require 'windows/com' require 'windows/unicode' require 'windows/error' require 'windows/process' require 'windows/msvcrt/buffer' include Windows::COM include Windows::Unicode include Windows::Process include Windows::Error include Windows::MSVCRT::Buffer module Win32 class TaskScheduler # The version of the win32-taskscheduler library VERSION = '0.2.0' # The error class raised if any task scheduler specific calls fail. class Error < StandardError; end private TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ONCE = 0 TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY = 1 TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY = 2 TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE = 3 TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW = 4 TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_ON_IDLE = 5 TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_AT_SYSTEMSTART = 6 TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_AT_LOGON = 7 TASK_SUNDAY = 0x1 TASK_MONDAY = 0x2 TASK_TUESDAY = 0x4 TASK_WEDNESDAY = 0x8 TASK_THURSDAY = 0x10 TASK_FRIDAY = 0x20 TASK_SATURDAY = 0x40 TASK_FIRST_WEEK = 1 TASK_SECOND_WEEK = 2 TASK_THIRD_WEEK = 3 TASK_FOURTH_WEEK = 4 TASK_LAST_WEEK = 5 TASK_JANUARY = 0x1 TASK_FEBRUARY = 0x2 TASK_MARCH = 0x4 TASK_APRIL = 0x8 TASK_MAY = 0x10 TASK_JUNE = 0x20 TASK_JULY = 0x40 TASK_AUGUST = 0x80 TASK_SEPTEMBER = 0x100 TASK_OCTOBER = 0x200 TASK_NOVEMBER = 0x400 TASK_DECEMBER = 0x800 TASK_FLAG_INTERACTIVE = 0x1 TASK_FLAG_DELETE_WHEN_DONE = 0x2 TASK_FLAG_DISABLED = 0x4 TASK_FLAG_START_ONLY_IF_IDLE = 0x10 TASK_FLAG_KILL_ON_IDLE_END = 0x20 TASK_FLAG_DONT_START_IF_ON_BATTERIES = 0x40 TASK_FLAG_KILL_IF_GOING_ON_BATTERIES = 0x80 TASK_FLAG_RUN_ONLY_IF_DOCKED = 0x100 TASK_FLAG_HIDDEN = 0x200 TASK_FLAG_RUN_IF_CONNECTED_TO_INTERNET = 0x400 TASK_FLAG_RESTART_ON_IDLE_RESUME = 0x800 TASK_FLAG_SYSTEM_REQUIRED = 0x1000 TASK_FLAG_RUN_ONLY_IF_LOGGED_ON = 0x2000 TASK_TRIGGER_FLAG_HAS_END_DATE = 0x1 TASK_TRIGGER_FLAG_KILL_AT_DURATION_END = 0x2 TASK_TRIGGER_FLAG_DISABLED = 0x4 TASK_MAX_RUN_TIMES = 1440 TASKS_TO_RETRIEVE = 5 CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER = 0x1 CLSID_CTask = [0x148BD520,0xA2AB,0x11CE,0xB1,0x1F,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0x53,0x05,0x03].pack('LSSC8') CLSID_CTaskScheduler = [0x148BD52A,0xA2AB,0x11CE,0xB1,0x1F,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0x53,0x05,0x03].pack('LSSC8') IID_ITaskScheduler = [0x148BD527,0xA2AB,0x11CE,0xB1,0x1F,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0x53,0x05,0x03].pack('LSSC8') IID_ITask = [0x148BD524,0xA2AB,0x11CE,0xB1,0x1F,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0x53,0x05,0x03].pack('LSSC8') IID_IPersistFile = [0x0000010b,0x0000,0x0000,0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46].pack('LSSC8') public # Shorthand constants IDLE = IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS NORMAL = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS HIGH = HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS REALTIME = REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS BELOW_NORMAL = BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ABOVE_NORMAL = ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ONCE = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ONCE DAILY = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY WEEKLY = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY MONTHLYDATE = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE MONTHLYDOW = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW ON_IDLE = TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_ON_IDLE AT_SYSTEMSTART = TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_AT_SYSTEMSTART AT_LOGON = TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_AT_LOGON FIRST_WEEK = TASK_FIRST_WEEK SECOND_WEEK = TASK_SECOND_WEEK THIRD_WEEK = TASK_THIRD_WEEK FOURTH_WEEK = TASK_FOURTH_WEEK LAST_WEEK = TASK_LAST_WEEK SUNDAY = TASK_SUNDAY MONDAY = TASK_MONDAY TUESDAY = TASK_TUESDAY WEDNESDAY = TASK_WEDNESDAY THURSDAY = TASK_THURSDAY FRIDAY = TASK_FRIDAY SATURDAY = TASK_SATURDAY JANUARY = TASK_JANUARY FEBRUARY = TASK_FEBRUARY MARCH = TASK_MARCH APRIL = TASK_APRIL MAY = TASK_MAY JUNE = TASK_JUNE JULY = TASK_JULY AUGUST = TASK_AUGUST SEPTEMBER = TASK_SEPTEMBER OCTOBER = TASK_OCTOBER NOVEMBER = TASK_NOVEMBER DECEMBER = TASK_DECEMBER INTERACTIVE = TASK_FLAG_INTERACTIVE DELETE_WHEN_DONE = TASK_FLAG_DELETE_WHEN_DONE DISABLED = TASK_FLAG_DISABLED START_ONLY_IF_IDLE = TASK_FLAG_START_ONLY_IF_IDLE KILL_ON_IDLE_END = TASK_FLAG_KILL_ON_IDLE_END