module Remarkable
module ActiveRecord
# Holds ActiveRecord matchers.
# == Validations matchers
# Remarkable supports all ActiveRecord validations, and the only options
# not supported in those matchers is the :on options. So whenever you have
# to test that a validation runs on update, you have to do reproduce the
# state in your tests:
# describe Project do
# describe 'validations on create' do
# should_validate_presence_of :title
# end
# describe 'validations on update' do
# subject { Post.create!(@valid_attributes) }
# should_validate_presence_of :updated_at
# end
# end
# Another behavior in validations is the :message option. Whenever you change
# the message in your model, it must be given in your tests too:
# class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates_presence_of :title, :message => 'must be filled'
# end
# describe Post do
# should_validate_presence_of :title #=> fails
# should_validate_presence_of :title, :message => 'must be filled'
# end
# However, if you change the title using the I18n API, you don't need to
# specify the message in your tests, because it's retrieved properly.
module Matchers
class ValidatePresenceOfMatcher < Remarkable::ActiveRecord::Base #:nodoc:
arguments :collection => :attributes, :as => :attribute
optional :message
collection_assertions :allow_nil?
default_options :message => :blank, :allow_nil => false
# Ensures that the model cannot be saved if one of the attributes listed is not present.
# == Options
# * :message - value the test expects to find in errors.on(:attribute).
# Regexp, string or symbol. Default = I18n.translate('activerecord.errors.messages.blank')
# == Examples
# should_validate_presence_of :name, :phone_number
# it { should validate_presence_of(:name, :phone_number) }
def validate_presence_of(*args, &block)*args, &block).spec(self)