require 'new_relic/control'
require 'new_relic/data_serialization'
# = New Relic Ruby Agent
# New Relic is a performance monitoring application for applications
# running in production. For more information on New Relic please visit
# The New Relic Ruby Agent can be installed in Rails applications to
# gather runtime performance metrics, traces, and errors for display
# in a Developer Mode middleware (mapped to /newrelic in your application
# server) or for monitoring and analysis at
# with just about any Ruby application.
# == Getting Started
# For instructions on installation and setup, see
# the README[link:./files/README_rdoc.html] file.
# == Using with Rack/Metal
# To instrument Rack middlwares or Metal apps, refer to the docs in
# NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::Rack.
# == Ruby Agent API
# For details on the Ruby Agent API, refer to NewRelic::Agent.
# == Customizing the Ruby Agent
# For detailed information on customizing the Ruby Agent
# please visit our {support and documentation site}[].
module NewRelic
# == Ruby Agent APIs
# This module contains the public API methods for the Ruby Agent.
# For adding custom instrumentation to method invocations, refer to
# the docs in the class NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer.
# For information on how to customize the controller
# instrumentation, or to instrument something other than Rails so
# that high level dispatcher actions or background tasks show up as
# first class operations in New Relic, refer to
# NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::ControllerInstrumentation and
# NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::ControllerInstrumentation::ClassMethods.
# Methods in this module as well as documented methods in
# NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer and
# NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::ControllerInstrumentation are
# available to applications. When the agent is not enabled the
# method implementations are stubbed into no-ops to reduce overhead.
# Methods and classes in other parts of the agent are not guaranteed
# to be available between releases.
# Refer to the online docs at to see how to
# access the data collected by custom instrumentation, or e-mail
# support at New Relic for help.
module Agent
extend self
require 'new_relic/version'
require 'new_relic/local_environment'
require 'new_relic/stats'
require 'new_relic/metrics'
require 'new_relic/metric_spec'
require 'new_relic/metric_data'
require 'new_relic/collection_helper'
require 'new_relic/transaction_analysis'
require 'new_relic/transaction_sample'
require 'new_relic/url_rule'
require 'new_relic/noticed_error'
require 'new_relic/timer_lib'
require 'new_relic/agent'
require 'new_relic/agent/chained_call'
require 'new_relic/agent/browser_monitoring'
require 'new_relic/agent/agent'
require 'new_relic/agent/shim_agent'
require 'new_relic/agent/method_tracer'
require 'new_relic/agent/worker_loop'
require 'new_relic/agent/stats_engine'
require 'new_relic/agent/transaction_sampler'
require 'new_relic/agent/sql_sampler'
require 'new_relic/agent/error_collector'
require 'new_relic/agent/busy_calculator'
require 'new_relic/agent/sampler'
require 'new_relic/agent/database'
require 'new_relic/agent/transaction_info'
require 'new_relic/agent/instrumentation/controller_instrumentation'
require 'new_relic/agent/samplers/cpu_sampler'
require 'new_relic/agent/samplers/memory_sampler'
require 'new_relic/agent/samplers/object_sampler'
require 'new_relic/agent/samplers/delayed_job_lock_sampler'
require 'set'
require 'thread'
require 'resolv'
# An exception that is thrown by the server if the agent license is invalid.
class LicenseException < StandardError; end
# An exception that forces an agent to stop reporting until its mongrel is restarted.
class ForceDisconnectException < StandardError; end
# An exception that forces an agent to restart.
class ForceRestartException < StandardError; end
# Used to blow out of a periodic task without logging a an error, such as for routine
# failures.
class ServerConnectionException < StandardError; end
# Used for when a transaction trace or error report has too much
# data, so we reset the queue to clear the extra-large item
class PostTooBigException < ServerConnectionException; end
# Reserved for future use. Meant to represent a problem on the server side.
class ServerError < StandardError; end
class BackgroundLoadingError < StandardError; end
@agent = nil
# The singleton Agent instance. Used internally.
def agent #:nodoc:
@agent || raise("Plugin not initialized!")
