require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. spec_helper]) require 'chronic' describe Rackamole::Alert::Twitt do before( :each ) do @alert = nil, 'fernand', 'blee' ) end it "should truncate a message correctly" do @alert.send( :truncate, "a"*141 ).should == "a"*137 + '...' end describe '#display_feature' do it "should display a rails feature correctly" do @alert.send( :display_feature, :route_info => { :controller => 'fred', :action => 'blee'} ).should == "fred#blee" end it "should display a path feature for other rack framword" do @alert.send( :display_feature, :path => '/fred/blee' ).should == "/fred/blee" end end describe '#send_alert' do before( :each ) do @args = @args[:type] = Rackamole.feature @args[:app_name] = 'Test' @args[:host] = 'Fred' @args[:user_name] = 'Fernand' @args[:path] = '/blee/fred' @args[:created_at] = Chronic.parse( "2009/11/19" ) end it "should twitt a feature alert using class method correctly" do twitt = mock( Rackamole::Alert::Twitt ) client = Twitter::Client.stub!( :new ) Rackamole::Alert::Twitt.should_receive( :new ).with( nil, 'blee', 'duh').once.and_return( twitt ) # client.should_receive( :new ).once.and_return( client ) twitt.should_receive( :send_alert ).with( @args ).once.and_return( "yeah" ) Rackamole::Alert::Twitt.deliver_alert( nil, { :twitter => { :username => "blee", :password => "duh" } }, @args ) end it "should twitt a feature alert correctly" do client = stub( Twitter::Client ) @alert.should_receive( :twitt ).once.and_return( client ) # client.should_receive( :new ).exactly(1).with( 'fernand', 'blee' ) client.should_receive( :status ).once @alert.send_alert( @args ).should == "[Feature] Test on Fred - Fernand\n/blee/fred - 12:00:00" end it "should twitt a perf alert correctly" do @args[:type] = Rackamole.perf @args[:request_time] = 10.0 client = stub( Twitter::Client ) @alert.should_receive( :twitt ).once.and_return( client ) client.should_receive( :status ).once @alert.send_alert( @args ).should == "[Perf] Test on Fred - Fernand\n/blee/fred\n10.0 secs - 12:00:00" end it "should twitt a perf alert correctly" do @args[:type] = Rackamole.fault @args[:fault] = 'Oh snap!' client = stub( Twitter::Client ) @alert.should_receive( :twitt ).once.and_return( client ) client.should_receive( :status ).once @alert.send_alert( @args ).should == "[Fault] Test on Fred - Fernand\n/blee/fred\nOh snap! - 12:00:00" end end describe "#format_time" do it "should format a request time correctly" do @alert.send( :format_time, 12.1234455 ).should == 12.12 end end describe "#format_host" do it "should format a host with domain name correctly" do @alert.send( :format_host, '' ).should == 'blee' end it "should deal with ip host" do @alert.send( :format_host, '' ).should == '' end it "should deal with aliases" do @alert.send( :format_host, 'fred' ).should == 'fred' end end end