DONT_START_IF_ON_BATTERIES = TASK_FLAG_DONT_START_IF_ON_BATTERIES KILL_IF_GOING_ON_BATTERIES = TASK_FLAG_KILL_IF_GOING_ON_BATTERIES RUN_ONLY_IF_DOCKED = TASK_FLAG_RUN_ONLY_IF_DOCKED HIDDEN = TASK_FLAG_HIDDEN RUN_IF_CONNECTED_TO_INTERNET = TASK_FLAG_RUN_IF_CONNECTED_TO_INTERNET RESTART_ON_IDLE_RESUME = TASK_FLAG_RESTART_ON_IDLE_RESUME SYSTEM_REQUIRED = TASK_FLAG_SYSTEM_REQUIRED RUN_ONLY_IF_LOGGED_ON = TASK_FLAG_RUN_ONLY_IF_LOGGED_ON FLAG_HAS_END_DATE = TASK_TRIGGER_FLAG_HAS_END_DATE FLAG_KILL_AT_DURATION_END = TASK_TRIGGER_FLAG_KILL_AT_DURATION_END FLAG_DISABLED = TASK_TRIGGER_FLAG_DISABLED MAX_RUN_TIMES = TASK_MAX_RUN_TIMES # Returns a new TaskScheduler object. If a work_item (and possibly the # the trigger) are passed as arguments then a new work item is created and # associated with that trigger, although you can still activate other tasks # with the same handle. # # This is really just a bit of convenience. Passing arguments to the # constructor is the same as calling plus # TaskScheduler#new_work_item. # def initialize(work_item=nil, trigger=nil) @pITS = nil @pITask = nil hr = CoInitialize(0) if SUCCEEDED(hr) ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CTaskScheduler, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ITaskScheduler, ptr ) if FAILED(hr) raise Error, get_last_error end @pITS = ptr.unpack('L').first else raise Error, get_last_error end if work_item if trigger raise TypeError unless trigger.is_a?(Hash) new_work_item(work_item, trigger) end end self end # Returns an array of scheduled task names. # def enum raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 24 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITS, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 24) table = table.unpack('L*') enum =[5], 'PP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr) raise Error, get_last_error if hr != S_OK pIEnum = ptr.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(lpVtbl, pIEnum, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 16) table = table.unpack('L*') _next =[3], 'PLPP', 'L') release =[2], 'P', 'L') array = [] fetched_tasks = 0.chr * 4 pnames = 0.chr * 4 while (, TASKS_TO_RETRIEVE, pnames, fetched_tasks) >= S_OK) && (fetched_tasks.unpack('L').first != 0) tasks = fetched_tasks.unpack('L').first names = 0.chr * 4 * tasks memcpy(names, pnames.unpack('L').first, 4 * tasks) for i in 0 ... tasks str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str, names[i*4, 4].unpack('L').first) array.push(wide_to_multi(str)) CoTaskMemFree(names[i*4, 4].unpack('L').first) end CoTaskMemFree(pnames.unpack('L').first) end array end alias :tasks :enum # Activate the specified task. # def activate(task) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise TypeError unless task.is_a?(String) task = multi_to_wide(task) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITS, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 28) table = table.unpack('L*') activate =[6], 'PPPP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, task, IID_ITask, ptr) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end @pITask = ptr.unpack('L').first self end # Delete the specified task name. # def delete(task) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise TypeError unless task.is_a?(String) task = multi_to_wide(task) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 32 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITS, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 32) table = table.unpack('L*') delete =[7], 'PP', 'L') hr =,task) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end self end # Execute the current task. # def run raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 52 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 52) table = table.unpack('L*') run =[12], 'P', 'L') hr = if hr != S_OK raise Error,get_last_error end self end # Saves the current task. Tasks must be saved before they can be activated. # The .job file itself is typically stored in the C:\WINDOWS\Tasks folder. # # If +file+ (an absolute path) is specified then the job is saved to that # file instead. A '.job' extension is recommended but not enforced. # # Note that calling TaskScheduler#save also resets the TaskScheduler object # so that there is no currently active task. # def save(file = nil) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITask.nil? file = multi_to_wide(file) if file lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 12 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 12) table = table.unpack('L*') queryinterface =[0],'PPP','L') release =[2],'P','L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, IID_IPersistFile, ptr) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end pIPersistFile = ptr.