require 'spec_helper' require 'lucid/cli/options' module Lucid module CLI describe Options do before(:each) do Kernel.stub(:exit).and_return(nil) end def output_stream @output_stream ||= end def error_stream @error_stream ||= end def options @options ||=, error_stream) end def prep_args(args) args.is_a?(Array) ? args : args.split(' ') end def with_this_configuration(info) Dir.stub(:glob).with('{,.config/,config/}lucid{.yml,.yaml}').and_return(['lucid.yml']) File.stub(:exist?).and_return(true) lucid_yml = info.is_a?(Hash) ? info.to_yaml : info IO.stub(:read).with('lucid.yml').and_return(lucid_yml) end describe 'parsing options' do def during_parsing(command) yield options.parse(prep_args(command)) end def after_parsing(command) options.parse(prep_args(command)) yield end context '--version' do it 'should display Lucid version' do after_parsing('--version') do output_stream.string.should =~ /#{Lucid::VERSION}/ end end it 'should exit from any Lucid execution' do during_parsing('--version') { Kernel.should_receive(:exit) } end end context 'environment variables' do it 'should put all environment variables into a hash' do after_parsing('MODE=symbiont AUTOSPEC=true') do options[:env_vars].should == {'MODE' => 'symbiont', 'AUTOSPEC' => 'true'} end end end context '--i18n' do context "with LANG specified as 'help'" do it 'lists all known languages' do during_parsing '--i18n help' do Kernel.should_receive(:exit) end end it 'exits the program' do during_parsing('--i18n help') { Kernel.should_receive(:exit) } end end end context '-r or --require' do it 'should collect all specified files into an array' do after_parsing('--require file_a.rb -r file_b.rb') do options[:require].should == ['file_a.rb', 'file_b.rb'] end end end context '-n NAME or --name NAME' do it 'should store provided scenario names as regular expressions' do after_parsing('-n sc1 --name sc2') { options[:name_regexps].should == [/sc1/,/sc2/] } end end context '-l LINES or --lines LINES' do it 'should add line numbers to spec files' do options.parse(%w{-l 42 FILE}) options.instance_variable_get(:@args).should == ['FILE:42'] end end context '-e PATTERN or --exclude PATTERN' do it 'should stored provided exclusions as regular expressions' do after_parsing('-e file1 --exclude file2') { options[:excludes].should == [/file1/,/file2/] } end end context '-b or --backtrace' do it 'should use a full backtrace during Lucid execution' do during_parsing('-b') do Lucid.should_receive(:use_full_backtrace=).with(true) end end end context '-t TAGS --tags TAGS' do it 'should store tags passed with different --tags options separately' do after_parsing('--tags @smoke --tags @wip') { options[:tag_expressions].should == ['@smoke', '@wip'] } end it 'should designate tags prefixed with ~ as tags to be excluded' do after_parsing('--tags ~@smoke,@wip') { options[:tag_expressions].should == ['~@smoke,@wip'] } end end context '-f FORMAT or --format FORMAT' do it 'should default to using the standard output stream (STDOUT) formatter' do after_parsing('-f standard') { options[:formats].should == [['standard', output_stream]] } end end context '-o [FILE|DIR] or --out [FILE|DIR]' do it 'should default to the standard formatter when not specified' do after_parsing('-o file.txt') { options[:formats].should == [['standard', 'file.txt']] } end it 'should set the output for the formatter defined for each option' do after_parsing('-f profile --out file.txt -f standard -o file2.txt') do options[:formats].should == [['profile', 'file.txt'], ['standard', 'file2.txt']] end end end context '-P or --no-profile' do it 'disables profiles' do with_this_configuration({'default' => '-v --require code_file.rb'}) after_parsing('-P --require other_code_file.rb') do options[:require].should == ['other_code_file.rb'] end end it 'notifies the user that the profiles are being disabled' do with_this_configuration({'default' => '-v'}) after_parsing('--no-profile --require other_code_file.rb') do output_stream.string.should =~ /Disabling profiles.../ end end end context '-p PROFILE or --profile PROFILE' do it 'respects --quiet when defined in the profile' do with_this_configuration('test' => '-q') options.parse(%w[-p test]) options[:matchers].should be_false options[:source].should be_false end it 'uses the default profile passed in during initialization if none is specified by the user' do with_this_configuration({'default' => '--require test_helper'}) options =, error_stream, :default_profile => 'default') options.parse(%w{--format progress}) options[:require].should include('test_helper') end it 'merges all unique values from both the command line and the profile' do with_this_configuration('test' => %w[--verbose]) options.parse(%w[--wip --profile test]) options[:wip].should be_true options[:verbose].should be_true end it 'gives precedence to the original