require 'widget_list/sequel' require 'widget_list/version' require 'widget_list/hash' require 'widget_list/string' require 'widget_list/utils' require 'widget_list/tpl' require 'widget_list/widgets' require 'widget_list/railtie' require 'json' require 'uri' require 'extensions/action_controller_base' require 'sequel' module WidgetList if defined?(Rails) && defined?(Rails::Engine) class Engine < ::Rails::Engine require 'widget_list/engine' end end class List @debug = true include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper def self.connect if Rails.root.join("config", "widget-list.yml").file? config = YAML.load("config", "widget-list.yml")).read).result)[Rails.env] @primary_conn = config[:primary] @secondary_conn = config[:secondary] else throw 'widget-list.yml not found' end $DATABASE = Sequel.connect(@primary_conn) if == 'String' $DATABASE2 = Sequel.connect(@secondary_conn) if == 'String' end def self.get_database case $current_db_selection when 'primary' $DATABASE when 'secondary' $DATABASE2 else $DATABASE end end # @param [Hash] list def initialize(list={}) @items = { 'name' => ([*('A'..'Z'),*('0'..'9')]-%w(0 1 I O)).sample(16).join, 'database' => 'primary', 'title' => '',# will add

title and horizontal rule 'listDescription' => '',# will add grey header box 'pageId' => $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], 'sql' => '', 'table' => '', 'view' => '', 'data' => {}, 'mode' => 'passive', 'collClass' => '', 'collAlign' => '', 'fields' => {}, 'columns' => {}, 'bindVars' => [], 'bindVarsLegacy' => {}, 'links' => {}, 'results' => {}, 'buttons' => {}, 'inputs' => {}, 'filter' => '', 'rowStart' => 0, 'rowLimit' => 10, 'orderBy' => '', 'allowHTML' => true, 'strlength' => 30, 'searchClear' => false, # build a custom conditional for each page to clear session 'searchClearAll' => false, # build a custom conditional for each page to clear session 'showPagination' => true, 'searchSession' => true, #on list render use last filter # # Custom count query # 'force_count_sql' => '', 'force_query_sql' => '', # # Counts # 'count_cache_time' => 180, # 'cachedCount' => -1, #pass the count # # Ajax # 'ajax_action' => '', 'ajax_function' => 'ListJumpMin', 'ajax_search_function'=> 'ListJumpMin', # # Search # 'showSearch' => true, 'searchOnkeyup' => '', 'searchOnclick' => '', 'searchIdCol' => 'id', #By default `id` column is here because typically if you call your PK's id and are auto-increment 'searchInputLegacyCSS'=> false, 'searchBtnName' => 'Search by Id or a list of Ids and more', 'searchTitle' => '', 'searchFieldsIn' => {}, #White list of fields to include in a alpha-numeric based search 'searchFieldsOut' => {'id'=>true}, #Black list of fields to include in a alpha-numeric based search (default `id` to NEVER search when alpha seach) # # Group By Box # 'groupByItems' => [], #array of strings (each a new "select option") 'groupBySelected' => false, #initially selected grouping - defaults to first in list if not 'groupByLabel' => 'Group By', # # Advanced searching # 'list_search_form' => '', #The HTML form used for the advanced search drop down 'list_search_attribs' => {}, #widgetinput "search_ahead" attributes # # Column Specific # 'columnStyle' => {}, 'columnClass' => {}, 'columnPopupTitle' => {}, 'columnSort' => {}, 'columnWidth' => {}, 'columnNoSort' => {}, 'columnFilter' => {}, # # Row specifics # 'rowColor' => '#FFFFFF', 'rowClass' => '', 'rowColorByStatus' => {}, 'rowStylesByStatus' => {}, 'offsetRows' => true, 'rowOffsets' => ['FFFFFF','FFFFFF'], 'class' => 'listContainerPassive', 'tableclass' => '', 'noDataMessage' => 'Currently no data.', 'useSort' => true, 'headerClass' => {}, 'groupBy' => '', 'function' => {}, 'buttonVal' => 'templateListJump', 'linkFunction' => 'ButtonLinkPost', 'template' => '', 'templateFilter' => '', 'pagerFull' => true, 'LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER' => 'ASC', 'LIST_COL_SORT' => '', 'LIST_FILTER_ALL' => '', 'ROW_LIMIT' => '', 'LIST_SEQUENCE' => 1, 'NEW_SEARCH' => false, # # Checkbox # 'checked_class' => 'widgetlist-checkbox', 'checked_flag' => {}, # # Hooks # 'column_hooks' => {}, 'row_hooks' => {} } @totalRowCount= 0 @totalPages = 0 @fixHtmlLinksReplace = {} @sequence = 1 @totalRows = 0 @totalPage = 0 @listSortNext = 'ASC' @filter = '' @listFilter = '' @fieldList = [] @templateFill = {} @results = {} @items.deep_merge!({'template' => '
' }) @items.deep_merge!({'row' => ' ' }) @items.deep_merge!({'list_description' => ' ' }) @items.deep_merge!({'col' => ' ' }) @items.deep_merge!({'templateSequence' => ' of ' }) #Sorting # @items.deep_merge!({'templateSortColumn' => ' " title="" id="" class="" valign="middle"> ' }) @items.deep_merge!({'statement' => {'select'=> {'view' => ' SELECT FROM ' } } }) @items.deep_merge!({'statement' => {'select'=> {'sql' => ' SELECT FROM () a ' } } }) @items.deep_merge!({'statement' => {'count'=> {'view' => ' SELECT count(1) total FROM ' } } }) @items.deep_merge!({'statement' => {'count'=> {'sql' => ' SELECT count(1) total FROM () s ' } } }) @items.deep_merge!({'statement' => {'count'=> {'table' => ' SELECT count(1) total FROM ' } } }) #Pagintion # @items.deep_merge!({'template_pagination_wrapper' => ' ' }) @items.deep_merge!({'template_pagination_next_active' => "
  • ('','')\" style=\"cursor:pointer;background: transparent url(images/page-next.gif) no-repeat\"> 
  • " }) @items.deep_merge!({'template_pagination_next_disabled' => "
  • images/page-next.gif) no-repeat\"> 
  • " }) @items.deep_merge!({'template_pagination_previous_active' => "
  • ('','')\" style=\"cursor:pointer;background: transparent url(images/page-back.gif) no-repeat\"> 
  • " }) @items.deep_merge!({'template_pagination_previous_disabled' => "
  • images/page-back.gif) no-repeat\"> 
  • " }) @items.deep_merge!({'template_pagination_jump_active' => '
  • ' }) @items.deep_merge!({'template_pagination_jump_unactive' => '