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl, pIPersistFile,4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 28) table = table.unpack('L*') save =[6],'PPL','L') release =[2],'P','L') hr =,file,1) if hr != S_OK raise Error,get_last_error end CoUninitialize() hr = CoInitialize(nil) if hr >= 0 ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CTaskScheduler, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ITaskScheduler, ptr ) if hr != S_OK CoUninitialize() raise Error, get_last_error end @pITS = ptr.unpack('L').first else raise Error,get_last_error end @pITask = nil self end # Terminate the current task. # def terminate raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 56 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pITask,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,56) table = table.unpack('L*') teriminate =[13],'P','L') hr = if hr != S_OK raise Error,get_last_error end self end # Set the host on which the various TaskScheduler methods will execute. # def machine=(host) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise TypeError unless host.is_a?(String) host_w = multi_to_wide(host) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITS, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 16) table = table.unpack('L*') setTargetComputer =[3], 'PP', 'L') hr =, host_w) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end host end alias :host= :machine= # Sets the +user+ and +password+ for the given task. If the user and # password are set properly then true is returned. # # In some cases the job may be created, but the account information was # bad. In this case the task is created but a warning is generated and # false is returned. # def set_account_information(user, password) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 124 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 124) table = table.unpack('L*') setAccountInformation =[30],'PPP','L') if (user.nil? || user=="") && (password.nil? || password=="") hr =, "", nil) else user = multi_to_wide(user) password = multi_to_wide(password) hr =, user, password) end bool = true case hr when S_OK return true when 0x80070005 # E_ACCESSDENIED raise Error, 'access denied' when 0x80070057 # E_INVALIDARG raise Error, 'invalid argument' when 0x8007000E # E_OUTOFMEMORY raise Error, 'out of memory' when 0x80041312 # SCHED_E_NO_SECURITY_SERVICES raise Error, 'no security services on this platform' when 0x80041314 # SCHED_E_UNSUPPORTED_ACCOUNT_OPTION raise Error, 'unsupported account option' when 0x8004130F # SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION_NOT_SET warn 'job created, but password was invalid' bool = false else raise Error, 'unknown error' end bool end # Returns the user associated with the task or nil if no user has yet # been associated with the task. # def account_information raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 128 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 128) table = table.unpack('L*') getAccountInformation =[31], 'PP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr) if hr == 0x8004130F # SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION_NOT_SET user = nil elsif hr >= 0 && hr != 0x80041312 # SCHED_E_NO_SECURITY_SERVICES str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str, ptr.unpack('L').first) CoTaskMemFree(ptr.unpack('L').first) user = wide_to_multi(str) else CoTaskMemFree(p.unpack('L').first) raise Error,get_last_error(hr) end user end # Returns the name of the application associated with the task. # def application_name raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 136 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask,4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 136) table = table.unpack('L*') getApplicationName =[33],'PP','L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr) if hr >= S_OK str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str, ptr.unpack('L').first) app = wide_to_multi(str) CoTaskMemFree(ptr.unpack('L').first) else raise Error, get_last_error end app end # Sets the application name associated with the task. # def application_name=(app) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? raise TypeError unless app.is_a?