# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'severity' # # This code is based on https://github.com/standardrb/standard. # # Copyright (c) 2023 Test Double, Inc. # # The MIT License (MIT) # # https://github.com/standardrb/standard/blob/main/LICENSE.txt # module RuboCop module Lsp # Routes for Language Server Protocol of RuboCop. # @api private class Routes def self.handle(name, &block) define_method("handle_#{name}", &block) end private_class_method :handle def initialize(server) @server = server @text_cache = {} end def for(name) name = "handle_#{name}" return unless respond_to?(name) method(name) end handle 'initialize' do |request| initialization_options = extract_initialization_options_from(request) @server.configure(initialization_options) @server.write( id: request[:id], result: LanguageServer::Protocol::Interface::InitializeResult.new( capabilities: LanguageServer::Protocol::Interface::ServerCapabilities.new( document_formatting_provider: true, diagnostic_provider: LanguageServer::Protocol::Interface::DiagnosticOptions.new( inter_file_dependencies: false, workspace_diagnostics: false ), text_document_sync: LanguageServer::Protocol::Interface::TextDocumentSyncOptions.new( change: LanguageServer::Protocol::Constant::TextDocumentSyncKind::FULL, open_close: true ) ) ) ) end handle 'initialized' do |_request| version = RuboCop::Version::STRING Logger.log("RuboCop #{version} language server initialized, PID #{Process.pid}") end handle 'shutdown' do |request| Logger.log('Client asked to shutdown RuboCop language server.') @server.stop do @server.write(id: request[:id], result: nil) Logger.log('Exiting...') end end handle 'textDocument/diagnostic' do |request| doc = request[:params][:textDocument] result = diagnostic(doc[:uri], doc[:text]) @server.write(result) end handle 'textDocument/didChange' do |request| params = request[:params] result = diagnostic(params[:textDocument][:uri], params[:contentChanges][0][:text]) @server.write(result) end handle 'textDocument/didOpen' do |request| doc = request[:params][:textDocument] result = diagnostic(doc[:uri], doc[:text]) @server.write(result) end handle 'textDocument/didClose' do |request| @text_cache.delete(request.dig(:params, :textDocument, :uri)) end handle 'textDocument/formatting' do |request| uri = request[:params][:textDocument][:uri] @server.write(id: request[:id], result: format_file(uri)) end handle 'workspace/didChangeConfiguration' do |_request| Logger.log('Ignoring workspace/didChangeConfiguration') end handle 'workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles' do |request| changed = request[:params][:changes].any? do |change| change[:uri].end_with?(RuboCop::ConfigFinder::DOTFILE) end if changed Logger.log('Configuration file changed; restart required') @server.stop end end handle 'workspace/executeCommand' do |request| case (command = request[:params][:command]) when 'rubocop.formatAutocorrects' label = 'Format with RuboCop autocorrects' when 'rubocop.formatAutocorrectsAll' label = 'Format all with RuboCop autocorrects' else handle_unsupported_method(request, command) return end uri = request[:params][:arguments][0][:uri] @server.write( id: request[:id], method: 'workspace/applyEdit', params: { label: label, edit: { changes: { uri => format_file(uri, command: command) } } } ) end handle 'textDocument/willSave' do |_request| # Nothing to do end handle 'textDocument/didSave' do |_request| # Nothing to do end handle '$/cancelRequest' do |_request| # Can't cancel anything because single-threaded end handle '$/setTrace' do |_request| # No-op, we log everything end def handle_unsupported_method(request, method = request[:method]) @server.write( id: request[:id], error: LanguageServer::Protocol::Interface::ResponseError.new( code: LanguageServer::Protocol::Constant::ErrorCodes::METHOD_NOT_FOUND, message: "Unsupported Method: #{method}" ) ) Logger.log("Unsupported Method: #{method}") end def handle_method_missing(request) return unless request.key?(:id) @server.write(id: request[:id], result: nil) end private def extract_initialization_options_from(request) safe_autocorrect = request.dig(:params, :initializationOptions, :safeAutocorrect) { safe_autocorrect: safe_autocorrect.nil? || safe_autocorrect == true, lint_mode: request.dig(:params, :initializationOptions, :lintMode) == true, layout_mode: request.dig(:params, :initializationOptions, :layoutMode) == true } end def format_file(file_uri, command: nil) unless (text = @text_cache[file_uri]) Logger.log("Format request arrived before text synchronized; skipping: `#{file_uri}'") return [] end new_text = @server.format(remove_file_protocol_from(file_uri), text, command: command) return [] if new_text == text [ newText: new_text, range: { start: { line: 0, character: 0 }, end: { line: text.count("\n") + 1, character: 0 } } ] end def diagnostic(file_uri, text) @text_cache[file_uri] = text offenses = @server.offenses(remove_file_protocol_from(file_uri), text) diagnostics = offenses.map { |offense| to_diagnostic(offense) } { method: 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics', params: { uri: file_uri, diagnostics: diagnostics } } end def remove_file_protocol_from(uri) uri.delete_prefix('file://') end def to_diagnostic(offense) code = offense[:cop_name] message = offense[:message] loc = offense[:location] rubocop_severity = offense[:severity] severity = Severity.find_by(rubocop_severity) { code: code, message: message, range: to_range(loc), severity: severity, source: 'rubocop' } end def to_range(location) { start: { character: location[:start_column] - 1, line: location[:start_line] - 1 }, end: { character: location[:last_column] - 1, line: location[:last_line] - 1 } } end end end end