def agent=(new_instance)#:nodoc:
@agent = new_instance
alias instance agent #:nodoc:
# Get or create a statistics gatherer that will aggregate numerical data
# under a metric name.
# +metric_name+ should follow a slash separated path convention. Application
# specific metrics should begin with "Custom/".
# Return a NewRelic::Stats that accepts data
# via calls to add_data_point(value).
def get_stats(metric_name, use_scope=false)
agent.stats_engine.get_stats(metric_name, use_scope)
alias get_stats_no_scope get_stats
# Get the logger for the agent. Available after the agent has initialized.
# This sends output to the agent log file. If the agent has not initialized
# a standard output logger is returned.
def logger
control = NewRelic::Control.instance(false)
if control
require 'logger'
@stdoutlog ||= $stdout
# Call this to manually start the Agent in situations where the Agent does
# not auto-start.
# When the app environment loads, so does the Agent. However, the
# Agent will only connect to the service if a web front-end is found. If
# you want to selectively monitor ruby processes that don't use
# web plugins, then call this method in your code and the Agent
# will fire up and start reporting to the service.
# Options are passed in as overrides for values in the
# newrelic.yml, such as app_name. In addition, the option +log+
# will take a logger that will be used instead of the standard
# file logger. The setting for the newrelic.yml section to use
# (ie, RAILS_ENV) can be overridden with an :env argument.
def manual_start(options={})
raise "Options must be a hash" unless Hash === options
NewRelic::Control.instance.init_plugin({ :agent_enabled => true, :sync_startup => true }.merge(options))
# Register this method as a callback for processes that fork
# jobs.
# If the master/parent connects to the agent prior to forking the
# agent in the forked process will use that agent_run. Otherwise
# the forked process will establish a new connection with the
# server.
# Use this especially when you fork the process to run background
# jobs or other work. If you are doing this with a web dispatcher
# that forks worker processes then you will need to force the
# agent to reconnect, which it won't do by default. Passenger and
# Unicorn are already handled, nothing special needed for them.
# Options:
# * :force_reconnect => true to force the spawned process to
# establish a new connection, such as when forking a long running process.
# The default is false--it will only connect to the server if the parent
# had not connected.
# * :keep_retrying => false if we try to initiate a new
# connection, this tells me to only try it once so this method returns
# quickly if there is some kind of latency with the server.
def after_fork(options={})
# Clear out any unsent metric data. See NewRelic::Agent::Agent#reset_stats
def reset_stats
# Shutdown the agent. Call this before exiting. Sends any queued data
# and kills the background thread.
def shutdown(options={})
# a method used to serialize short-running processes to disk, so
# we don't incur the overhead of reporting to the server for every
# fork/invocation of a small job.
# Functionally, this loads the data from the file into the agent
# (to avoid losing data by overwriting) and then serializes the
# agent data to the file again. See also #load_data
def save_data
NewRelic::DataSerialization.read_and_write_to_file do |old_data|
# used to load data from the disk during the harvest cycle to send
# it. This method also clears the file so data should never be
# sent more than once.
# Note that only one transaction trace will be sent even if many
# are serialized, since the slowest is sent.
# See also the complement to this method, #save_data - used when a
# process is shutting down
def load_data
if !NewRelic::Control.instance['disable_serialization']
NewRelic::DataSerialization.read_and_write_to_file do |old_data|
nil # return nil so nothing is written to the file
:metrics => agent.stats_engine.metrics.length,
:traces => agent.unsent_traces_size,
:errors => agent.unsent_errors_size
# Add instrumentation files to the agent. The argument should be
# a glob matching ruby scripts which will be executed at the time
# instrumentation is loaded. Since instrumentation is not loaded
# when the agent is not running it's better to use this method to
# register instrumentation than just loading the files directly,
# although that probably also works.
def add_instrumentation(file_pattern)
NewRelic::Control.instance.add_instrumentation file_pattern
# This method sets the block sent to this method as a sql
# obfuscator. The block will be called with a single String SQL
# statement to obfuscate. The method must return the obfuscated
# String SQL. If chaining of obfuscators is required, use type =
# :before or :after
# type = :before, :replace, :after
# Example:
# NewRelic::Agent.set_sql_obfuscator(:replace) do |sql|
# my_obfuscator(sql)
# end
def set_sql_obfuscator(type = :replace, &block)
NewRelic::Agent::Database.set_sql_obfuscator(type, &block)
