=begin =druby_serv1.rb a sample dRuby server ==USAGE To start the server: % ruby druby_serv1.rb This will print the address of the server such as druby://[hostname]:[port] (For exaple druby://horihost:39391 Then run the client as (if the address is druby://horihost:39391): % ruby druby_cli1.rb druby://horihost:39391 =end require "drb/drb" require "numru/gphys" include NumRu file = NetCDF.open("../testdata/T.jan.nc") gp = GPhys::NetCDF_IO.open(file,"T") DRb.start_service(nil, gp) puts 'URI: '+DRb.uri puts '[return] to exit' gets