= ANSI::Mixin The ANSI::Mixin module is design for including into String-like classes. It will support any class that defines a #to_s method. require 'ansi/mixin' In this demonstration we will simply include it in the core String class. class ::String include ANSI::Mixin end Now all strings will have access to ANSI's style and color codes via simple method calls. "roses".red.assert == "\e[31mroses\e[0m" "violets".blue.assert == "\e[34mviolets\e[0m" "sugar".italic.assert == "\e[3msugar\e[0m" The method can be combined, of course. "you".italic.bold.assert == "\e[1m\e[3myou\e[0m\e[0m" The mixin also supports background methods. "envy".on_green.assert == "\e[42menvy\e[0m" And it also supports the combined foreground-on-background methods. "b&w".white_on_black.assert == "\e[37m\e[40mb&w\e[0m"