_.mixin( _.string ) window.Luca = VERSION: "0.7.4" core: {} containers: {} components: {} modules: {} fields: {} util: {} registry: classes: {} namespaces:["Luca.containers","Luca.components"] component_cache: cid_index: {} name_index: {} # let's use the Twitter 2.0 Bootstrap Framework # for what it is best at, and not try to solve this # problem on our own! Luca.enableBootstrap = true Luca.isBackboneModel = (obj)-> _.isFunction(obj?.set) and _.isFunction(obj?.get) and _.isObject(obj?.attributes) Luca.isBackboneView = (obj)-> _.isFunction(obj?.render) and !_.isUndefined(obj?.el) Luca.isBackboneCollection = (obj)-> _.isFunction(obj?.fetch) and _.isFunction(obj?.reset) # adds an additional namespace to look for luca ui # components. useful for when you define a bunch of # components in your own application's namespace Luca.registry.addNamespace = (identifier)-> Luca.registry.namespaces.push( identifier ) Luca.registry.namespaces = _( Luca.registry.namespaces ).uniq() # stores or looks up a component in the component cache # by its backbone @cid or by its component_name Luca.cache = (needle, component)-> Luca.component_cache.cid_index[ needle ] = component if component? component = Luca.component_cache.cid_index[ needle ] # optionally, cache it by tying its name to its cid for easier lookups if component?.component_name? Luca.component_cache.name_index[ component.component_name ] = component.cid else if component?.name? Luca.component_cache.name_index[ component.name ] = component.cid return component if component? # perform a lookup by name if the component_id didn't turn anything lookup_id = Luca.component_cache.name_index[ needle ] Luca.component_cache.cid_index[ lookup_id ] # Takes an string like "deep.nested.value" and an object like window # and returns the value of window.deep.nested.value Luca.util.nestedValue = (accessor, source_object)-> _( accessor.split(/\./) ).inject (obj,key)-> obj = obj?[key] , source_object # Lookup a component in the Luca component registry # by it's ctype identifier. If it doesn't exist, # check any other registered namespace Luca.registry.lookup = (ctype)-> c = Luca.registry.classes[ctype] return c if c? className = _.camelize _.capitalize( ctype ) parents = _( Luca.registry.namespaces ).map (namespace)-> Luca.util.nestedValue(namespace, (window || global)) _.first _.compact _( parents ).map (parent)-> parent[className] # creates a new object from a hash with a ctype property # matching something in the Luca registry Luca.util.lazyComponent = (config)-> ctype = config.ctype componentClass = Luca.registry.lookup( ctype ) throw "Invalid Component Type: #{ ctype }. Did you forget to register it?" unless componentClass constructor = eval( componentClass ) new constructor(config) # for lazy component creation Luca.register = (component, constructor_class)-> exists = Luca.registry.classes[component] if exists? throw "Can not register component with the signature #{ component }. Already exists" else Luca.registry.classes[component] = constructor_class Luca.available_templates = (filter="")-> available = _( Luca.templates ).keys() if filter.length > 0 _( available ).select (tmpl)-> tmpl.match(filter) else available Luca.util.isIE = ()-> try Object.defineProperty({}, '', {}) return false catch e return true $ do -> $('body').addClass('luca-ui-enabled')