(String) app_w = multi_to_wide(app) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 132 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pITask,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,132) table = table.unpack('L*') setApplicationName =[32],'PP','L') hr =,app_w) if hr != S_OK raise Error,get_last_error(hr) end app end # Returns the command line parameters for the task. # def parameters raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 144 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 144) table = table.unpack('L*') getParameters =[35], 'PP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr) if hr >= S_OK str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str, ptr.unpack('L').first) param = wide_to_multi(str) CoTaskMemFree(ptr.unpack('L').first) else raise Error, get_last_error end param end # Sets the parameters for the task. These parameters are passed as command # line arguments to the application the task will run. To clear the command # line parameters set it to an empty string. # def parameters=(param) raise Error, 'null pointer(ts_set_parameters)' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? raise TypeError unless param.is_a?(String) param_w = multi_to_wide(param) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 140 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pITask,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,140) table = table.unpack('L*') setParameters =[34],'PP','L') hr =,param_w) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error(hr) end param end # Returns the working directory for the task. # def working_directory raise Error,"fatal error: null pointer(ts_get_parameters)" if @pITS.nil? raise Error,"No currently active task" if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 152 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask,4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,152) table = table.unpack('L*') getWorkingDirectory =[37],'PP','L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr) if hr >= S_OK str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str, ptr.unpack('L').first) dir = wide_to_multi(str) CoTaskMemFree(ptr.unpack('L').first) else raise Error, get_last_error end dir end # Sets the working directory for the task. # def working_directory=(dir) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? raise TypeError unless dir.is_a?(String) dir_w = multi_to_wide(dir) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 148 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask,4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 148) table = table.unpack('L*') setWorkingDirectory =[36], 'PP', 'L') hr =, dir_w) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error(hr) end dir end # Returns the task's priority level. Possible values are 'idle', # 'normal', 'high', 'realtime', 'below_normal', 'above_normal', # and 'unknown'. # def priority raise Error, 'null pointer(ts_get_priority)' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 160 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 160) table = table.unpack('L*') getPriority =[39], 'PP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr) if hr >= S_OK pri = ptr.unpack('L').first if (pri & IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS) != 0 priority = 'idle' elsif (pri & NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS) != 0 priority = 'normal' elsif (pri & HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS) != 0 priority = 'high' elsif (pri & REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS) != 0 priority = 'realtime' elsif (pri & BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS) != 0 priority = 'below_normal' elsif (pri & ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS) != 0 priority = 'above_normal' else priority = 'unknown' end else raise Error, get_last_error end priority end # Sets the priority of the task. The +priority+ should be a numeric # priority constant value. # def priority=(priority) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? raise TypeError unless priority.is_a?(Numeric) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 156 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 156) table = table.unpack('L*') setPriority =[38], 'PL', 'L') hr =, priority) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error(hr) end priority end # Creates a new work item (scheduled job) with the given +trigger+. The # trigger variable is a hash of options that define when the scheduled # job should run. # def new_work_item(task, trigger) raise TypeError unless trigger.is_a?