module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues end class RubyVersionAction < Action def params = nil unless params.kind_of?(Array) value = (params || []).first defined_version = if value UI.user_error!("Please pass minimum ruby version as parameter to ruby_version") unless defined_version if < defined_version error_message = "The Fastfile requires a ruby version of >= #{defined_version}. You are on #{RUBY_VERSION}." UI.user_error!(error_message) end UI.message("Your ruby version #{RUBY_VERSION} matches the minimum requirement of #{defined_version} ✅") end def self.step_text "Verifying Ruby version" end def "sebastianvarela" end def self.description "Verifies the minimum ruby version required" end def self.example_code [ 'ruby_version("2.4.0")' ] end def self.details [ "Add this to your `Fastfile` to require a certain version of _ruby_.", "Put it at the top of your `Fastfile to ensure that _fastlane_ is executed appropriately." ].join("\n") end def self.category :misc end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end