# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # The current require dance for different Ruby versions. # Change this to suit your requirements. # if Kernel.respond_to?(:require_relative) require_relative("./stomp11_common") else $LOAD_PATH << File.dirname(__FILE__) require "stomp11_common" end include Stomp11Common # # == Stomp 1.1 Send/Receive Example - Repeated Headers # # Purpose: to demonstrate sending and receiving using Stomp 1.1, and an unusual # aspect of the specification. What is demonstrated here is the use of # 'repeated headers'. Note that brokers MAY support repeated headers as # demonstrated, but are not required to provide this support. This example # should run against the Apollo broker. It will *not* currently run against # RabbitMQ. YMMV depending on your broker. # # See: http://stomp.github.com/stomp-specification-1.1.html#Repeated_Header_Entries # class RepeatedHeadersExample # Initialize. def initialize end # Run example. def run conn = get_connection() # Use helper method to obtain a Stomp#connection raise "Unexpected protocol level" if conn.protocol != Stomp::SPL_11 # # The gem supports repeated headers by allowing the 'value' part of a header # to be an Array instance. # # On 'publish', all values in the Array are placed on the wire and sent to the # broker in order. # # On 'receive', if repeated headers are detected, an Array instance is created # to hold the repeated values. This is presented the the calling client to # be processed per client requirements. # qname = "/queue/nodea.nodeb.nodec" data = "message payload: #{Time.now.to_f}" key2_repeats = ["key2val3", "key2val2", "key2val1" ] headers = {"key1" => "value1", # A normal header "key2" => key2_repeats, # A repeated header "key3" => "value3", # Another normal header } # # Ship it. # conn.publish qname, data , headers puts "Sent data: #{data}" # # Receive phase. # uuid = conn.uuid() conn.subscribe qname, {"id" => uuid} received = conn.receive conn.unsubscribe qname, {"id" => uuid} # # Check that we received what we sent. # raise "Unexpected payload" unless data == received.body raise "Missing key" unless received.headers["key2"] raise "Repeats not present" unless received.headers.has_value?(key2_repeats) raise "Unexpected repeat values" unless key2_repeats == received.headers["key2"] # # Demonstrate how to process repeated headers received by display of those # received headers for a visual check. # received.headers.each_pair do |k,v| if v.is_a?(Array) v.each do |e| puts "#{k}:#{e}" end else puts "#{k}:#{v}" end end # # And finally, disconnect. # conn.disconnect end end # e = RepeatedHeadersExample.new e.run