(Hash) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? trigger = transform_and_validate(trigger) if @pITask lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 12 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 12) table = table.unpack('L*') release =[2], 'P', 'L') @pITask = nil end task = multi_to_wide(task) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 36 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITS, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 36) table = table.unpack('L*') newWorkItem =[8], 'PPPPP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, task, CLSID_CTask, IID_ITask, ptr) if FAILED(hr) raise Error, get_last_error end @pITask = ptr.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 16) table = table.unpack('L*') createTrigger =[3], 'PPP', 'L') p1 = 0.chr * 4 p2 = 0.chr * 4 hr =, p1, p2) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end pITaskTrigger = p2.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(lpVtbl, pITaskTrigger, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 16) table = table.unpack('L*') release =[2], 'P', 'L') setTrigger =[3], 'PP', 'L') type1 = 0 type2 = 0 tmp = trigger['type'] tmp = nil unless tmp.is_a?(Hash) case trigger['trigger_type'] when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY if tmp && tmp['days_interval'] type1 = [tmp['days_interval'],0].pack('SS').unpack('L').first end when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY if tmp && tmp['weeks_interval'] && tmp['days_of_week'] type1 = [tmp['weeks_interval'],tmp['days_of_week']].pack('SS').unpack('L').first end when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE if tmp && tmp['months'] && tmp['days'] type2 = [tmp['months'],0].pack('SS').unpack('L').first type1 = tmp['days'] end when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW if tmp && tmp['weeks'] && tmp['days_of_week'] && tmp['months'] type1 = [tmp['weeks'],tmp['days_of_week']].pack('SS').unpack('L').first type2 = [tmp['months'],0].pack('SS').unpack('L').first end when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ONCE # Do nothing. The Type member of the TASK_TRIGGER struct is ignored. else raise Error, 'Unknown trigger type' end pTrigger = [ 48, 0, trigger['start_year'] || 0, trigger['start_month'] || 0, trigger['start_day'] || 0, trigger['end_year'] || 0, trigger['end_month'] || 0, trigger['end_day'] || 0, trigger['start_hour'] || 0, trigger['start_minute'] || 0, trigger['minutes_duration'] || 0, trigger['minutes_interval'] || 0, trigger['flags'] || 0, trigger['trigger_type'] || 0, type1, type2, 0, trigger['random_minutes_interval'] || 0 ].pack('S10L4LLSS') hr =, pTrigger) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end self end alias :new_task :new_work_item # Returns the number of triggers associated with the active task. # def trigger_count raise Error, "null pointer" if @pITS.nil? raise Error, "No currently active task" if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 24 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask,4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 24) table = table.unpack('L*') getTriggerCount =[5], 'PP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr) if hr >= S_OK count = ptr.unpack('L').first else raise Error, get_last_error end count end # Returns a string that describes the current trigger at the specified # index for the active task. # # Example: "At 7:14 AM every day, starting 4/11/2009" # def trigger_string(index) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? raise TypeError unless index.is_a?(Numeric) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 32 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 32) table = table.unpack('L*') getTriggerString =[7], 'PLP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, index, ptr) if hr == S_OK str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str, ptr.unpack('L').first) trigger = wide_to_multi(str) CoTaskMemFree(ptr.unpack('L').first) else raise Error, get_last_error end trigger end # Deletes the trigger at the specified index. # def delete_trigger(index) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 20 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 20) table = table.unpack('L*') deleteTrigger =[4], 'PL', 'L') hr =,index) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end index end # Returns a hash that describes the trigger at the given index for the # current task. # def trigger(index) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 28) table = table.unpack('L*') getTrigger =[6], 'PLP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, index, ptr) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end pITaskTrigger = ptr.