:katello: #if this block is not define, all types are enabled #types are defined in lib/katello/repository_types/*.rb :content_types: :yum: true :file: true :deb: true :puppet: true :docker: true :ostree: true :use_cp: true # set to true/false if you want to override default :use_pulp: true # set to true/false if you want to override default :rest_client_timeout: 30 :gpg_strict_validation: false :puppet_repo_root: '/etc/puppet/environments/' :redhat_repository_url: https://cdn.redhat.com :consumer_cert_rpm: 'katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm' :consumer_cert_sh: 'katello-rhsm-consumer' # Setup your candlepin environment here :candlepin: # refers to the url of the candlepin # example https://localhost:8443/candlepin :url: https://localhost:8443/candlepin # Specify your oauth key and secret used to authenticate between Katello and Candlepin :oauth_key: katello :oauth_secret: katello # refers to the candlepin-ca.crt location that is needed # to connect to candlepin over https.This is not necessary # if the candlepin server is running on the same machine as katello # but required if the server is on a different machine. # In the different machine case the katello host needs to have a # copy of /etc/candlepin/certs/candlepin-ca.crt copied from # the candlepin host and the location of the copied file needs to be # specified here.. :ca_cert_file: # :bulk_load_size: 1000 # Setup your pulp environment here :pulp: # refers to the url of the pulp # example https://localhost/pulp/api :url: https://localhost/pulp/api/v2/ :sync_threads: 4 :bulk_load_size: 100 # refers to the apache certificate # (typically /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt) location that is needed # to connect to pulp over https. :ca_cert_file: :default_login: admin :sync_KBlimit: :upload_chunk_size: 1048575 # upload size in bytes to pulp. see SSLRenegBufferSize in apache :skip_checksum_validation: false :qpid: :url: amqp:ssl:katello-devel.example.com:5671 :subscriptions_queue_address: katello_event_queue :cdn_proxy: # :host: localhost # :port: 3128 # :user: login # :password: password # Internal configuration for communication from server to pulp crane service. :container_image_registry: :crane_url: https://localhost:5000 :crane_ca_cert_file: /etc/pki/katello/certs/katello-server-ca.crt :allow_push: false # default false if omitted # Logging configuration can be changed by uncommenting the loggers # section and the logger configuration desired. # # :loggers: # :glue: # :enabled: true # :pulp_rest: # :enabled: true # :cp_rest: # :enabled: true # :cp_proxy: # :enabled: true # :action: # :enabled: true # :manifest_import_logger: # :enabled: true