require 'spec_helper' require 'flapjack/gateways/aws_sns' describe Flapjack::Gateways::AwsSns, :logger => true do let(:lock) { double(Monitor) } let(:time) {, 10, 31, 13, 45) } let(:time_str) {'%-d %b %H:%M') } let(:config) { {'region' => 'us-east-1', 'access_key' => 'AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE', 'secret_key' => 'secret' } } let(:message) { {'notification_type' => 'recovery', 'contact_first_name' => 'John', 'contact_last_name' => 'Smith', 'state' => 'ok', 'summary' => 'smile', 'last_state' => 'problem', 'last_summary' => 'frown', 'time' => time.to_i, 'address' => 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:698519295917:My-Topic', 'event_id' => '', 'id' => '123456789', 'duration' => 55, 'state_duration' => 23 } } it "sends an SMS message" do req = stub_request(:post, ""). with(:query => hash_including({'Action' => 'Publish', 'AWSAccessKeyId' => config['access_key'], 'TopicArn' => message['address'], 'SignatureVersion' => '2', 'SignatureMethod' => 'HmacSHA256'})). to_return(:status => 200) EM.synchrony do Flapjack::Gateways::AwsSns.instance_variable_set('@config', config) Flapjack::Gateways::AwsSns.instance_variable_set('@logger', @logger) Flapjack::Gateways::AwsSns.start Flapjack::Gateways::AwsSns.perform(message) EM.stop end expect(req).to have_been_requested end it "does not send an SMS message with an invalid config" do EM.synchrony do Flapjack::Gateways::AwsSns.instance_variable_set('@config', config.reject {|k, v| k == 'secret_key'}) Flapjack::Gateways::AwsSns.instance_variable_set('@logger', @logger) Flapjack::Gateways::AwsSns.start Flapjack::Gateways::AwsSns.perform(message) EM.stop end expect(WebMock).not_to have_requested(:get, "") end context "#string_to_sign" do let(:method) { 'post' } let(:host) { '' } let(:uri) { '/' } let(:query) { {'TopicArn' => 'HelloWorld', 'Action' => 'Publish'} } let(:string_to_sign) { Flapjack::Gateways::AwsSns.string_to_sign(method, host, uri, query) } let(:lines) { string_to_sign.split(/\n/) } it 'should put the method on the first line' do expect(lines[0]).to eq("POST") end it 'should put the downcased hostname on the second line' do expect(lines[1]).to eq("") end it 'should put the URI on the third line' do expect(lines[2]).to eq("/") end it 'should put the encoded, sorted query-string on the fourth line' do expect(lines[3]).to eq("Action=Publish&TopicArn=HelloWorld") end end context "#get_signature" do let(:method) { 'GET' } let(:host) { '' } let(:uri) { '/' } let(:query) { {'AWSAccessKeyId' => 'AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE', 'Action' => 'DescribeJobFlows', 'SignatureMethod' => 'HmacSHA256', 'SignatureVersion' => '2', 'Timestamp' => '2011-10-03T15:19:30', 'Version' => '2009-03-31'} } let(:secret_key) { 'wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY' } let(:string_to_sign) { Flapjack::Gateways::AwsSns.string_to_sign(method, host, uri, query) } let(:signature) { Flapjack::Gateways::AwsSns.get_signature(secret_key, string_to_sign) } it 'should HMAC-SHA256 and base64 encode the signature' do expect(signature).to eq("i91nKc4PWAt0JJIdXwz9HxZCJDdiy6cf/Mj6vPxyYIs=") end end end