# This method sets the state of sql recording in the transaction
# sampler feature. Within the given block, no sql will be recorded
# usage:
# NewRelic::Agent.disable_sql_recording do
# ...
# end
def disable_sql_recording
state = agent.set_record_sql(false)
# This method disables the recording of transaction traces in the given
# block. See also #disable_all_tracing
def disable_transaction_tracing
state = agent.set_record_tt(false)
# Cancel the collection of the current transaction in progress, if
# any. Only affects the transaction started on this thread once
# it has started and before it has completed.
def abort_transaction!
# Yield to the block without collecting any metrics or traces in
# any of the subsequent calls. If executed recursively, will keep
# track of the first entry point and turn on tracing again after
# leaving that block. This uses the thread local
# +newrelic_untrace+
def disable_all_tracing
# Check to see if we are capturing metrics currently on this thread.
def is_execution_traced?
Thread.current[:newrelic_untraced].nil? || Thread.current[:newrelic_untraced].last != false
# helper method to check the thread local to determine whether the
# transaction in progress is traced or not
def is_transaction_traced?
Thread::current[:record_tt] != false
# helper method to check the thread local to determine whether sql
# is being recorded or not
def is_sql_recorded?
Thread::current[:record_sql] != false
# Set a filter to be applied to errors that the Ruby Agent will
# track. The block should evalute to the exception to track
# (which could be different from the original exception) or nil to
# ignore this exception.
# The block is yielded to with the exception to filter.
# Return the new block or the existing filter Proc if no block is passed.
def ignore_error_filter(&block)
# Record the given error. It will be passed through the
# #ignore_error_filter if there is one.
# * exception is the exception which will be recorded. May also be
# an error message.
# Options:
# * :uri => The request path, minus any request params or query string.
# * :referer => The URI of the referer
# * :metric => The metric name associated with the transaction
# * :request_params => Request parameters, already filtered if necessary
# * :custom_params => Custom parameters
# Anything left over is treated as custom params.
def notice_error(exception, options={})
NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::MetricFrame.notice_error(exception, options)
# Add parameters to the current transaction trace (and traced error if any)
# on the call stack.
def add_custom_parameters(params)
# Set attributes about the user making this request. These attributes will be automatically
# appended to any Transaction Trace or Error that is collected. These attributes
# will also be collected for RUM requests.
# Attributes (hash)
# * :user => user name or ID
# * :account => account name or ID
# * :product => product name or level
def set_user_attributes(attributes)
# The #add_request_parameters method is aliased to #add_custom_parameters
# and is now deprecated.
alias add_request_parameters add_custom_parameters #:nodoc:
# Yield to a block that is run with a database metric name
# context. This means the Database instrumentation will use this
# for the metric name if it does not otherwise know about a model.
# This is re-entrant.
# * model is the DB model class
# * method is the name of the finder method or other
# method to identify the operation with.
def with_database_metric_name(model, method, &block)
if frame = NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::MetricFrame.current
frame.with_database_metric_name(model, method, &block)
# Record a web transaction from an external source. This will
# process the response time, error, and score an apdex value.
# First argument is a float value, time in seconds. Option
# keys are strings.
# == Identifying the transaction
# * 'uri' => uri to record the value for a given web request.
# If not provided, just record the aggregate dispatcher and apdex scores.
# * 'metric' => metric_name to record with a general metric name
# like +OtherTransaction/Background/Class/method+. Ignored if +uri+ is
# provided.
# == Error options
# Provide one of the following:
# * 'is_error' => true if an unknown error occurred
# * 'error_message' => msg if an error message is available
# * 'exception' => exception if a ruby exception is recorded
# == Misc options
# Additional information captured in errors
# * 'referer' => referer_url
# * 'request_params' => hash to record a set of name/value pairs as the
# request parameters.
# * 'custom_params' => hash to record extra information in traced errors
def record_transaction(response_sec, options = {})
agent.record_transaction(response_sec, options)
# Returns a Javascript string which should be injected into the very top of the response body
def browser_timing_header
# Returns a Javascript string which should be injected into the very bottom of the response body
def browser_timing_footer