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 20 memcpy(lpVtbl, pITaskTrigger, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 20) table = table.unpack('L*') release =[2], 'P', 'L') getTrigger =[4], 'PP', 'L') pTrigger = [48].pack('S') + 0.chr * 46 hr =, pTrigger) if hr != S_OK error = get_last_error raise Error, error end tr = pTrigger.unpack('S10L4LLSS') trigger = {} trigger['start_year'] = tr[2] trigger['start_month'] = tr[3] trigger['start_day'] = tr[4] trigger['end_year'] = tr[5] trigger['end_month'] = tr[6] trigger['end_day'] = tr[7] trigger['start_hour'] = tr[8] trigger['start_minute'] = tr[9] trigger['minutes_duration'] = tr[10] trigger['minutes_interval'] = tr[11] trigger['flags'] = tr[12] trigger['trigger_type'] = tr[13] trigger['random_minutes_interval'] = tr[17] case tr[13] when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY tmp = {} tmp['days_interval'] = [tr[14]].pack('L').unpack('SS').first trigger['type'] = tmp when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY tmp = {} tmp['weeks_interval'],tmp['days_of_week'] = [tr[14]].pack('L').unpack('SS') trigger['type'] = tmp when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE tmp = {} tmp['days'] = tr[14] tmp['months'] = [tr[15]].pack('L').unpack('SS').first trigger['type'] = tmp when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW tmp = {} tmp['weeks'],tmp['days_of_week'] = [tr[14]].pack('L').unpack('SS') tmp['months'] = [tr[15]].pack('L').unpack('SS').first trigger['type'] = tmp when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ONCE tmp = {} tmp['once'] = nil trigger['type'] = tmp else raise Error, 'Unknown trigger type' end trigger end # Sets the trigger for the currently active task. # def trigger=(trigger) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? raise TypeError unless trigger.is_a?(Hash) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 16) table = table.unpack('L*') createTrigger =[3], 'PPP', 'L') p1 = 0.chr * 4 p2 = 0.chr * 4 hr =, p1, p2) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end pITaskTrigger = p2.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(lpVtbl, pITaskTrigger, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 16) table = table.unpack('L*') release =[2], 'P', 'L') setTrigger =[3], 'PP', 'L') type1 = 0 type2 = 0 tmp = trigger['type'] tmp = nil unless tmp.is_a?(Hash) case trigger['trigger_type'] when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY if tmp && tmp['days_interval'] type1 = [tmp['days_interval'],0].pack('SS').unpack('L').first end when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY if tmp && tmp['weeks_interval'] && tmp['days_of_week'] type1 = [tmp['weeks_interval'],tmp['days_of_week']].pack('SS').unpack('L').first end when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE if tmp && tmp['months'] && tmp['days'] type2 = [tmp['months'],0].pack('SS').unpack('L').first type1 = tmp['days'] end when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW if tmp && tmp['weeks'] && tmp['days_of_week'] && tmp['months'] type1 = [tmp['weeks'],tmp['days_of_week']].pack('SS').unpack('L').first type2 = [tmp['months'],0].pack('SS').unpack('L').first end when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ONCE # Do nothing. The Type member of the TASK_TRIGGER struct is ignored. else raise Error, 'Unknown trigger type' end pTrigger = [ 48, 0, trigger['start_year'] || 0, trigger['start_month'] || 0, trigger['start_day'] || 0, trigger['end_year'] || 0, trigger['end_month'] || 0, trigger['end_day'] || 0, trigger['start_hour'] || 0, trigger['start_minute'] || 0, trigger['minutes_duration'] || 0, trigger['minutes_interval'] || 0, trigger['flags'] || 0, trigger['trigger_type'] || 0, type1, type2, 0, trigger['random_minutes_interval'] || 0 ].pack('S10L4LLSS') hr =, pTrigger) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end trigger end # Adds a trigger at the specified index. # def add_trigger(index, trigger) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? raise TypeError unless trigger.is_a?(Hash) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 28 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 28) table = table.unpack('L*') getTrigger =[6], 'PLP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, index, ptr) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end pITaskTrigger = ptr.unpack('L').first lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 16 memcpy(lpVtbl, pITaskTrigger,4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,16) table = table.unpack('L*') release =[2], 'P', 'L') setTrigger =[3], 'PP', 'L') type1 = 0 type2 = 0 tmp = trigger['type'] tmp = nil unless tmp.is_a?