require_relative "word_dis_cleanup" module IsoDoc module Iso class WordDISConvert < WordConvert attr_accessor :bgstripcolor def default_file_locations(_options) { wordstylesheet: html_doc_path("wordstyle-dis.scss"), standardstylesheet: html_doc_path("isodoc-dis.scss"), header: html_doc_path("header-dis.html"), wordcoverpage: html_doc_path("word_iso_titlepage-dis.html"), wordintropage: html_doc_path("word_iso_intro-dis.html"), ulstyle: "l3", olstyle: "l2" } end def initialize(options) @libdir ||= File.dirname(__FILE__) # rubocop:disable Lint/DisjunctiveAssignmentInConstructor options.merge!(default_file_locations(options)) super end def init_dis(opt); end def convert1(docxml, filename, dir) update_coverpage(docxml) super end def update_coverpage(docxml) stage ="//bibdata/status/stage"))&.text substage ="//bibdata/status/substage"))&.text if /^9/.match?(stage) || (stage == "60" && substage == "60") @wordcoverpage = html_doc_path("word_iso_titlepage.html") elsif stage == "60" && substage == "00" @wordcoverpage = html_doc_path("word_iso_titlepage-prf.html") end end def figure_name_attrs(_node) { class: "FigureTitle", style: "text-align:center;" } end def table_title_attrs(_node) { class: "TableTitle", style: "text-align:center;" } end def span_parse(node, out) out.span class: node["class"] do |x| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, x) } end end def word_toc_preface(level) <<~TOC.freeze  TOC \\o "2-#{level}" \\h \\z \\t "Heading 1,1,ANNEX,1,Biblio Title,1,Foreword Title,1,Intro Title,1,ANNEXN,1,ANNEXZ,1,na2,1,na3,1,na4,1,na5,1,na6,1,Title,1,Base_Heading,1,Box-title,1,Front Head,1,Index Head,1,AMEND Terms Heading,1,AMEND Heading 1 Unnumbered,1" TOC end def make_tr_attr(cell, row, totalrows, header, bordered) super.merge(header: header) end def toWord(result, filename, dir, header) result = from_xhtml(word_cleanup(to_xhtml(result))) .gsub(/-DOUBLE_HYPHEN_ESCAPE-/, "--") @wordstylesheet = wordstylesheet_update filename: filename, imagedir: @localdir, stylesheet: @wordstylesheet&.path, header_file: header&.path, dir: dir, asciimathdelims: [@openmathdelim, @closemathdelim], liststyles: { ul: @ulstyle, ol: @olstyle } ).process(result) header&.unlink @wordstylesheet.unlink if @wordstylesheet.is_a?(Tempfile) end def middle_title(_isoxml, out) middle_title_dis(out) end def middle_title_dis(out) out.p(class: "zzSTDTitle") do |p| p << @meta.get[:doctitleintro] @meta.get[:doctitleintro] && @meta.get[:doctitlemain] and p << " — " p << @meta.get[:doctitlemain] @meta.get[:doctitlemain] && @meta.get[:doctitlepart] and p << " — " if @meta.get[:doctitlepart] b = @meta.get[:doctitlepartlabel] and p << "#{b}: " p << " #{@meta.get[:doctitlepart]}" end @meta.get[:doctitleamdlabel] || @meta.get[:doctitleamd] || @meta.get[:doctitlecorrlabel] and middle_title_dis_amd(p) end end def middle_title_dis_amd(para) para.span(style: "font-weight:normal") do |p| if a = @meta.get[:doctitleamdlabel] p << " #{a}" a = @meta.get[:doctitleamd] and p << ": #{a}" end if a = @meta.get[:doctitlecorrlabel] p << " #{a}" end end end def authority_cleanup(docxml) super if @meta.get[:stage_int].to_s[0] == "9" || @meta.get[:stage_int].to_s[0] == "6" copyright_prf(docxml) else copyright_dis(docxml) end end def copyright_prf(docxml) docxml.xpath("//p[@id = 'boilerplate-address']")&.each do |p| p["class"] = "zzCopyright" p["style"] = "text-indent:20.15pt;" p.replace(to_xml(p).gsub(%r{
}, "


")) end docxml.xpath("//p[@class = 'zzCopyrightHdr']")&.each(&:remove) end def copyright_dis(docxml) docxml.xpath("//p[@id = 'boilerplate-address']")&.each do |p| p["class"] = "zzCopyright" p.replace(to_xml(p).gsub(%r{
}, "


")) end docxml.xpath("//p[@class = 'zzCopyrightHdr']")&.each(&:remove) end end end end