module Polars module IO # Read into a DataFrame from a newline delimited JSON file. # # @param source [Object] # Path to a file or a file-like object. # # @return [DataFrame] def read_ndjson( source, schema: nil, schema_overrides: nil, ignore_errors: false ) if Utils.pathlike?(source) source = Utils.normalize_filepath(source) end rbdf = RbDataFrame.read_ndjson( source, ignore_errors, schema, schema_overrides ) Utils.wrap_df(rbdf) end # Lazily read from a newline delimited JSON file. # # This allows the query optimizer to push down predicates and projections to the scan # level, thereby potentially reducing memory overhead. # # @param source [String] # Path to a file. # @param infer_schema_length [Integer] # Infer the schema length from the first `infer_schema_length` rows. # @param batch_size [Integer] # Number of rows to read in each batch. # @param n_rows [Integer] # Stop reading from JSON file after reading `n_rows`. # @param low_memory [Boolean] # Reduce memory pressure at the expense of performance. # @param rechunk [Boolean] # Reallocate to contiguous memory when all chunks/ files are parsed. # @param row_count_name [String] # If not nil, this will insert a row count column with give name into the # DataFrame. # @param row_count_offset [Integer] # Offset to start the row_count column (only use if the name is set). # # @return [LazyFrame] def scan_ndjson( source, infer_schema_length: N_INFER_DEFAULT, batch_size: 1024, n_rows: nil, low_memory: false, rechunk: true, row_count_name: nil, row_count_offset: 0 ) sources = [] if Utils.pathlike?(source) source = Utils.normalize_filepath(source) elsif source.is_a?(::Array) if Utils.is_path_or_str_sequence(source) sources = { |s| Utils.normalize_filepath(s) } else sources = source end source = nil end rblf = RbLazyFrame.new_from_ndjson( source, sources, infer_schema_length, batch_size, n_rows, low_memory, rechunk, Utils.parse_row_index_args(row_count_name, row_count_offset) ) Utils.wrap_ldf(rblf) end end end