(Hash) case trigger['trigger_type'] when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY if tmp && tmp['days_interval'] type1 = [tmp['days_interval'],0].pack('SS').unpack('L').first end when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY if tmp && tmp['weeks_interval'] && tmp['days_of_week'] type1 = [tmp['weeks_interval'],tmp['days_of_week']].pack('SS').unpack('L').first end when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE if tmp && tmp['months'] && tmp['days'] type2 = [tmp['months'],0].pack('SS').unpack('L').first type1 = tmp['days'] end when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW if tmp && tmp['weeks'] && tmp['days_of_week'] && tmp['months'] type1 = [tmp['weeks'],tmp['days_of_week']].pack('SS').unpack('L').first type2 = [tmp['months'],0].pack('SS').unpack('L').first end when TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ONCE # Do nothing. The Type member of the TASK_TRIGGER struct is ignored. else raise Error, 'Unknown trigger type' end pTrigger = [ 48, 0, trigger['start_year'] || 0, trigger['start_month'] || 0, trigger['start_day'] || 0, trigger['end_year'] || 0, trigger['end_month'] || 0, trigger['end_day'] || 0, trigger['start_hour'] || 0, trigger['start_minute'] || 0, trigger['minutes_duration'] || 0, trigger['minutes_interval'] || 0, trigger['flags'] || 0, trigger['trigger_type'] || 0, type1, type2, 0, trigger['random_minutes_interval'] || 0 ].pack('S10L4LLSS') hr =, pTrigger) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end true end # Returns the flags (integer) that modify the behavior of the work item. You # must OR the return value to determine the flags yourself. # def flags raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 120 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 120) table = table.unpack('L*') getFlags =[29], 'PP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end flags = ptr.unpack('L').first end # Sets an OR'd value of flags that modify the behavior of the work item. # def flags=(flags) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITS.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 116 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 116) table = table.unpack('L*') setFlags =[28], 'PL', 'L') hr =, flags) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end flags end # Returns the status of the currently active task. Possible values are # 'ready', 'running', 'not scheduled' or 'unknown'. # def status raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITask.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 68 memcpy(lpVtbl,@pITask,4) memcpy(table,lpVtbl.unpack('L').first,68) table = table.unpack('L*') getStatus =[16], 'PP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr) if hr != S_OK raise Error,get_last_error end st = ptr.unpack('L').first case st when 0x00041300 # SCHED_S_TASK_READY status = 'ready' when 0x00041301 # SCHED_S_TASK_RUNNING status = 'running' when 0x00041305 # SCHED_S_TASK_NOT_SCHEDULED status = 'not scheduled' else status = 'unknown' end status end # Returns the exit code from the last scheduled run. # def exit_code raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITask.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 72 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 72) table = table.unpack('L*') getExitCode =[17], 'PP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr) if hr > 0x80000000 raise Error, get_last_error end exit_code = ptr.unpack('L').first end # Returns the comment associated with the task, if any. # def comment raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITask.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 80 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 80) table = table.unpack('L*') getComment =[19], 'PP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr) if hr != S_OK raise Error,get_last_error end str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str, ptr.unpack('L').first) CoTaskMemFree(ptr.unpack('L').first) wide_to_multi(str) end # Sets the comment for the task. # def comment=(comment) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITask.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? raise TypeError unless comment.is_a?