{ "resourceType": "Task", "id": "example6", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
Generated Narrative with Details
id: example6
identifier: 20170201-001 (OFFICIAL)
basedOn: General Wellness Careplan
groupIdentifier: G20170201-001 (OFFICIAL)
status: completed
businessStatus: test completed and posted (Details )
intent: order
priority: routine
code: Lipid Panel (Details )
description: Create order for getting specimen, Set up inhouse testing, generate order for any sendouts and submit with specimen
focus: Lipid Panel Request
for: Peter James Chalmers
context: Example In-Patient Encounter
executionPeriod: Oct 31, 2016 8:25:05 AM --> Oct 31, 2016 6:45:05 PM
authoredOn: Oct 31, 2016 8:25:05 AM
lastModified: Oct 31, 2016 6:45:05 PM
- | Agent | OnBehalfOf |
* | Dr Adam Careful | Good Health Clinic |
performerType: Performer (Details : {http://hl7.org/fhir/task-performer-type code 'performer' = 'Performer', given as 'Performer'})
owner: Clinical Laboratory @ Acme Hospital
reason: The Task.reason should only be included if there is no Task.focus or if it differs from the reason indicated on the focus (Details )
note: This is an example to demonstrate using task for actioning a procedurerequest and to illustrate how to populate many of the task elements - this is the parent task that will be broken into subtask to grab the specimen and a sendout lab test
- | Repetitions | Period |
* | 1 | ?? --> Nov 2, 2016 9:45:05 AM |
type: DiagnosticReport generated (Details )
value: DiagnosticReport/lipids
type: collected specimen (Details )
value: Specimen/101