# frozen_string_literal: true ## # This file is part of WhatWeb and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the WhatWeb # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb ## # Version 0.6 # 2016-04-23 # Andrew Horton # Moved patterns from passive function to matches[] ## # Version 0.5 Andrew Horton - added version detection for Prestige models ## # Version 0.4 # 2011-06-04 # Updated regex # Added www-authenticate HTTP header matches # Added ZyXEL-RomPager and RomPager HTTP server header matches ## # Version 0.3 # Added signatures by Andrew Horton ## # Version 0.2 # 2011-01-09 # # Updated model detection ## WhatWeb::Plugin.define "ZyXEL-Router" do @author = "Brendan Coles " # 2010-11-01 @version = "0.6" @description = "This plugin indentifies ZyXEL routers" @website = "http://us.zyxel.com/" # Tested on models: P-660H-D1, P-660HW-D1, P-660R-D1, P-662H-D1, P-662HW-D3, P-2602H-D1A, P-2602HW-D1A, P-2802HWL-I1, P660RU2, P660HT2, Prestige 660H61 # ZyXEL VSG-1200 V2 is access server that recognizes new users on network and re-routes all the different IP settings pre-configured on users' computers." @website = "http://www.zyxel.com/" # P-330W EE # Default Login # admin/password # ShodanHQ results as at 2011-06-04 # # 38,316 for WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm Prestige # 38,311 for WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm Prestige RomPager # 8,583 for ZyXEL-RomPager # 422 for WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="P-330W EE (username: admin)" # Google results as at 2011-01-09 # # 33 for intitle:Top "Vantage Service Gateway" -inurl:zyxel # 90 for "Welcome to the Web-Based Configurator" "Welcome to your router Configuration Interface" # Dorks # @dorks = [ 'intitle:Top "Vantage Service Gateway" -inurl:zyxel', '"Welcome to the Web-Based Configurator" "Welcome to your router Configuration Interface"' ] # Matches # @matches = [ # Default title { text: ".:: Welcome to the Web-Based Configurator::." }, # Default form HTML { text: '


' }, # Default welcome message HTML { text: 'Welcome to your router Configuration Interface

Enter your password and press enter or click "Login"

' }, # Model Detection # Login page HTML { model: /


<\/p><\/td><\/tr>/ }, # Vantage Service Gateway # Default HTML { text: 'Vantage Service Gateway ', model: "VSG" }, # Vantage Service Gateway # Default Frameset { text: '', model: "VSG" }, # JavaScript { text: 'loginPassword.value = "ZyXEL ZyWALL Series";' }, # Vantage Service Gateway # Version Detection # /top.htm { url: "/top.htm", model: /(VSG-[\d\ V]+)<\/i> <\/b><\/font><\/td><\/tr>/ }, # Prestige { version: /Prestige ([^<]+)(Prestige)'Prestige 660H61', :url=>'/dslroutery/imgshop/full/NETZ1431.jpg' },