module NoCms::Menus::MenuHelper def active_menu_item_ids menu menu.menu_items.active_for(menu_activation_params).map{|i| i.self_and_ancestors.pluck(:id)}.flatten.uniq end def leaf_menu_item_ids menu menu.menu_items.leaves_with_draft.no_drafts.pluck(:id) end def conditional_cache_menu menu, cache_options = {} cache_options = cache_options.dup cache_options.reverse_merge! initial_cache_key: 'menu-', cache_enabled: NoCms::Menus.cache_enabled if cache_options[:cache_enabled] Rails.cache.fetch cache_key_for_menu(menu, cache_options) do yield end else yield end end def cache_key_for_menu menu, options = {} options[:timestamp] ||= [menu.updated_at, menu.menu_items.maximum(:updated_at)].max.to_i options[:active_menu_items] ||= active_menu_item_ids menu "menus/#{options[:initial_cache_key]}-#{menu.uid}-" + # We use the menu uid "#{options[:timestamp]}" + # And the last updated date from the last updated item (or the menu itself) "-#{options[:active_menu_items].join("_")}" # And which menu items should be selected end def show_menu menu_or_uid, options = {} menu = if menu_or_uid.is_a? NoCms::Menus::Menu menu_or_uid else NoCms::Menus::Menu.find_by(uid: menu_or_uid) end return '' if menu.nil? options[:active_menu_items] ||= active_menu_item_ids menu conditional_cache_menu menu, options do options.reverse_merge! menu_class: 'menu' options[:leaves_menu_items] ||= leaf_menu_item_ids menu content_tag(:ul, class: options[:menu_class]) do raw menu.menu_items.roots.no_drafts.includes(:translations).reorder(position: :asc).map{|r| show_submenu r, options }.join end.to_s end end def show_submenu menu_item, options = {} return '' if menu_item.draft? options[:active_menu_items] ||= active_menu_item_ids options = options.reverse_merge(initial_cache_key: "submenu-#{}") conditional_cache_menu, options.merge(initial_cache_key: "#{options[:initial_cache_key]}/#{}/#{menu_item.updated_at.to_i}") do options[:leaves_menu_items] ||= leaf_menu_item_ids has_children = (!options[:depth] || (menu_item.depth < options[:depth]-1)) && # There's no depth option or we are below that depth AND !options[:leaves_menu_items].include?( # This menu item is not a leaf options.reverse_merge! current_class: 'active', with_children_class: 'has-children' item_classes = ['menu_item'] item_classes << options[:current_class] if options[:active_menu_items].include?( item_classes << options[:with_children_class] if has_children item_classes += menu_item.css_class.split(' ') unless menu_item.css_class.blank? content_tag(:li, class: item_classes.join(' ')) do # And finally get the link content = link_to_menu_item menu_item content += show_children_submenu(menu_item, options) if has_children content end end end def show_children_submenu menu_item, options = {} options = options.dup options[:active_menu_items] ||= active_menu_item_ids options = options.reverse_merge(initial_cache_key: "children-submenu-#{}") conditional_cache_menu, options.merge(initial_cache_key: "#{options[:initial_cache_key]}/#{}/#{menu_item.updated_at.to_i}") do options[:leaves_menu_items] ||= leaf_menu_item_ids has_children = (!options[:depth] || (menu_item.depth < options[:depth]-1)) && # There's no depth option or we are below that depth AND !options[:leaves_menu_items].include?( # This menu item is not a leaf options.reverse_merge! current_class: 'active', with_children_class: 'has-children' submenu_id = options.delete :submenu_id if options[:submenu_class].is_a? Array options[:submenu_class] = options[:submenu_class].dup submenu_class = options[:submenu_class].shift else submenu_class = options.delete :submenu_class end content_tag(:ul, id: submenu_id, class: submenu_class) do raw menu_item.children.no_drafts.includes(:translations).reorder(position: :asc).map{|c| show_submenu c, options }.join end if has_children end end def menu_activation_params { object: menu_object, action: "#{params[:controller]}##{params[:action]}" } end def menu_object return @menu_object unless @menu_object.nil? @menu_object ||= instance_variable_get("@#{menu_object_name}") end def menu_object_name controller.controller_name.singularize end def current_menu_items_in_menu menu menu = NoCms::Menus::Menu.find_by(uid: menu) if menu.is_a? String return NoCms::Menus::MenuItem.none if menu.nil? menu.menu_items.active_for menu_activation_params end def current_roots_in_menu menu menu = NoCms::Menus::Menu.find_by(uid: menu) if menu.is_a? String return NoCms::Menus::MenuItem.none if menu.nil? current_menu_items_in_menu_at_level menu, 1 end def current_menu_items_in_menu_at_level menu, level menu = NoCms::Menus::Menu.find_by(uid: menu) if menu.is_a? String return NoCms::Menus::MenuItem.none if menu.nil? current_menu_items_in_menu(menu).map{|c| c.self_and_ancestors.where(depth: level-1) }.flatten end def menu_item_path menu_item # If this menu item points to a route in other engine we need that engines route set menu_item_route_set = menu_item.route_set.nil? ? main_app : send(menu_item.route_set) # Now we get the url_for info and if it's a hash then add the :only_path option url_info = menu_item.url_for url_info[:only_path] = true if url_info.is_a? Hash # When url_info is an ActiveRecord object we have to use polymorphic_path instead of url_for url_info.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) ? menu_item_route_set.polymorphic_path(url_info) : menu_item_route_set.url_for(url_info) end def link_to_menu_item menu_item, link_options={} # Adding link options (turbolink and rel) link_options['data-no-turbolink'] = true unless menu_item.turbolinks link_options[:rel] = menu_item.rel unless menu_item.rel.blank? # And finally get the link link_to, menu_item_path(menu_item), link_options end end