require "highline" require "forwardable" module Radiant class Setup class << self def bootstrap(config) setup = new setup.bootstrap(config) setup end end attr_accessor :config def bootstrap(config) @config = config @admin = create_admin_user(config[:admin_name], config[:admin_username], config[:admin_password]) UserActionObserver.current_user = @admin load_default_configuration load_database_template(config[:database_template]) announce "Finished." end def create_admin_user(name, username, password) unless name and username and password announce "Create the admin user (press enter for defaults)." name = prompt_for_admin_name unless name username = prompt_for_admin_username unless username password = prompt_for_admin_password unless password end attributes = { :name => name, :login => username, :password => password, :password_confirmation => password, :admin => true } admin = User.find_by_login(username) admin = unless admin admin.update_attributes(attributes) admin end def load_default_configuration feedback "\nInitializing configuration" do step { Radiant::Config['admin.title' ] = 'Radiant CMS' } step { Radiant::Config['admin.subtitle'] = 'Publishing for Small Teams' } step { Radiant::Config['' ] = 'body, extended' } step { Radiant::Config['' ] = 'draft' } step { Radiant::Config['' ] = nil } step { Radiant::Config[''] = 'Keywords, Description' } step { Radiant::Config['session_timeout'] = 2.weeks } step { Radiant::Config['default_locale'] = 'en' } end end def load_database_template(filename) template = nil if filename name = find_template_in_path(filename) unless name announce "Invalid template name: #{filename}" filename = nil else template = load_template_file(name) end end unless filename templates = find_and_load_templates("#{RADIANT_ROOT}/db/templates/*.yml") templates.concat find_and_load_templates("#{RADIANT_ROOT}/vendor/extensions/**/db/templates/*.yml") templates.concat find_and_load_templates("#{Rails.root}/vendor/extensions/**/db/templates/*.yml") templates.concat find_and_load_templates("#{Rails.root}/db/templates/*.yml") templates.uniq! choose do |menu| menu.header = "\nSelect a database template" menu.prompt = "[1-#{templates.size}]: " menu.select_by = :index templates.each { |t| menu.choice(t['name']) { template = t } } end end create_records(template) end private def prompt_for_admin_name username = ask('Name (Administrator): ', String) do |q| q.validate = /^.{0,100}$/ q.responses[:not_valid] = "Invalid name. Must be at less than 100 characters long." q.whitespace = :strip end username = "Administrator" if username.blank? username end def prompt_for_admin_username username = ask('Username (admin): ', String) do |q| q.validate = /^(|.{3,40})$/ q.responses[:not_valid] = "Invalid username. Must be at least 3 characters long." q.whitespace = :strip end username = "admin" if username.blank? username end def prompt_for_admin_password password = ask('Password (radiant): ', String) do |q| q.echo = false unless defined?(::JRuby) # JRuby doesn't support stty interaction q.validate = /^(|.{5,40})$/ q.responses[:not_valid] = "Invalid password. Must be at least 5 characters long." q.whitespace = :strip end password = "radiant" if password.blank? password end def find_template_in_path(filename) ( [ filename, "#{RADIANT_ROOT}/#{filename}", "#{RADIANT_ROOT}/db/templates/#{filename}", "#{Rails.root}/#{filename}", "#{Rails.root}/db/templates/#{filename}", "#{Dir.pwd}/#{filename}", "#{Dir.pwd}/db/templates/#{filename}" ] + Dir.glob("#{RADIANT_ROOT}/vendor/extensions/**/db/templates/#{filename}") + Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/vendor/extensions/**/db/templates/#{filename}") ).find { |name| File.file?(name) } end def find_and_load_templates(glob) templates = Dir[glob]! { |template| load_template_file(template) } templates.sort_by { |template| template['name'] } end def load_template_file(filename) YAML.load_file(filename) end def create_records(template) records = template['records'] if records puts records.keys.each do |key| feedback "Creating #{key.to_s.underscore.humanize}" do model = model(key) model.reset_column_information record_pairs = order_by_id(records[key]) step do record_pairs.each do |id, record| end end end end end end def model(model_name) model_name.to_s.singularize.constantize end def order_by_id(records) { |name, record| [record['id'], record] }.sort { |a, b| a[0] <=> b[0] } end extend Forwardable def_delegators :terminal, :agree, :ask, :choose, :say def terminal @terminal ||= end def output terminal.instance_variable_get("@output") end def wrap(string) string = terminal.send(:wrap, string) unless terminal.wrap_at.nil? string end def print(string) output.print(wrap(string)) output.flush end def puts(string = "\n") say string end def announce(string) puts "\n#{string}" end def feedback(process, &block) print "#{process}..." if yield puts "OK" true else puts "FAILED" false end rescue Exception => e puts "FAILED" raise e end def step yield if block_given? print '.' end end end