options spec source path' do with_this_configuration('test' => %w[specs]) options.parse(%w[test.spec -p test]) options[:spec_source].should == %w[test.spec] end it 'combines the require files of both' do with_this_configuration('bar' => %w[--require specs -r helper.rb]) options.parse(%w[--require test.rb -p bar]) options[:require].should == %w[test.rb specs helper.rb] end it 'combines the tag names of both' do with_this_configuration('test' => %w[-t @smoke]) options.parse(%w[--tags @wip -p test]) options[:tag_expressions].should == ['@wip', '@smoke'] end it 'only takes the paths from the original options, and disregards the profiles' do with_this_configuration('test' => %w[specs]) options.parse(%w[test.spec -p test]) options[:spec_source].should == ['test.spec'] end it 'uses the paths from the profile when none are specified originally' do with_this_configuration('test' => %w[test.spec]) options.parse(%w[-p test]) options[:spec_source].should == ['test.spec'] end it 'combines environment variables from the profile but gives precedence to command line args' do with_this_configuration('test' => %w[BROWSER=firefox DRIVER=mechanize]) options.parse(%w[-p test DRIVER=watir CI=jenkins]) options[:env_vars].should == {'CI' => 'jenkins', 'BROWSER' => 'firefox', 'DRIVER' => 'watir'} end it 'disregards STDOUT formatter defined in profile when another is passed in via command line' do with_this_configuration({'test' => %w[--format standard]}) options.parse(%w{--format progress --profile test}) options[:formats].should == [['progress', output_stream]] end it 'includes any non-STDOUT formatters from the profile' do with_this_configuration({'report' => %w[--format html -o results.html]}) options.parse(%w{--format progress --profile report}) options[:formats].should == [['progress', output_stream], ['html', 'results.html']] end it 'does not include STDOUT formatters from the profile if there is a STDOUT formatter in command line' do with_this_configuration({'report' => %w[--format html -o results.html --format standard]}) options.parse(%w{--format progress --profile report}) options[:formats].should == [['progress', output_stream], ['html', 'results.html']] end it 'includes any STDOUT formatters from the profile if no STDOUT formatter was specified in command line' do with_this_configuration({'report' => %w[--format html]}) options.parse(%w{--format rerun -o rerun.txt --profile report}) options[:formats].should == [['html', output_stream], ['rerun', 'rerun.txt']] end it 'assumes all of the formatters defined in the profile when none are specified on command line' do with_this_configuration({'report' => %w[--format progress --format html -o results.html]}) options.parse(%w{--profile report}) options[:formats].should == [['progress', output_stream], ['html', 'results.html']] end it 'only reads lucid.yml once' do original_parse_count = $lucid_yml_read_count $lucid_yml_read_count = 0 begin with_this_configuration(<<-END <% $lucid_yml_read_count += 1 %> default: --format standard END ) options =, error_stream, :default_profile => 'default') options.parse(%w(-f progress)) $lucid_yml_read_count.should == 1 ensure $lucid_yml_read_count = original_parse_count end end end context '-P or --no-profile' do it 'disables profiles' do with_this_configuration({'default' => '-v --require file_specified_in_default_profile.rb'}) after_parsing('-P --require test_helper.rb') do options[:require].should == ['test_helper.rb'] end end it 'notifies the user that the profiles are being disabled' do with_this_configuration({'default' => '-v'}) after_parsing('--no-profile --require test_helper.rb') do output_stream.string.should =~ /Disabling profiles.../ end end end context '--matcher-type' do it 'parses the matcher type argument' do after_parsing('--matcher-type classic') do options[:matcher_type].should eql :classic end end end it 'assigns any extra arguments as paths to specs' do after_parsing('-f pretty test.spec other_specs') do options[:spec_source].should == ['test.spec', 'other_specs'] end end it 'does not mistake environment variables as spec paths' do after_parsing('test.spec ENV=ci') do options[:spec_source].should == ['test.spec'] end end describe 'dry-run' do it 'should have the default value for matchers' do with_this_configuration({'test' => %w[--dry-run]}) options.parse(%w{--dry-run}) options[:matchers].should == true end it 'should set matchers to false when no-matchers is provided after dry-run' do with_this_configuration({'test' => %w[--dry-run --no-snippets]}) options.parse(%w{--dry-run --no-matchers}) options[:matchers].should == false end it 'should set matchers to false when no-matchers is provided before dry-run' do with_this_configuration({'test' => %w[--no-snippet --dry-run]}) options.parse(%w{--no-matchers --dry-run}) options[:matchers].should == false end end end end end end