module Backup class Logger class Console class Options ## # Disables all console output. # # This may also be set on the command line using +--quiet+. # # If +--no-quiet+ is used on the command line, console output # will be enabled and any setting here will be ignored. # # @param [Boolean, nil] # @return [Boolean, nil] Default: +false+ attr_reader :quiet def initialize @quiet = false end def enabled? !quiet end def quiet=(val) @quiet = val unless quiet.nil? end end COLORS = { info: "\e[32m%s\e[0m", # green warn: "\e[33m%s\e[0m", # yellow error: "\e[31m%s\e[0m" # red } def initialize(_options = nil) $stdout.sync = $stderr.sync = true end def log(message) io = message.level == :info ? $stdout : $stderr lines = message.formatted_lines! { |line| COLORS[message.level] % line } if io.tty? io.puts lines end end end end