  • ' }) @items = WidgetList::Widgets::populate_items(list,@items) begin @isJumpingList = false #Ajax ListJump if ! $_REQUEST.empty? if $_REQUEST.key?('LIST_FILTER_ALL') @items['LIST_FILTER_ALL'] = $_REQUEST['LIST_FILTER_ALL'] @isJumpingList = true end if $_REQUEST.key?('LIST_COL_SORT') @items['LIST_COL_SORT'] = $_REQUEST['LIST_COL_SORT'] @isJumpingList = true end if $_REQUEST.key?('LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER') @items['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] = $_REQUEST['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] @isJumpingList = true end if $_REQUEST.key?('LIST_SEQUENCE') @items['LIST_SEQUENCE'] = $_REQUEST['LIST_SEQUENCE'].to_i @isJumpingList = true end if $_REQUEST.key?('ROW_LIMIT') @items['ROW_LIMIT'] = $_REQUEST['ROW_LIMIT'] @isJumpingList = true if @items['showPagination'] $_SESSION['pageDisplayLimit'] = $_REQUEST['ROW_LIMIT'] $_SESSION.deep_merge!({'ROW_LIMIT' => { @items['name'] => $_REQUEST['ROW_LIMIT']} }) end end clear_sort_get_vars() if $_REQUEST.key?('list_action') && $_REQUEST['list_action'] == 'ajax_widgetlist_checks' ajax_maintain_checks() end end # current_db is a flag of the last known primary or secondary YML used or defaulted when running a list $current_db_selection = @items['database'] @items['groupByClick'] = "ListChangeGrouping('" + @items['name'] + "')" =begin #todo @items['fieldNames'] = {}; if (empty(@items['fields']) && empty(@items['data'])) { #Lazy mode where new columns added to view show up in list (unless you name the column "HIDE_xxxxx") # if (@items['sql']) { preg_match("/\s+from\s+`?([a-z\d_]+)`?/i", @items['sql'], $match); $viewName = $match[1]; } elseif (@items['view']) { $viewName = @items['view']; } if ($this->DATABASE->Select("SHOW FULL COLUMNS IN ".$viewName)) { foreach($this->DATABASE->results['FIELD'] as $col) { @items['fieldNames'][] = $col; $columnUpper = strtoupper($col); $columnLower = strtolower($col); if (substr($columnUpper,0,5) != 'HIDE_') { #any columns named HIDE_ will not show # @items['fields'][$columnLower] = $this->autoColumnName($columnUpper); if ($columnLower != 'features') { @items['columnSort'][$columnLower] = $columnLower; } } } } } =end if $_REQUEST.key?('searchClear') clear_search_session() end if @items['searchClear'] || @items['searchClearAll'] clear_search_session(@items.key?('searchClearAll')) end matchesCurrentList = $_REQUEST.key?('BUTTON_VALUE') && $_REQUEST['BUTTON_VALUE'] == @items['buttonVal'] isSearchRequest = $_REQUEST.key?('search_filter') templateCustomSearch = !@items['templateFilter'].empty? # if you define templateFilter WidgetList will not attempt to build a where clause with search # # Search restore # if !isSearchRequest && $_SESSION.key?('SEARCH_FILTER') && $_SESSION['SEARCH_FILTER'].key?(@items['name']) && @items['searchSession'] isSearchRestore = true end if (isSearchRequest && matchesCurrentList && !templateCustomSearch && @items['showSearch']) || isSearchRestore if !isSearchRestore $_SESSION.deep_merge!({'SEARCH_FILTER' => { @items['name'] => $_REQUEST['search_filter']} }) searchFilter = $_REQUEST['search_filter'].strip_or_self() else searchFilter = $_SESSION['SEARCH_FILTER'][@items['name']] end if ! searchFilter.empty? if ! @items['filter'].empty? && @items['filter'] != 'Array' # convert string to array filter filterString = @items['filter'] @items['filter'] = [] @items['filter'] << filterString end fieldsToSearch = @items['fields'] @items['columns'].each { |columnPivot| fieldsToSearch[columnPivot] = columnPivot } searchCriteria = searchFilter.strip_or_self() searchSQL = [] numericSearch = false # # Comma delimited search # if searchFilter.include?(',') #It is either a CSV or a comma inside the search string # criteriaTmp = searchFilter.split_it(',') #Assumed a CSV of numeric ids # isNumeric = true criteriaTmp.each_with_index { |value, key| if !value.empty? criteriaTmp[key] = value.strip_or_self() if !criteriaTmp[key].nil? && ! criteriaTmp[key].empty? if ! WidgetList::Utils::numeric?(criteriaTmp[key]) isNumeric = false end else criteriaTmp.delete(key) end end } if isNumeric if @items['searchIdCol'] == 'Array' @items['searchIdCol'].each { |searchIdCol| if(fieldsToSearch.key?(searchIdCol)) searchSQL << "`" + searchIdCol + "` IN(" + searchFilter + ")" end } if !searchSQL.empty? # # Assemble Numeric Filter # @items['filter'] << "(" + searchSQL.join(' OR ') + ")" end elsif @items['fields'].key?(@items['searchIdCol']) numericSearch = true @items['filter'] << "`#{@items['searchIdCol']}` IN(" + criteriaTmp.join(',') + ")" end end elsif @items['searchIdCol'] == 'Array' if WidgetList::Utils::numeric?(searchFilter) && ! searchFilter.include?('.') @items['searchIdCol'].each { |searchIdCol| if fieldsToSearch.key?(searchIdCol) searchSQL << "`#{searchIdCol}` IN(#{searchFilter})" end } if !searchSQL.empty? # # Assemble Numeric Filter # @items['filter'] << "(" + searchSQL.join(' OR ') + ")" end end #elsif WidgetList::Utils::numeric?(searchFilter) && ! searchFilter.include?('.') && @items['fields'].key?(@items['searchIdCol']) # #19.95 is numeric, but people might be searching for dollar amounts which should be string based search # numericSearch = true # # @items['filter'] << "`#{@items['searchIdCol']}` IN(" + searchFilter + ")" end # If it is not an id or a list of ids then it is assumed a string search if !numericSearch ii = 0 fieldsToSearch.each { |fieldName,fieldTitle| # new lodgette. if function exists, find all matches and skip them skip = false (@items['function']||{}).each { |k,v| if fieldName == k skip = true end } #buttons must ALWAYS BE ON THE RIGHT SIDE IN ORDER FOR THIS NOT TO SEARCH A NON-EXISTENT COLUMN (used to be hard coded to 'features' as a column to remove) if (!@items['buttons'].empty? && ii == (fieldsToSearch.length - 1)) || skip next end #Search only specified fields. This can involve a dynamic field list from an advanced search form # if ! @items['searchFieldsIn'].empty? # # If it exists in either key or value # if ! @items['searchFieldsIn'].key?