'use strict'; const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; const fs = require('fs'); const TMP_LOG_PATH = '/tmp/shim-subprocess.log'; const subprocess_out = fs.openSync(TMP_LOG_PATH, 'a'); const subprocess_err = fs.openSync(TMP_LOG_PATH, 'a'); const JETS_DEBUG = process.env.JETS_DEBUG // set JETS_DEBUG=1 to see more debugging info function once() { // Uncomment fake run once locally. No need to do this on real lambda environment. // var filename = '/tmp/once.txt'; // if (fs.existsSync(filename)) { // return; // } // fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(filename, 'w')); // start tcp server and detach const subprocess = spawn('bin/ruby_server', { detached: true, stdio: [ 'ignore', subprocess_out, subprocess_err ] }); subprocess.on('error', function(err) { log('bin/ruby_server error', err); }); subprocess.on('close', function(exit_code) { log("Subprocess was shut down or deattached!"); }); // prevent the parent from waiting for a subprocess to exit // https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html subprocess.unref(); } once(); // Produces an Error object that displays in the AWS Lambda test console nicely. // The backtrace are the ruby lines, not the nodejs shim error lines. // The json payload in the Lambda console looks something like this: // // { // "errorMessage": "RubyError: RuntimeError: error in submethod", // "errorType": "RubyError", // "stackTrace": [ // [ // "line1", // "line2", // "line3" // ] // ] // } // function rubyError(resp) { var name = resp["errorType"] var message = resp["errorMessage"] var stack = resp["stackTrace"] stack.unshift(message); // JS error includes the error message at the top of the stacktrac also stack = stack.join("\n") var error = new Error(message) error.name = name error.stack = stack return error } // On AWS Lambda, we can log to either stdout or stderr and we're okay. // But locally when we're testing the shim, the log output can mess up piping // to jq. So not logging to stdout because when testing this shim locally the // stdout output messes up a pipe to jq. function log(text, level="info") { if (level == "info" && JETS_DEBUG) { // only log if JETS_DEBUG is set console.error(text); } else if (level == "debug") { // always log if "debug" passed into method console.error(text); } } //////////////////////////// // main logic for handler const net = require('net'); const PORT = 8080; const HOST = ''; function request(event, handler, callback) { log("event:"); log(event); var client = new net.Socket(); client.connect(PORT, HOST, function() { log('Connected to socket'); client.write(JSON.stringify(event)); client.write("\r\n") // important: \r\n is how server knows input is done client.write(handler); client.write("\r\n") // important: \r\n is how server knows input is done }); // string concatation in javascript is faster than array concatation // http://bit.ly/2gBMDs6 var stdout_buffer = ""; // stdout buffer client.on('data', function(buffer) { log('Received data from socket: ' + buffer); stdout_buffer += buffer; }); client.on('close', function() { log('Socket connection closed'); // If server is not yet running, socket immediately closes and stdout_buffer // is still empty. Return right away for this case, so request can retry. if (stdout_buffer == "") { return; } var resp = JSON.parse(stdout_buffer); if (resp["errorMessage"]) { // Customize error object for lambda format var error = rubyError(resp) callback(error); } else { callback(null, resp); } client.destroy(); // kill client after server's response }); client.on('error', function(error) { log("Socket error:"); log(error); log("Retrying request"); setTimeout(function() { if (fs.existsSync(TMP_LOG_PATH)) { var contents = fs.readFileSync(TMP_LOG_PATH, 'utf8'); if (contents != "") { log("subprocess output:", "debug"); log(contents, "debug"); } } request(event, handler, callback); }, 500); }); }; <% @deducer.functions.each do |function_name| %> exports.<%= function_name %> = (event, context, callback) => { request(event, "<%= @deducer.handler_for(function_name) %>", callback); } <% end %> // for local testing if (require.main === module) { // fake event and context var event = {"hello": "world"} // var event = {"body": {"hello": "world"}} // API Gateway wrapper structure var context = {"fake": "context"} exports.<%= @deducer.functions.first %>(event, context, (error, message) => { log("\nLOCAL TESTING OUTPUT") if (error) { console.log("error message: %o", error) } else { console.log(JSON.stringify(message)) // stringify } }) }