require: rubocop-rspec AllCops: TargetRubyVersion: 2.3 Exclude: - lib/deimos/monkey_patches/*.rb - vendor/**/* # class Plumbus # private # def smooth; end # end Layout/AccessModifierIndentation: EnforcedStyle: outdent # # each do # baz # end Layout/BlockAlignment: EnforcedStyleAlignWith: start_of_block # something. # method # # instead of # # something # .method Layout/DotPosition: EnforcedStyle: trailing # sometimes empty lines can be used for clarity Layout/EmptyLinesAroundBlockBody: Enabled: false # foo = if expression # 'bar' # end Layout/MultilineAssignmentLayout: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: same_line # while myvariable. # a. # b # # # do something # end Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation: EnforcedStyle: indented # def some_method(arg1=true, arg2=42) Layout/SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault: EnforcedStyle: no_space # do not allow e.g. # if (v = array.grep(/foo/)) # do_something(v) # end Lint/AssignmentInCondition: AllowSafeAssignment: false Severity: convention Lint/UnusedBlockArgument: AllowUnusedKeywordArguments: true Lint/UnusedMethodArgument: AllowUnusedKeywordArguments: true Metrics/AbcSize: Severity: refactor Max: 20 Metrics/BlockLength: Severity: refactor Metrics/ClassLength: Severity: refactor Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Severity: refactor Max: 20 Metrics/LineLength: Max: 100 Severity: refactor Exclude: - 'spec/**/*' Metrics/MethodLength: Severity: refactor Max: 30 Metrics/ModuleLength: Severity: refactor Metrics/ParameterLists: Max: 5 CountKeywordArgs: false Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: Severity: refactor # Use alias_method instead of alias Style/Alias: EnforcedStyle: prefer_alias_method # Allow "and" or "or" to be used as a statement but not a conditional operator Style/AndOr: EnforcedStyle: conditionals # Force use of {...} instead of but as a refactor Style/AutoResourceCleanup: Enabled: true Severity: refactor # Do not allow multiline {} blocks unless it is chained with a . Style/BlockDelimiters: EnforcedStyle: braces_for_chaining # bad # some_method(x, y, {a: 1, b: 2}) # some_method(x, y, {a: 1, b: 2}, a: 1, b: 2) # good # some_method(x, y, a: 1, b: 2) # some_method(x, y, {a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1, b: 2}) Style/BracesAroundHashParameters: EnforcedStyle: context_dependent # Enable both this: # MyModule::MyClass # and this: # module MyModule # class MyClass Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: Enabled: false # Don't force "reduce" over "inject" Style/CollectionMethods: Enabled: true AutoCorrect: false PreferredMethods: collect: map collect!: map! detect: find find_all: select Style/DateTime: AllowCoercion: true Style/Documentation: Exclude: - 'app/controllers/**/*' - 'app/helpers/**/*' - 'db/**/*' # Force documentation for public methods and classes Style/DocumentationMethod: Enabled: true Exclude: - 'app/controllers/**/*' - 'db/**/*' # Allow else with just nil in it Style/EmptyElse: EnforcedStyle: empty # Do not allow one-line methods Style/EmptyMethod: EnforcedStyle: expanded # One-line bodies are fine without a guard clause Style/GuardClause: MinBodyLength: 2 # Require hash syntax { key: value } in all cases Style/HashSyntax: EnforcedStyle: ruby19_no_mixed_keys Style/IfUnlessModifier: Enabled: false # Allow the following: # var x = "foo" + # "bar" Style/LineEndConcatenation: Enabled: false # Require parentheses around all method arguments except for whitelist Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses: Enabled: true IgnoredMethods: - puts - render - redirect_to - send_data - require - include - require_relative - specify - example - describe - it - to - not_to - to_not - define - expect_with - mock_with - factory - travel_to - travel - get - raise - attr_accessor - class_attribute - before_save - after_save - before_create - after_create - before_update - after_update - before_destroy - after_destroy - queue_as Exclude: - 'bin/**/*' - 'Gemfile' # Do not allow "end.something" Style/MethodCalledOnDoEndBlock: Enabled: true Style/OptionHash: Enabled: false # Use %i() and %w() instead of [] Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters: PreferredDelimiters: '%i': '()' '%I': '()' '%w': '()' '%W': '()' # Allow self.x in all cases - it helps make it obvious when dealing with # instance variables Style/RedundantSelf: Enabled: false # Do not allow single line methods Style/SingleLineMethods: AllowIfMethodIsEmpty: false # NOTE change this for Ruby < 2.0 # require %i() Style/SymbolArray: EnforcedStyle: percent RSpec/AlignLeftLetBrace: Enabled: false RSpec/AlignRightLetBrace: Enabled: false # Allow allow_any_instance_of().to receive RSpec/AnyInstance: Enabled: false # Allow describe MyClass, 'some descriptor that isn't a method' RSpec/DescribeMethod: Enabled: false RSpec/ExampleLength: Severity: refactor Max: 40 # Allow it 'should do something' RSpec/ExampleWording: Enabled: false # Allow describing specs without only using classes and methods RSpec/FilePath: Enabled: false # Use before(:each), not before or before(:example) RSpec/HookArgument: EnforcedStyle: each RSpec/ItBehavesLike: EnforcedStyle: it_should_behave_like RSpec/LeakyConstantDeclaration: Enabled: false RSpec/MessageChain: Severity: refactor # Allow both "allow" and "expect" RSpec/MessageExpectation: Enabled: false # Use to receive, not to have_received RSpec/MessageSpies: Enabled: false RSpec/MultipleExpectations: Max: 10 Severity: refactor # Allow both and_return() and block returns (use these for multi-line) RSpec/ReturnFromStub: Enabled: false RSpec/SubjectStub: Severity: refactor RSpec/ExpectActual: Enabled: false RSpec/BeforeAfterAll: Enabled: false Security/YAMLLoad: Exclude: - 'lib/deimos.rb'