# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'logger' module Diagtool class ValidUtils def initialize(log_level) @logger = Logger.new(STDOUT, level: log_level, formatter: proc {|severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{datetime}: [Validutils] [#{severity}] #{msg}\n" }) @def_ulimit = "65535".to_i @def_sysctl = Hash.new() @def_sysctl = { :net_core_somaxconn => "1024", :net_core_netdev_max_backlog => "5000", :net_core_rmem_max => "16777216", :net_core_wmem_max => "16777216", :net_ipv4_tcp_wmem => ["4096", "12582912", "16777216"], :net_ipv4_tcp_rmem => ["4096", "12582912", "16777216"], :net_ipv4_tcp_max_syn_backlog => "8096", :net_ipv4_tcp_slow_start_after_idle => "0", :net_ipv4_tcp_tw_reuse => "1", :net_ipv4_ip_local_port_range => ["10240", "65535"] } @logger.debug("Initialize Validation Utils:") @logger.debug(" Default ulimit: #{@def_ulimit}") @logger.debug(" Default sysctl: #{@def_sysctl}") end def valid_ulimit(ulimit_file) @logger.info("Loading ulimit file: #{ulimit_file}") File.readlines(ulimit_file).each { |line| if line.chomp.to_i >= @def_ulimit.to_i @logger.info(" ulimit => #{line.chomp.to_i} is correct") return true, @def_ulimit.to_i, line.chomp.to_i else @logger.warn(" ulimit => #{line.chomp.to_i} is incorrect, should be #{@def_ulimit}") return false, @def_ulimit.to_i, line.chomp.to_i end } end def valid_sysctl(sysctl_file) h = Hash.new() v = Hash.new { |i,j| i[j] = Hash.new(&h.default_proc) } @logger.info("Loading sysctl file: #{sysctl_file}") File.readlines(sysctl_file).each{ |line| if line.include? "net" line_net = line.chomp.gsub(".","_").split("=") key = line_net[0].strip.to_sym if line_net[1].strip! =~ /\s/ value = line_net[1].split(/\s/) else value= line_net[1] end h[key] = value if @def_sysctl.key? key if @def_sysctl[key] == value @logger.info("#{key} => #{value} is correct") v[key]['value'] = value v[key]['recommend'] = @def_sysctl[key] v[key]['result'] = "correct" else @logger.warn("#{key} => #{value} is incorrect, should be #{@def_sysctl[key]}") v[key]['value'] = value v[key]['recommend'] = @def_sysctl[key] v[key]['result'] = "incorrect" end end end } if h == @sysctl return true, v else return false, v end end end end