class Redis # Defines base functionality for all redis-objects. class BaseObject def initialize(key, *args) @key = key.is_a?(Array) ? key.flatten.join(':') : key @options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} @myredis = args.first end # Dynamically query the handle to enable resetting midstream def redis @myredis || ::Redis::Objects.redis end alias :inspect :to_s # Ruby 1.9.2 def set_expiration if !@options[:expiration].nil? redis.expire(@key, @options[:expiration]) if redis.ttl(@key) < 0 elsif !@options[:expireat].nil? redis.expireat(@key, @options[:expireat].to_i) if redis.ttl(@key) < 0 end end class << self def expiration_filter(*names) names.each do |name| if ['=', '?', '!'].include? name.to_s[-1] with_name = "#{name[0..-2]}_with_expiration#{name[-1]}".to_sym without_name = "#{name[0..-2]}_without_expiration#{name[-1]}".to_sym else with_name = "#{name}_with_expiration".to_sym without_name = "#{name}_without_expiration".to_sym end alias_method without_name, name define_method(with_name) do |*args| result = send(without_name, *args) set_expiration result end alias_method name, with_name end end end end end