require 'rake/clean' # require 'rake/packagetask' # require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'rubygems' require 'rubygems/package_task' task :default => :test DLEXT = RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT'] VERS = '0.2.1' spec = do |s| = "rpeg-multimarkdown" s.version = VERS s.summary = "Fast MultiMarkdown implementation" s.description =<<-EOF A Ruby extension to process MultiMarkdown-formatted text, using Fletcher Penney's C peg-multimarkdown implementation. EOF s.files = FileList[ 'README.markdown','LICENSE','Rakefile', '{lib,ext,test}/**.rb','ext/*.{c,h}', 'test/MultiMarkdownTest/**/*', 'bin/rpeg-multimarkdown' ] s.bindir = 'bin' s.executables << 'rpeg-multimarkdown' s.require_path = 'lib' s.extra_rdoc_files = ['LICENSE'] s.test_files = FileList['test/multimarkdown_test.rb'] s.extensions = ['ext/extconf.rb'] s.authors = ['Oliver Whyte','Ryan Tomayko'] = ['',''] s.homepage = '' s.rubyforge_project = 'rpeg-multimarkdown' end # For Mac OS X -- prevents prevent additional ._* files being added to tarball ENV['COPYFILE_DISABLE'] = 'true' do |pkg| pkg.need_tar_gz = true pkg.need_tar = false pkg.need_zip = false end namespace :submodule do desc 'Init the peg-multimarkdown submodule' task :init do |t| unless File.exist? 'peg-multimarkdown/markdown.c' rm_rf 'peg-multimarkdown' sh 'git submodule init peg-multimarkdown' sh 'git submodule update peg-multimarkdown' end end desc 'Update the peg-multimarkdown submodule' task :update => :init do sh 'git submodule update peg-multimarkdown' unless File.symlink?('peg-multimarkdown') end file 'peg-multimarkdown/markdown.c' do Rake::Task['submodule:init'].invoke end task :exist => 'peg-multimarkdown/markdown.c' end desc 'Gather required peg-multimarkdown sources into extension directory' task :gather => 'submodule:exist' do |t| sh 'cd peg-multimarkdown && make markdown_parser.c' files = FileList[ 'peg-multimarkdown/markdown_{peg.h,parser.c,output.c,lib.c,lib.h}', 'peg-multimarkdown/{utility,parsing}_functions.{c,h}', 'peg-multimarkdown/odf.{c,h}' ] cp files, 'ext/', :preserve => true, :verbose => true end file 'ext/Makefile' => FileList['ext/{extconf.rb,*.c,*.h,*.rb}'] do chdir('ext') { ruby 'extconf.rb' } end CLEAN.include 'ext/Makefile' file "ext/peg_multimarkdown.#{DLEXT}" => FileList['ext/Makefile', 'ext/*.{c,h,rb}'] do |f| sh 'cd ext && make' end CLEAN.include 'ext/*.{o,bundle,so}' file "lib/peg_multimarkdown.#{DLEXT}" => "ext/peg_multimarkdown.#{DLEXT}" do |f| cp f.prerequisites, "lib/", :preserve => true end CLEAN.include "lib/*.{so,bundle}" desc 'Build the peg_multimarkdown extension' task :build => "lib/peg_multimarkdown.#{DLEXT}" desc 'Run unit and conformance tests' task :test => [ 'test:unit', 'test:conformance' ] desc 'Run unit tests' task 'test:unit' => [:build] do |t| ruby 'test/multimarkdown_test.rb' end desc "Run conformance tests" task 'test:conformance' => [:build] do |t| script = "#{pwd}/bin/rpeg-multimarkdown" chdir("test/MultiMarkdownTest") do sh "./ --script='#{script}' --flags='-c' --tidy" sh "./ --script='#{script}' --testdir='MultiMarkdownTests'" sh "./ --script='#{script}' --testdir='MultiMarkdownTests' --flags='-t latex' --ext='.tex'" sh "./ --script='#{script}' --testdir='BeamerTests' --flags='-t latex' --ext='.tex'" sh "./ --script='#{script}' --testdir='MemoirTests' --flags='-t latex' --ext='.tex'" end end desc 'Run conformance suite' task 'test:conformance' => [:build] do |t| Rake::Task['test:conformance'].invoke end desc 'Run unit and conformance tests' task :test => %w[test:unit test:conformance] desc 'Run benchmarks' task :benchmark => :build do |t| $:.unshift 'lib' load 'test/benchmark.rb' end desc "See how much memory we're losing" task 'test:mem' => %w[submodule:exist build] do |t| $: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "lib") require 'multimarkdown' FileList['test/mem.txt', 'peg-multimarkdown/MarkdownTest/Tests/*.text'].each do |file| printf "%s: \n", file multimarkdown =,:compatibility) iterations = (ENV['N'] || 100).to_i total, growth = [], [] iterations.times do |i| start = GC.start multimarkdown.to_html duration = - start GC.start total << `ps -o rss= -p #{}`.to_i next if i == 0 growth << (total.last - (total[-2] || 0)) # puts "%03d: %06.02f ms / %dK used / %dK growth" % [ i, duration, total.last, growth.last ] end average = growth.inject(0) { |sum,x| sum + x } / growth.length printf " %dK avg growth (per run) / %dK used (after %d runs)\n", average, total.last, iterations end end # ========================================================== # Rubyforge # ========================================================== PKGNAME = "pkg/rpeg-multimarkdown-#{VERS}" desc 'Publish new release to rubyforge' task :release => [ "#{PKGNAME}.gem", "#{PKGNAME}.tar.gz" ] do |t| sh "gem push #{PKGNAME}.gem" end