#@mysql_5.x #Feature: mysql 5.x v1 to v2 upgrade tests # Tests the RightScale premium ServerTemplate # # Scenario: Follow the steps in the v1 to v2 upgrade guide. Then run the mysql checks. # http://support.rightscale.com/03-Tutorials/02-AWS/02-Website_Edition/2.1_MySQL_Setup/MySQL_Setup_Migration%3a__EBS_to_EBS_Stripe # # PHASE 1) Launch a v1 master from a known hardcoded snapshot. # TODO - add the steps to create the v1 master from scratch. The upgrade is the major # concern so lets get that done first. # Prerequisite: A Deployment with a running MySQL EBS Master-DB server # (launched using a revision of the "MySQL EBS v1" ServerTemplate) # Old school hand crafted deployment: https://my.rightscale.com/deployments/49925. Make sure # The one server is still up and running as master DB. # # Given A MySQL deployment @runner = VirtualMonkey::MysqlRunner.new(ENV['DEPLOYMENT']) # Then I should stop the servers @runner.behavior(:stop_all) # Then I should set a variation lineage @runner.behavior(:set_variation_lineage) # Then I should set a variation stripe count of "3" @runner.behavior(:set_variation_stripe_count, 3) # # PHASE 2) Launch a new v2 server and migrate from v1 # # Then I should launch all servers @runner.behavior(:launch_all) # Then I should wait for the state of "all" servers to be "operational" @runner.behavior(:wait_for_all, "operational") # Then I should create the migration script @runner.behavior(:create_migration_script) # Then I should migrate a new slave @runner.behavior(:migrate_slave) # # PHASE 3) Initialize additional slave from v2 snapshots # # Then I should init a new v2 slave @runner.behavior(:launch_v2_slave) # Then I should test the new v2 slave @runner.behavior(:run_checks) # Then I should check that ulimit was set correctly @runner.behavior(:ulimit_check)