(fieldName) && ! @items['searchFieldsIn'].include?(fieldName) next end elsif ! @items['searchFieldsOut'].empty? if @items['searchFieldsOut'].key?(fieldName) || @items['searchFieldsOut'].include?(fieldName) next end end #todo - escape bind variables using Sequel searchSQL << "`#{fieldName}` LIKE '%" + searchCriteria + "%'" ii = ii + 1 } # # Assemble String Filter # if(! searchSQL.empty?) @items['filter'] << "(" + searchSQL.join(' OR ') + ")" end end end end if !$_REQUEST.key?('BUTTON_VALUE') #Initialize page load/Session stuff whe list first loads # clear_check_box_session(@items['name']) end if ! @items.key?('templateHeader') @items['templateHeader'] = '' end #Set a list title if it exists # if ! $_REQUEST.key?('BUTTON_VALUE') && !@items['title'].empty? @items['templateHeader'] = '

    ' else if !$_REQUEST.key?('BUTTON_VALUE') # Only if not in ajax would we want to output the filter header # @items['templateHeader'] = ' ' end end # Build the filter (If any) # # todo - unit test filter if !@items['filter'].empty? && @items['filter'] == 'Array' @filter = @items['filter'].join(' AND ') elsif !@items['filter'].empty? && @items['filter'] == 'String' @filter = @items['filter'] end #Sorting # if !@items['LIST_COL_SORT'].empty? @items['LIST_SEQUENCE'] = 1 end if @items['LIST_SEQUENCE'] == 'Fixnum' && @items['LIST_SEQUENCE'] > 0 @sequence = @items['LIST_SEQUENCE'].to_i end if ! @items['ROW_LIMIT'].empty? @items['rowLimit'] = @items['ROW_LIMIT'].to_i end if $_SESSION.key?('ROW_LIMIT') && $_SESSION['ROW_LIMIT'].key?(@items['name']) && !$_SESSION['ROW_LIMIT'][@items['name']].empty? @items['rowLimit'] = $_SESSION['ROW_LIMIT'][@items['name']].to_i end if ! @items['LIST_COL_SORT'].empty? case @items['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] when 'ASC' @listSortNext = 'DESC' else @listSortNext = 'ASC' end end generate_limits() rescue Exception => e @templateFill[''] = '
    ' + generate_error_output(e) + @items['noDataMessage'] + '
    ' end end def ajax_maintain_checks() # # A list must be provided # if $_REQUEST.key?('LIST_NAME') listName = $_REQUEST['LIST_NAME'] sqlHash = $_REQUEST['SQL_HASH'] # # The placeholder is created when the list initially forms. This validates it and makes it so # not just anything can be injected into the session via this method. # # # For each posted check box # $_REQUEST.each { |value, checked| if checked.to_s == '1' # # Set it as checked # $_SESSION.deep_merge!({'list_checks' => { listName + sqlHash + value => true } }) else # # Unset if it exists and is unchecked # if $_SESSION['list_checks'].key?(listName + sqlHash + value) $_SESSION['list_checks'].delete(listName + sqlHash + value) end end } # # Check All # if $_REQUEST.key?('checked_all') if $_SESSION.key?('list_checks') if $_SESSION['list_checks'].key?('check_all_' + sqlHash + $_REQUEST['LIST_NAME'] + $_REQUEST['LIST_SEQUENCE']) if $_REQUEST['checked_all'].empty? $_SESSION['list_checks'].delete('check_all_' + sqlHash + $_REQUEST['LIST_NAME'] + $_REQUEST['LIST_SEQUENCE']) else $_SESSION.deep_merge!({'list_checks' => { 'check_all_' + sqlHash + $_REQUEST['LIST_NAME'] + $_REQUEST['LIST_SEQUENCE'] => true } }) end else if ! $_REQUEST['checked_all'].empty? $_SESSION.deep_merge!({'list_checks' => { 'check_all_' + sqlHash + $_REQUEST['LIST_NAME'] + $_REQUEST['LIST_SEQUENCE'] => true } }) end end end end end end def clear_check_box_session(name='') if $_SESSION.key?('DRILL_DOWN_FILTERS') $_SESSION.delete('DRILL_DOWN_FILTERS') end if $_SESSION.key?('DRILL_DOWNS') $_SESSION.delete('DRILL_DOWNS') end end def clear_search_session(all=false) if $_SESSION.key?('SEARCH_FILTER') && $_SESSION['SEARCH_FILTER'].key?(@items['name']) $_SESSION['SEARCH_FILTER'].delete(@items['name']) end if $_SESSION.key?('ROW_LIMIT') && $_SESSION['ROW_LIMIT'].key?(@items['name']) $_SESSION['ROW_LIMIT'].delete(@items['name']) end if all && $_SESSION.key?('SEARCH_FILTER') $_SESSION.delete('SEARCH_FILTER') end if all && $_SESSION.key?('ROW_LIMIT') $_SESSION.delete('ROW_LIMIT') end end def clear_sql_session(all=false) if $_SESSION.key?('LIST_SEQUENCE') && $_SESSION['LIST_SEQUENCE'].key?(@sqlHash) $_SESSION['LIST_SEQUENCE'].delete(@sqlHash) end if $_SESSION.key?('LIST_COL_SORT') && $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'].key?(@sqlHash) $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'].delete(@sqlHash) end if all && $_SESSION.key?('LIST_COL_SORT') $_SESSION.delete('LIST_COL_SORT') end if all && $_SESSION.key?('LIST_SEQUENCE') $_SESSION.delete('LIST_SEQUENCE') end end def clear_sort_get_vars() $_REQUEST.delete('LIST_FILTER_ALL') $_REQUEST.delete('ROW_LIMIT') $_REQUEST.delete('LIST_SEQUENCE') $_REQUEST.delete('LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER') $_REQUEST.delete('LIST_COL_SORT') $_REQUEST.delete('LIST_FILTER_ALL') end def generate_limits() #Pagination # @items['bindVarsLegacy']['LOW'] = @items['rowStart'] @items['bindVarsLegacy']['HIGH'] = @items['rowLimit'] if @sequence.to_i > 1 && ! @items['NEW_SEARCH'] @items['bindVarsLegacy']['LOW'] = (((@sequence * @items['rowLimit']) - @items['rowLimit'])) end end # @param [Hash] results # pass results of $DATABASE.final_results after running a _select query def render(results={}) begin if !results.empty? @items['data'] = results end #Get total records for statement validation and pagination # @items['data'].keys.each { |column| @items['fields'][column.downcase] = auto_column_name(column) } if !