# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative './options_helpers.rb' # This class executes a system command to retrieve the git history, which is passed through `rg` # (ripgrep), and then ultimately is fed back to `fcom` for parsing. class Fcom::Querier include ::Fcom::OptionsHelpers def initialize(options) @options = options end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def query expression_to_match = search_string expression_to_match = Regexp.escape(expression_to_match).gsub('\\ ', ' ') unless regex_mode? if expression_to_match.nil? || expression_to_match.empty? puts('provide expression to match as first argument') exit end quote = expression_to_match.include?('"') ? "'" : '"' command = <<~COMMAND.squish git log #{%(--author="#{author}") if author} #{"--since=#{days}.day" unless days.nil?} --full-diff --no-textconv --format="commit %s|%H|%an|%cr (%ci)" --source -p #{path} | rg #{quote}(#{expression_to_match})|(^commit )|(^diff )#{quote} --color never #{'--ignore-case' if ignore_case?} #{@options[:rg_options]} | #{'exe/' if development?}fcom #{quote}#{search_string}#{quote} #{"--days #{days}" if days} #{'--regex' if regex_mode?} #{'--debug' if debug?} #{'--ignore-case' if ignore_case?} --path #{path} --parse-mode --repo #{repo} COMMAND Fcom.logger.debug("Executing command: #{command}") system(command) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity end