# Changelog __v0.0.1__ (17th August 2013) * Initial version __v0.0.2__ (17th August 2013) * Adds `RapGenius::Song.find` to replicate behaviour in `RapGenius::Annotation` __v0.0.3__ (22nd August 2013, *contributed by [tsigo](https://github.com/tsigo)*) * Improves implementation of HTTParty * Reorganises specs to use VCR __v0.1.0__ (29th August 2013, *contributed by [tsigo](https://github.com/tsigo)*) * Adds support for searching for songs with `RapGenius::Song.search("Song, artist name or other query")` __v1.0.0__ (27th January 2014) * Switches to using the private REST API used by the soon to be released [Genius iOS app](http://rapgenius.com/static/app). * Vastly improves quality of data available on songs and their lyrics * Provides access to media items and song artists __v1.0.1__ (1st February 2014) * Allows pagination through an artist's songs __v1.0.2__ (2nd February 2014) * Defines a specific `RapGenius::NotFoundError` for when requests to the API return a 404 __v1.0.4__ (8th November 2014) * Fix annotations, so they're combined into a string with a space between each one __v1.0.5__ (12th January 2015) * Load descriptions as plain text, reducing code for parsing them __v1.1.0__ (5th June 2015) * Authenticate using access tokens for the official [Genius API](https://docs.genius.com) __v1.1.1__ (15th June 2015) * Raise a `RapGenius::MissingAccessTokenError` when making a request if no access token has been set * Handle authentication failures by raising a `RapGenius::AuthenticationError` * Fix search functionality (e.g. `RapGenius.search`) so that your access token is actually sent