@items['data'].empty? && @items['fields'].empty? if @items['data'].empty? # Generate count() from database # @totalResultCount = get_total_records() else # Count the items in the passed data # @items['data'].keys.each { |column| @totalResultCount = @items['data'][column].count @totalRowCount = @totalResultCount @totalRows = @totalResultCount break } end build_rows() build_headers() listJumpUrl = {} listJumpUrl['PAGE_ID'] = @items['pageId'] listJumpUrl['ACTION'] = 'AJAX' listJumpUrl['BUTTON_VALUE'] = @items['buttonVal'] listJumpUrl['LIST_COL_SORT'] = @items['LIST_COL_SORT'] listJumpUrl['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] = @items['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] listJumpUrl['LIST_FILTER_ALL'] = @items['LIST_FILTER_ALL'] listJumpUrl['ROW_LIMIT'] = @items['ROW_LIMIT'] listJumpUrl['LIST_SEQUENCE'] = @sequence listJumpUrl['LIST_NAME'] = @items['name'] listJumpUrl['SQL_HASH'] = @sqlHash if @items.key?('ajax_action') listJumpUrl['list_action'] = @items['ajax_action'] end @templateFill[''] = @items['templateHeader'] @templateFill[''] = @items['title'] @templateFill[''] = @items['name'] @templateFill[''] = WidgetList::Utils::build_url(@items['pageId'],listJumpUrl,(!$_REQUEST.key?('BUTTON_VALUE'))) @templateFill[''] = @items['name'] + '_jump_url' @templateFill[''] = @items['class'] if @totalRowCount > 0 @templateFill[''] = '' @templateFill[''] = @items['tableclass'] else @templateFill[''] = 'table-layout:auto;' end #Filter form # if @items['showSearch'] === true if ! @items['templateFilter'].empty? @templateFill[''] = @items['templateFilter'] else if !$_REQUEST.key?('search_filter') && !@isJumpingList #Search page url # searchUrl = '' searchVal = '' if ! @items['buttonVal'].empty? searchVal = @items['buttonVal'] else searchVal = @items['name'] end filterParameters = {} filterParameters['BUTTON_VALUE'] = searchVal filterParameters['PAGE_ID'] = @items['pageId'] filterParameters['LIST_NAME'] = @items['name'] filterParameters['SQL_HASH'] = @sqlHash if @items.key?('ajax_action') && ! @items['ajax_action'].empty? filterParameters['list_action'] = @items['ajax_action'] end searchUrl = WidgetList::Utils::build_url(@items['pageId'], filterParameters, (!$_REQUEST.key?('BUTTON_VALUE'))) list_search = {} # # Search value # list_search['value'] = '' if @items['searchSession'] if $_SESSION.key?('SEARCH_FILTER') && $_SESSION['SEARCH_FILTER'].key?(@items['name']) list_search['value'] = $_SESSION['SEARCH_FILTER'][@items['name']] end end # # Search Input Field # list_search['list-search'] = true list_search['width'] = '500' list_search['input_class'] = 'info-input' list_search['title'] = (@items['searchTitle'].empty?) ? @items['searchBtnName'] :@items['searchTitle'] list_search['id'] = 'list_search_id_' + @items['name'] list_search['name'] = 'list_search_name_' + @items['name'] list_search['class'] = 'inputOuter widget-search-outer ' + @items['name'].downcase + '-search' list_search['search_ahead'] = { 'url' => searchUrl, 'skip_queue' => false, 'target' => @items['name'], 'search_form' => @items['list_search_form'], 'onclick' => (! @items['searchOnclick'].empty? && ! @items['list_search_form'].empty?) ? @items['searchOnclick'] : '', 'onkeyup' => (! @items['searchOnkeyup'].empty?) ? @items['searchOnkeyup'] : '' } @templateFill[''] = WidgetList::Widgets::widget_input(list_search) end # # Grouping box # if ! @items['groupByItems'].empty? list_group = {} list_group['arrow_action'] = 'var stub;' list_group['readonly'] = true if @items['groupBySelected'] list_group['value'] = @items['groupBySelected'] else list_group['value'] = @items['groupByItems'][0] end list_group['style'] = 'cursor:pointer;margin-left:5px;' list_group['input_style'] = 'cursor:pointer;' list_group['outer_onclick'] = 'ToggleAdvancedSearch(this);SelectBoxResetSelectedRow(\'' + @items['name'] + '\');' list_group['list-search'] = false list_group['width'] = '200' #hard code for now. needs to be dynamic based on max str length if this caller is made into a "WidgetFakeSelect" list_group['id'] = 'list_group_id_' + @items['name'] list_group['name'] = 'list_group_name_' + @items['name'] list_group['class'] = 'inputOuter widget-search-outer ' + @items['name'].downcase + '-group' className = '' groupRows = [] if !@items['groupBySelected'] className = 'widget-search-results-row-selected' end @items['groupByItems'].each { |grouping| if @items['groupBySelected'] && @items['groupBySelected'] === grouping className = 'widget-search-results-row-selected' end groupRows << '
    ' + grouping + '
    ' className = '' } list_group['search_ahead'] = { 'skip_queue' => false, 'search_form'=> '
    ' + groupRows.join("\n") + '
    ', 'onclick' => @items['searchOnclick'] } if !@templateFill.key?('') @templateFill[''] = '' end @templateFill[''] += '
    ' + @items['groupByLabel'] + ':
    ' + WidgetList::Widgets::widget_input(list_group) + '
    ' end end end rescue Exception => e out = '
    ' + generate_error_output(e) + @items['noDataMessage'] + '
    ' if !@templateFill.key?('') @templateFill[''] = out else @templateFill[''] += out end end return WidgetList::Utils::fill(@templateFill, @items['template']) end def build_pagination() pageRange = 3 pageNext = 1 pagePrev = 1 showPrev = false showNext = true prevUrl = '' nextUrl = '' tags = '' urlTags = {} templates = {} urlTags['SQL_HASH'] = @sqlHash urlTags['PAGE_ID'] = @items['pageId'] urlTags['LIST_NAME'] = @items['name'] urlTags['BUTTON_VALUE'] = @items['buttonVal'] urlTags['LIST_FILTER_ALL'] = @items['LIST_FILTER_ALL'] templates['btn_previous'] = @items['template_pagination_previous_disabled'] templates['btn_next'] = @items['template_pagination_next_active'] if $_REQUEST.key?('search_filter') && ! $_REQUEST['search_filter'].empty? urlTags['search_filter'] = $_REQUEST['search_filter'] end if @items['LIST_COL_SORT'].empty? urlTags['LIST_COL_SORT'] = @items['LIST_COL_SORT'] urlTags['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] = @items['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] urlTags['ROW_LIMIT'] = @items['ROW_LIMIT'] end if @items['links'].key?('paginate') && @items['links']['paginate'] == 'Hash' @items['links']['paginate'].each { |tagName, tag| urlTags[tagName] = tag } end if @items.key?('ajax_action') && ! @items['ajax_action'].empty? urlTags['list_action'] = @items['ajax_action'] end if (@sequence == @totalPages || ! (@totalPages > 0)) showNext = false else urlTags['LIST_SEQUENCE'] = @sequence + 1 nextUrl = WidgetList::Utils::build_url(@items['pageId'],urlTags,(!$_REQUEST.key?('BUTTON_VALUE'))) end if @sequence > 1 pagePrev = @sequence - 1 urlTags['LIST_SEQUENCE'] = pagePrev prevUrl = WidgetList::Utils::build_url(@items['pageId'],urlTags,(!$_REQUEST.key?('BUTTON_VALUE'))) showPrev = true end if !showNext templates['btn_next'] = @items['template_pagination_next_disabled'] end if showPrev templates['btn_previous'] = @items['template_pagination_previous_active'] end #Assemble navigation buttons # pieces = { '' => nextUrl, '' => @items['name'], '' => $_SERVER['rack.url_scheme'] + '://' + $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] + '/assets/', '' => prevUrl, '' => @items['ajax_function'] } templates['btn_next'] = WidgetList::Utils::fill(pieces,templates['btn_next']) templates['btn_previous'] = WidgetList::Utils::fill(pieces,templates['btn_previous']) # # Sequence Range Drop Down # # Show x per page # urlTags['LIST_SEQUENCE'] = @sequence urlTags['ROW_LIMIT'] = 10 # Automate select box and rules # rowLimitSelect = [10,20,50,100,500,1000] rowLimitSelectData = {} rowLimitSelectConfigs = {} #Set a default of 10 # urlTags['ROW_LIMIT'] = 10 options = '' rowLimitSelect.each_with_index { |jumpCount, key| if (@totalRows >= jumpCount || @totalRows > rowLimitSelect[key-1]) urlTags['ROW_LIMIT'] = jumpCount rowLimitUrl = WidgetList::Utils::build_url(@items['pageId'],urlTags,(!$_REQUEST.key?('BUTTON_VALUE'))) selected = '' if (@items['rowLimit'] == jumpCount) selected = 'selected' end options += " " end } # WidgetSelect( todo) pageSelect = <<-EOD EOD #Ensure the range does not exceed the actual number of pages # if @totalPages < pageRange pageRange = @totalPages end ### # Create a range of x or less numbers. # # Take 2 off and add 2 or as much as possible either way ### startingPoint = @sequence vkill = pageRange while vkill > 0 do vkill = vkill - 1 if startingPoint <= 1 break else startingPoint = startingPoint-1 end end endPoint = @sequence vkill = pageRange while vkill > 0 do vkill = vkill - 1 if endPoint <= 1 endPoint = endPoint+1 else break end end jumpSection = [] #Builds jump section previous 4 5 6 7 next # for page in startingPoint..endPoint urlTags['LIST_SEQUENCE'] = page urlTags['SQL_HASH'] = @sqlHash jumpTemplate = '' jumpUrl = '' jumpUrl = WidgetList::Utils::build_url(@items['pageId'], urlTags, (!$_REQUEST.key?('BUTTON_VALUE'))) if page == @sequence jumpTemplate = @items['template_pagination_jump_active'] else jumpTemplate = @items['template_pagination_jump_unactive'] end jumpSection << WidgetList::Utils::fill({''=>page,''=>jumpUrl,''=>@items['name'],''=>@items['ajax_function']}, jumpTemplate) end pieces = { '' => templates['btn_previous'], '' => @sequence, '' => templates['btn_next'], '' => @totalPages, '' => @totalRows, '' => pageSelect, '' => jumpSection.join(''), '' => @items['name'], } paginationOutput = WidgetList::Utils::fill(pieces,@items['template_pagination_wrapper']) if (@items['showPagination']) return paginationOutput else return '' end end def build_headers() headers = [] @items['fields'].each { |field, fieldTitle| colWidthStyle = ''; colClass = ''; popupTitle = ''; templateIdx = 'templateNoSortColumn' #Column class # if ! @items['headerClass'].empty? if @items['headerClass'].key?(field.downcase) colClass = @items['headerClass'][field.downcase] end end #Column width # if ! @items['columnWidth'].empty? if @items['columnWidth'].key?(field.downcase) colWidthStyle = "width:" + @items['columnWidth'][field.downcase] + ";" end end $_SESSION.deep_merge!({'LIST_SEQUENCE' => { @sqlHash => @sequence} }) #Hover Title # if @items['columnPopupTitle'].key?(field.downcase) popupTitle = @items['columnPopupTitle'][field.downcase] end # # Column is an input # if @items['inputs'].key?(fieldTitle) && @items['inputs'][fieldTitle] == 'Hash' # # Default checkbox hover to "Select All" # # Do specific input type functions # case @items['inputs'][fieldTitle]['type'] when 'checkbox' if popupTitle.empty? && @items['inputs'][fieldTitle]['items']['check_all'] popupTitle = 'Select All' end # # No sort on this column # if ! @items['columnNoSort'].key?(fieldTitle) @items['columnNoSort'][field] = field end if colClass.empty? @items['headerClass'] = { fieldTitle => 'widgetlist-checkbox-header'} colClass = @items['headerClass'][fieldTitle] end end # # Build the input # fieldTitle = build_column_input(fieldTitle) end if (@items['useSort'] && (@items['columnSort'].include?(field) || (@items['columnSort'].key?(field)) && !@items['columnNoSort'].include?(field)) || (@items['columnSort'].empty? && !@items['columnNoSort'].include?(field))) templateIdx = 'templateSortColumn' colSort = {} #Assign the column to be sorted # if !@items['columnSort'].empty? && @items['columnSort'].key?(field) colSort['LIST_COL_SORT'] = @items['columnSort'][field] elsif (!@items['columnSort'].empty? && @items['columnSort'].include?(field)) || @items['columnSort'].empty? colSort['LIST_COL_SORT'] = field end colSort['PAGE_ID'] = @items['pageId'] colSort['LIST_NAME'] = @items['name'] colSort['BUTTON_VALUE'] = @items['buttonVal'] colSort['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] = @listSortNext colSort['LIST_FILTER_ALL'] = @items['LIST_FILTER_ALL'] colSort['ROW_LIMIT'] = @items['ROW_LIMIT'] colSort['LIST_SEQUENCE'] = @sequence icon = "" if ( ( (@items.key?('LIST_COL_SORT') && !@items['LIST_COL_SORT'].empty?) && @items['LIST_COL_SORT'] == colSort['LIST_COL_SORT']) || ( $_SESSION.key?('LIST_COL_SORT') && $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'].key?(@sqlHash) && $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'][@sqlHash].key?(field)) ) changedSession = false if @items.key?('LIST_COL_SORT') && !