developmentConsole = Luca.register "" developmentConsole.extends "Luca.Container" developmentConsole.defines className: "luca-ui-console" name: "console" history: [] historyIndex: 0 width: 1000 componentEvents: "input key:keyup" : "historyUp" "input key:keydown" : "historyDown" "input key:enter" : "runCommand" compileOptions: bare: true components:[ type: "code_mirror_field" role: "code_mirror" additionalClassNames: "clearfix" name: "code_output" readOnly: true lineNumbers: false mode: "javascript" lineWrapping: true gutter: false , type: "text_field" name: "code_input" role: "input" lineNumbers: false height: '30px' maxHeight: '30px' gutter: false autoBindEventHandlers: true hideLabel: true prepend: "Coffee>" events: "keypress input" : "onKeyEvent" "keydown input" : "onKeyEvent" onKeyEvent: (keyEvent)-> if keyEvent.type is "keypress" and keyEvent.keyCode is Luca.keys.ENTER @trigger("key:enter", @getValue()) if keyEvent.type is "keydown" and keyEvent.keyCode is Luca.keys.KEYUP @trigger("key:keyup") if keyEvent.type is "keydown" and keyEvent.keyCode is Luca.keys.KEYDOWN @trigger("key:keydown") afterRender: ()-> @$('input').focus() ] afterRender: ()-> @$container().modal(backdrop: false) if @width? marginLeft = parseInt(@width) * 0.5 * -1 @$container().css("width", @width).css('margin-left', parseInt(marginLeft) ) show: (options={})-> @$container().modal('show') @ getContext: ()-> window initialize: ()-> @_super("initialize", @, arguments) _.bindAll @, "historyUp", "historyDown", "onSuccess", "onError", "runCommand" saveHistory: (command)-> @history.push( command ) if command?.length > 0 @historyIndex = 0 historyUp: ()-> @historyIndex -= 1 @historyIndex = 0 if @historyIndex < 0 currentValue = @getInput().getValue() @getInput().setValue( @history[ @historyIndex ] || currentValue ) historyDown: ()-> @historyIndex += 1 @historyIndex = @history.length - 1 if @historyIndex > @history.length - 1 currentValue = @getInput().getValue() @getInput().setValue( @history[ @historyIndex ] || currentValue) append: (code, result, skipFormatting=false)-> output = @getCodeMirror() current = output.getValue() source = "// #{ code }" if code? payload = if skipFormatting or code.match(/^console\.log/) [current,result] else [current,source, result] output.setValue( _.compact(payload).join("\n") ) output.getCodeMirror().scrollTo(0,90000) onSuccess: (result, js, coffee)-> @saveHistory(coffee) dump = "" if _.isArray( result ) or _.isObject( result ) or _.isString( result ) or _.isNumber(result) dump = JSON.stringify(result, null, "\t") dump ||= result.toString?() @append(js, dump || "undefined") onError: (error, js, coffee)-> @append(js, "// ERROR: #{ error.message }") evaluateCode: (code, raw)-> return unless code?.length > 0 raw = _.string.strip(raw) output = @getCodeMirror() dev = @ evaluator = ()-> old_console = window.console console = log: ()-> for arg in arguments dev.append(undefined, arg, true) log = console.log try result = eval( code ) catch error window.console = old_console throw(error) window.console = old_console result try result = @getContext() ) # capture luca objects for special inspection if Luca.isComponent( result ) result = Luca.util.inspectComponent( result ) else if Luca.isComponentPrototype( result ) result = Luca.util.inspectComponentPrototype( result ) @onSuccess(result, code, raw) unless raw.match(/^console\.log/) catch error @onError(error, code, raw) runCommand: ()-> dev = @ compile = _.bind(, @) raw = @getInput().getValue() compiled = compile raw, (compiled)-> dev.evaluateCode(compiled, raw) Luca.util.launchers ||= {} Luca.util.inspectComponentPrototype = (componentPrototype)-> liveInstances = Luca.registry.findInstancesByClass( componentPrototype ) Luca.util.inspectComponent = (component)-> component = Luca(component) if _.isString(component) { name: instanceOf: component.displayName subclassOf: component._superClass()::displayName inheritsFrom: Luca.parentClasses( component ) } Luca.util.launchers.developmentConsole = (name="luca-development-console")-> @_lucaDevConsole = Luca name, ()=> @$el.append Backbone.View::make("div", id: "#{ name }-wrapper", class: "modal fade large") dconsole = new name: name container: "##{ name }-wrapper" dconsole.render() dconsole.getCodeMirror().setHeight(602) Luca(name)