." end desc "set [:key] [VAL]", "set editor or ext" def set(*args) config = get_config # for using methods in Config key = args[0] || "" config.configure(key.to_sym => args[1]) config.save_config conf_file_path = config[:conf_file] puts "conf_file_path: %s" % conf_file_path puts end desc "list [HELP] [ITEM]", "list helps" # option :help_dir, :type => :string option :layer, :type => :numeric # use method_options [[]] def list(*args) config = get_config help_dir = options["help_dir"] || config[:local_help_dir] layer = options["layer"] || 1 puts, config[:ext], layer).list(*args.join(" ")) end desc "edit [HELP]", "edit help" def edit(*args) c = get_config help_name = args[0] end desc "new [HELP]", "mk new HELP" def new(*args) c = get_config help_name = args[0] help_file = File.join(c[:local_help_dir], help_name + c[:ext]) # puts res.stdout end desc "delete [HELP]", "delete HELP" def delete(*args) c = get_config help_name = args[0] help_file = File.join(c[:local_help_dir], help_name + c[:ext]) puts "Are you sure to delete #{help_file}? [YN]" responce = $stdin.gets.chomp if responce.upcase[0] == "Y" else puts "Leave #{help_file} exists." end end desc "hello", "hello" def hello name = $stdin.gets.chomp puts("Hello #{name}.") end end end