@items['LIST_COL_SORT'].empty? changedSession = ( $_SESSION.key?('LIST_COL_SORT') && $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'].key?(@sqlHash) && ! $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'][@sqlHash].key?(@items['LIST_COL_SORT']) ) if $_SESSION.key?('LIST_COL_SORT') && $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'].key?(@sqlHash) $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'].delete(@sqlHash) end $_SESSION.deep_merge!({'LIST_COL_SORT' => { @sqlHash => {@items['LIST_COL_SORT']=> @items['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] } } }) end if !changedSession && @items.key?('LIST_COL_SORT') && ! @items['LIST_COL_SORT'].empty? if @items['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] == 'DESC' icon = "↑" else icon = "↓" end elsif !changedSession && $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'] == 'Hash' && $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'].key?(@sqlHash) #load sort from session $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'][@sqlHash].each_with_index { |order,void| if order[1] == 'DESC' colSort['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] = "ASC" icon = "↑" else colSort['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] = "DESC" icon = "↓" end } end end #Carry over any search criteria on a sort to SORT URL # if $_REQUEST.key?('search_filter') && ! $_REQUEST['search_filter'].empty? if $_REQUEST['search_filter'].empty? colSort['search_filter'] = $_REQUEST['search_filter'] end end if @items.key?('ajax_action') && ! @items['ajax_action'].empty? colSort['list_action'] = @items['ajax_action'] end colSort['SQL_HASH'] = @sqlHash pieces = { '' => WidgetList::Utils::build_url(@items['pageId'],colSort,(!$_REQUEST.key?('BUTTON_VALUE'))), '' => @items['name'], '' => strip_tags(field).gsub(/\s/,'_'), '' => colWidthStyle, '' => popupTitle, '' => colClass, '' => fieldTitle, '' => @items['ajax_function'] } headers << WidgetList::Utils::fill(pieces, @items[templateIdx]) else pieces = { '' => fieldTitle, '' => colWidthStyle, '' => popupTitle, '' => colClass, '' => strip_tags(field).gsub(/\s/,'_') } headers << WidgetList::Utils::fill(pieces, @items[templateIdx]) end } @templateFill[''] = headers.count() if @items['mode'] != 'passive' pieces = {'' => @sequence, '' => @totalPages} @templateFill[''] = WidgetList::Utils::fill(pieces, @items['templateSequence']) end @templateFill[''] = build_pagination() @templateFill[''] = headers.join('') if ! @items['listDescription'].empty? fillDesc = {} fillDesc[''] = headers.count() fillDesc[''] = @items['listDescription'] fillDesc[''] = @items['name'] @templateFill[''] = WidgetList::Utils::fill(fillDesc,@items['list_description']) else @templateFill[''] = '' end end # @param [String] column (the name) # @param [Fixnum] row (the id or pointer in the loop to fetch the data) def build_column_input(column, row='') content = '' inputManager = @items['inputs'][column] case inputManager['type'] when "checkbox" input = {} input['name'] = 'widget_check_name' input['id'] = 'widget_check_id' input['check_all'] = false input['value'] = '' input['checked'] = '' input['onclick'] = '' input['input_class'] = 'widgetlist-checkbox-input' input['class_handle'] = '' input = WidgetList::Widgets::populate_items(inputManager['items'],input) onClick = [] checkAllId = '' # # Get a value. Assumes it is a column initially. # # @note headers are ignored and would fail as row would be null # if @results.key?(input['value'].upcase) && !@results[input['value'].upcase][row].to_s.empty? input['value'] = @results[ input['value'].upcase ][row] end # # Append class handle # input['input_class'] = "#{input['input_class']} #{input['class_handle']}" if input['check_all'] checkAllId = input['id'] if $_SESSION.key?('list_checks') && $_SESSION['list_checks'].key?('check_all_' + @sqlHash.to_s + @items['name'].to_s + @sequence.to_s) input['checked'] = true end # # Set header class # if @items['headerClass'] == 'Array' && @items['headerClass'].key?('checkbox') if $_SESSION['list_checks'].key?('check_all_' + @sqlHash.to_s + @items['name'].to_s + @sequence.to_s) input['checked'] = true end end else input['input_class'] = "#{input['input_class']} #{input['class_handle']} #{input['class_handle']}_list" end # # Setup onclick action # if input['onclick'].empty? listJumpUrl = {} listJumpUrl['BUTTON_VALUE'] = @items['buttonVal'] listJumpUrl['LIST_COL_SORT'] = @items['LIST_COL_SORT'] listJumpUrl['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] = @items['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] listJumpUrl['LIST_FILTER_ALL'] = @items['LIST_FILTER_ALL'] listJumpUrl['ROW_LIMIT'] = @items['ROW_LIMIT'] listJumpUrl['LIST_SEQUENCE'] = @sequence listJumpUrl['LIST_NAME'] = @items['name'] listJumpUrl['SQL_HASH'] = @sqlHash listJumpUrl['list_action'] = 'ajax_widgetlist_checks' onClick << "AjaxMaintainChecks(this, '#{input['class_handle']}', '#{@items['name']}', '" + WidgetList::Utils::build_url(@items['pageId'],listJumpUrl,(!$_REQUEST.key?('BUTTON_VALUE'))) + "', '#{checkAllId}');" end input['onclick'] = onClick.join(' ') # # Checkbox is checked or not per query value # if ! @items['checked_flag'].empty? if @items['checked_flag'].key?(column) input['checked'] = !!@results[ @items['checked_flag'][column].upcase ][row] end end # # Checkbox is checked or not per session (overwrites query) # if $_SESSION.key?('list_checks') && $_SESSION['list_checks'].key?(@items['name'] + @sqlHash + input['value'].to_s) input['checked'] = true end content = WidgetList::Widgets::widget_check(input) #todo never implemented when "text" a=1 #content = WidgetInput() when "select" a=1 #content = WidgetSelect() end return content end def build_column_button(column,j) buttons = @items['buttons'][column] columnValue = @results[column.upcase][j] btnOut = [] strCnt = 0 nameId = '' buttons.each { |buttonId,buttonAttribs| #url = array('PAGE_ID') function = @items['linkFunction'] parameters = '' renderButton = true if buttonAttribs.key?