#!/usr/bin/perl # Script to remove all files installed by the OSX pandoc installer # and unregister the package. Modified from a script contributed # by Daniel T. Staal. use warnings; use strict; use File::Spec; # The main info: this is the list of files to remove and the pkg_id. my $pkg_id = 'net.johnmacfarlane.pandoc'; # Find which, if any, volume Pandoc is installed on. my $volume; # First check /, then other volumes on the box. my $cur_test = `pkgutil --pkgs=$pkg_id`; if ( $cur_test =~ m/$pkg_id/ ) { $volume = '/'; } else { opendir( my $dh, '/Volumes' ) or die "Can't list Volumes: $!\n"; foreach my $dir ( readdir($dh) ) { next if $dir =~ m/^\./; # Skip dotfiles. my $path = File::Spec->rel2abs( $dir, '/Volumes' ); next if !( -d $path ); # Skip anything that isn't a directory. my $cur_test = `pkgutil --pkgs=$pkg_id --volume '$path'`; if ( $cur_test =~ m/$pkg_id/ ) { $volume = $path; last; } } } die "Pandoc not installed.\n" if !( defined($volume) ); # Get the list of files to remove. my @pkg_files = `pkgutil --volume '$volume' --only-files --files '$pkg_id'`; @pkg_files = map { chomp; File::Spec->rel2abs($_, $volume) } @pkg_files; # Confirm uninistall with the user. print "The following files will be deleted:\n\n"; print join("\n", @pkg_files); print "\n\n"; print "Do you want to proceed and uninstall pandoc (Y/N)?"; my $input = <STDIN>; if ($input =~ m/^[Yy]/) { # Actually remove the files. foreach my $file (@pkg_files) { if ( -e $file ) { if ( system( 'sudo', 'rm', $file ) == 0 ) { warn "Deleted $file\n"; } else { warn "Unable to delete $file: $?\n"; die "Aborting Uninstall.\n"; } } else { warn "File $file does not exist. Skipping.\n"; } } # Clean up the install. if (system('sudo', 'pkgutil', '--forget', $pkg_id, '--volume', $volume) != 0) { die "Unable to clean up install: $?\n"; } } else { print "OK, aborting uninstall.\n"; exit; } print "Pandoc has been successfully uninstalled.\n"; exit;