('tags') buttonAttribs['tags'].each { | tagName , tag | #only uppercase will be replaced # if @results.key?(tag.upcase) && @results[tag.upcase][j] buttonAttribs.deep_merge!({'args' => { tagName => @results[tag.upcase][j] } }) else buttonAttribs.deep_merge!({'args' => { tagName => tag } }) end } end nameId = buttonId.to_s + '_' + j.to_s buttonAttribs['name'] = nameId buttonAttribs['id'] = nameId #if buttonAttribs.key?('condition') #never show button if you pass a condition unless explicitly matching the value of the features # #renderButton = false #allConditions = columnValue.split(':') #if (in_array(ltrim($buttonAttribs['condition'], ':'), $allConditions)) # renderButton = true #end #end if (renderButton) strCnt += (buttonAttribs['text'].length * 15) btnOut << WidgetList::Widgets::widget_button(buttonAttribs['text'], buttonAttribs, true) end } #BS width algorithm. HACK/TWEAK/OMG Get it working. # colWidth = ((strCnt + (btnOut.count * 35)) / 2) + 10 return '
    ' + btnOut.join('') + '
    ' end # @param [String] column def build_column_link(column,j) links = @items['links'][column] url = {'PAGE_ID' => @items['pageId']} function = @items['linkFunction'] parameters = '' if links.key?('PAGE_ID') && ! links['PAGE_ID'].empty? url['PAGE_ID'] = links['PAGE_ID'] end if links.key?('ACTION') && ! links['ACTION'].empty? url['list_action'] = links['ACTION'] end if links.key?('BUTTON_VALUE') && ! links['BUTTON_VALUE'].empty? url['BUTTON_VALUE'] = links['BUTTON_VALUE'] end #todo unit test this and all of column links if links.key?('tags') links['tags'].each { | tagName, tag | if @results[tag][j] url[tagName] = @results[tag][j] else url[tagName] = tag end } end if links.key?('onclick') && links['onclick'] == 'Hash' if links['onclick'].key?('function') && !links['onclick']['function'].empty? function = links['onclick']['function'] end if links['onclick'].key?('tags') && !links['onclick']['tags'].empty? links['onclick']['tags'].each { | tagName , tag| if @results.key?(tag.upcase) parameters = ", '" + @results[tag.upcase][j] + "'" end } end end if @items.key?('ajax_action') && !@items['ajax_action'].empty? url['list_action'] = @items['ajax_action'] end url['SQL_HASH'] = @sqlHash linkUrl = WidgetList::Utils::build_url(@items['pageId'],(!$_REQUEST.key?('BUTTON_VALUE'))) "#{function}('#{linkUrl}'#{parameters})" end def build_rows() sql = build_statement() if @totalResultCount > 0 if @items['data'].empty? #Run the actual statement # @totalRowCount = WidgetList::List.get_database._select(sql, @items['bindVars'], @items['bindVarsLegacy']) end if @totalRowCount > 0 if @items['data'].empty? @results = WidgetList::List.get_database.final_results else @results = @items['data'] end #Build each row # max = @totalRowCount-1 rows = [] j = 0 for j in j..max columns = [] customRowColor = '' customRowStyle = '' # # For each column (field) in this row # @items['fields'].each { |column , fieldTitle| colPieces = {} colClasses = [] theStyle = '' colData = '' colClass = '' onClick = '' colWidthStyle = '' content = '' contentTitle = '' #todo unit test build_column_link # # Column is a Link # if @items['links'].key?(column) && @items['links'][column] == 'Hash' onClick = build_column_link(column,j) # # Column is a Button # elsif @items['buttons'].key?(column) && @items['buttons'][column] == 'Hash' content = build_column_button(column, j) # # Column is an input # elsif @items['inputs'].key?(column) && @items['inputs'][column] == 'Hash' colClasses << @items['checked_class'] content = build_column_input(column, j) # # Column is text # else cleanData = strip_tags(@results[column.upcase][j].to_s) if cleanData.length > @items['strlength'] =begin $contentTitle = $cleanData; $possibleMatches = array("/(.*)(\(.*?<\/a>\)\s)(.*)/i" => array(3), #(id) Text "/(.*)()(.*)(<\/a>)(.*)/i" => array(3) #Text other text ); foreach($possibleMatches as $regex => $toFix) { $matched = preg_match_all($regex, @results[strtoupper($column)][$j], $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); if(! empty($matched)) { $pieces = {}; unset($matches[0]); foreach($matches as $key => $theText) { $fixedText = ''; if(in_array($key, $toFix)) { $fixedText = substr($theText[0], 0, @items['strlength']) . '...'; } else { $fixedText = $theText[0]; } $pieces[] = $fixedText; } $content = implode('', $pieces); break; } } if(empty($matched)) { if ((strpos(@results[strtoupper($column)][$j],'&#') !== false && strpos(@results[strtoupper($column)][$j],';') !== false)) { $content = @results[strtoupper($column)][$j]; } else { $content = substr(@results[strtoupper($column)][$j], 0, @items['strlength']) . '...'; } } =end content = @results[column.upcase][j].to_s[ 0, @items['strlength'] ] + '...' else content = @results[column.upcase][j].to_s end #Strip HTML # if !@items['allowHTML'] content = strip_tags(content) end content = WidgetList::List.get_database._bind(content, @items['bindVarsLegacy']) # Column color # if ! @items['columnStyle'].empty? if @items['columnStyle'].key?(column.downcase) colHeader = @items['columnStyle'][column.downcase] if @results.key?(colHeader.upcase) theStyle = @results[colHeader.upcase][j] else theStyle = colHeader end end end # Column width # if ! @items['columnWidth'].empty? if @items['columnWidth'].key?(column.downcase) colWidthStyle = "width:" + @items['columnWidth'][column.downcase] + ";" end end # Column Class # if !@items['columnClass'].empty? if @items['columnClass'].key?(column.downcase) colClasses << @items['columnClass'][column.downcase] end end end # # Setup any column classes # colClasses << @items['collClass'] colClass = colClasses.join(' ') # # Row Color # if !@items['rowColorByStatus'].empty? && @items['rowColorByStatus'].key?(column) && !@items['rowColorByStatus'][column].empty? @items['rowColorByStatus'][column].each { |status,color| if status === content customRowColor = color end } end # # Row Style # if !@items['rowStylesByStatus'].empty? && @items['rowStylesByStatus'].key?(column) && !@items['rowStylesByStatus'][column].empty? @items['rowStylesByStatus'][column].each { |status,inlineStyle| if status === content customRowStyle = color end } end # # Set up Column Pieces # colPieces[''] = colClass colPieces[''] = @items['collAlign'] colPieces[''] = theStyle + colWidthStyle colPieces[''] = onClick colPieces[''] = contentTitle #todo htmlentities needed ? colPieces[''] = content # # Assemble the Column # columns << WidgetList::Utils::fill(colPieces, @items['col']) } #Draw the row # pieces = {'' => columns.join('') } if @items['rowColorByStatus'].empty? && @items['rowStylesByStatus'].empty? #Set the row color # rowColor = @items['rowColor'] if @items['offsetRows'] if( j % 2 ==0) rowColor = @items['rowOffsets'][1] else rowColor = @items['rowOffsets'][0] end end #Draw default color # pieces[''] = rowColor pieces[''] = '' pieces[''] = @items['rowClass'] else pieces[''] = !customRowColor.empty? ? customRowColor : @items['rowColor'] pieces[''] = customRowStyle.empty? ? customRowStyle : '' pieces[''] = @items['rowClass'] end rows << WidgetList::Utils::fill(pieces, @items['row']) end @templateFill[''] = rows.join('') else @templateFill[''] = '
    ' + generate_error_output() + @items['noDataMessage'] + '
    ' end else @templateFill[''] = '
    ' + generate_error_output() + @items['noDataMessage'] + '
    ' end end def generate_error_output(ex='') sqlDebug = "" if Rails.env == 'development' sqlDebug += "

    " end if Rails.env == 'development' && WidgetList::List.get_database.errors sqlDebug += "

    (" + WidgetList::List.get_database.last_error.to_s + ")" end if Rails.env == 'development' && ex != '' sqlDebug += "

    (" + ex.to_s + ")
    "  + $!.backtrace.join("\n\n") +  "
    " end sqlDebug end def build_statement() statement = '' pieces = { '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => ''} if !@items['sql'].empty? || !@items['force_query_sql'].empty? if !@items['fieldNames'].empty? @items['fieldNames'].each { |column| tick = '`' if(isset(@items['function'][column])) tick = '' column = @items['function'][column] end @fieldList << "#{tick}#{column}#{tick}" } fields = @fieldList.join(',') else fields = "*"; end sqlPieces = {}; sqlPieces[''] = fields; sqlPieces[''] = @items['sql']; if !@items['force_query_sql'].empty? statement = @items['force_query_sql'] else statement = @items['statement']['select']['sql'] end statement = WidgetList::Utils::fill(sqlPieces, @items['statement']['count']['table']) elsif !@items['view'].empty? #Build out a list of columns to select from # @items['fields'].each { |column, fieldTitle| if @items['function'].key?(column) && !@items['function'][column].empty? column = @items['function'][column] end @fieldList << column } #Add any columns without corresponding header titles # @items['columns'].each { |column| @fieldList << column } viewPieces = {} viewPieces[''] = @fieldList.join(',') viewPieces[''] = @items['view'] statement = WidgetList::Utils::fill(viewPieces, @items['statement']['select']['view']) end @sqlHash = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest( WidgetList::Utils::fill(pieces, statement) ) if @items['searchClear'] || @items['searchClearAll'] clear_sql_session(@items.key?('searchClearAll')) end if !$_REQUEST.key?('BUTTON_VALUE') && $_SESSION.key?('LIST_SEQUENCE') && $_SESSION['LIST_SEQUENCE'].key?(@sqlHash) && $_SESSION['LIST_SEQUENCE'][@sqlHash] > 0 @sequence = $_SESSION['LIST_SEQUENCE'][@sqlHash] generate_limits end if !@filter.empty? where = ' WHERE ' pieces[''] = where + @filter end if !@items['groupBy'].empty? pieces[''] += ' GROUP BY ' + @items['groupBy'] end if !@items['LIST_COL_SORT'].empty? || $_SESSION.key?('LIST_COL_SORT') && $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'] == 'Hash' && $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'].key?(@sqlHash) if ! @items['LIST_COL_SORT'].empty? pieces[''] += ' ORDER BY `' + @items['LIST_COL_SORT'] + "` " + @items['LIST_COL_SORT_ORDER'] else $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'][@sqlHash].each_with_index { |order,void| pieces[''] += ' ORDER BY `' + order[0] + "` " + order[1] } if $_SESSION.key?('LIST_COL_SORT') && $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'] == 'Hash' && $_SESSION['LIST_COL_SORT'].key?(@sqlHash) end # Add base order by if ! @items['orderBy'].empty? pieces[''] += ',' + @items['orderBy'] end elsif !@items['orderBy'].empty? pieces[''] += ' ORDER BY ' + @items['orderBy'] end pieces[''] = ' LIMIT :LOW, :HIGH' statement = WidgetList::Utils::fill(pieces, statement) if @items['rowLimit'] >= @totalRows @items['bindVarsLegacy']['LOW'] = 0 @sequence = 1 end statement end def auto_column_name(name='') name.gsub(/\_/,' ').gsub(/\-/,' ').capitalize end def get_total_records() filter = '' fields = {} sql = '' hashed = false if !@items['force_count_sql'].empty? sql = @items['force_count_sql'] elsif !@items['table'].empty? sql = WidgetList::Utils::fill({'' => @items['table']}, @items['statement']['count']['table']) elsif !@items['sql'].empty? sql = WidgetList::Utils::fill({'' => @items['sql']}, @items['statement']['count']['sql']) elsif !@items['view'].empty? sql = WidgetList::Utils::fill({'' => @items['view']}, @items['statement']['count']['view']) end if ! @filter.empty? filter = ' WHERE ' + @filter end sql = WidgetList::Utils::fill({'' => filter}, sql) if ! sql.empty? if @items['showPagination'] if WidgetList::List.get_database._select(sql, [], @items['bindVarsLegacy']) > 0 rows = WidgetList::List.get_database.final_results['TOTAL'][0] else rows = 0 end if rows > 0 @totalRows = rows end else rows = 1 end else rows = 0 end if @totalRows > 0 @totalPages = (@totalRows.to_f / @items['rowLimit'].to_f).ceil() end rows end end end