(String) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 76 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 76) table = table.unpack('L*') setComment =[18], 'PP', 'L') comment_w = multi_to_wide(comment) hr =, comment_w) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end comment end # Returns the name of the user who created the task. # def creator raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITask.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 88 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 88) table = table.unpack('L*') getCreator =[21], 'PP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end str = 0.chr * 256 wcscpy(str, ptr.unpack('L').first) CoTaskMemFree(ptr.unpack('L').first) wide_to_multi(str) end # Sets the creator for the task. # def creator=(creator) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITask.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? raise TypeError unless creator.is_a?(String) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 84 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 84) table = table.unpack('L*') setCreator =[20], 'PP', 'L') creator_w = multi_to_wide(creator) hr =, creator_w) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end creator end # Returns a Time object that indicates the next time the task will run. # def next_run_time raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITask.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 40 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 40) table = table.unpack('L*') getNextRunTime =[9], 'PP', 'L') st = 0.chr * 16 hr =, st) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end a1,a2,_,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7 = st.unpack('S*') a7 *= 1000 Time.local(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7) end # Returns a Time object indicating the most recent time the task ran or # nil if the task has never run. # def most_recent_run_time raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITask.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 64 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 64) table = table.unpack('L*') getMostRecentRunTime =[15], 'PP', 'L') st = 0.chr * 16 hr =, st) if hr == 0x00041303 # SCHED_S_TASK_HAS_NOT_RUN time = nil elsif hr == S_OK a1, a2, _, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 = st.unpack('S*') a7 *= 1000 time = Time.local(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) else raise Error, get_last_error end time end # Returns the maximum length of time, in milliseconds, that the task # will run before terminating. # def max_run_time raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITask.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 176 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 176) table = table.unpack('L*') getMaxRunTime =[43], 'PP', 'L') ptr = 0.chr * 4 hr =, ptr) if hr != S_OK raise Error, get_last_error end max_run_time = ptr.unpack('L').first end # Sets the maximum length of time, in milliseconds, that the task can run # before terminating. Returns the value you specified if successful. # def max_run_time=(max_run_time) raise Error, 'null pointer' if @pITask.nil? raise Error, 'No currently active task' if @pITask.nil? raise TypeError unless max_run_time.is_a?(Numeric) lpVtbl = 0.chr * 4 table = 0.chr * 172 memcpy(lpVtbl, @pITask, 4) memcpy(table, lpVtbl.unpack('L').first, 172) table = table.unpack('L*') setMaxRunTime =[42], 'PL', 'L') hr =, max_run_time) if hr != S_OK raise Error,get_last_error end max_run_time end # Returns whether or not the scheduled task exists. def exists?(job_name) bool = false Dir.foreach('C:/Windows/Tasks'){ |file| if File.basename(file, '.job') == job_name bool = true break end } bool end private # Used for the new_work_item method ValidTriggerKeys = [ 'end_day', 'end_month', 'end_year', 'flags', 'minutes_duration', 'minutes_interval', 'random_minutes_interval', 'start_day', 'start_hour', 'start_minute', 'start_month', 'start_year', 'trigger_type', 'type' ] ValidTypeKeys = [ 'days_interval', 'weeks_interval', 'days_of_week', 'months', 'days', 'weeks' ] # Private method that validates keys, and converts all keys to lowercase # strings. # def transform_and_validate(hash) new_hash = {} hash.each{ |key, value| key = key.to_s.downcase if key == 'type' new_type_hash = {} raise ArgumentError unless value.is_a?(Hash) value.each{ |subkey, subvalue| subkey = subkey.to_s.downcase if ValidTypeKeys.include?(subkey) new_type_hash[subkey] = subvalue else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid type key '#{subkey}'" end } new_hash[key] = new_type_hash else if ValidTriggerKeys.include?(key) new_hash[key] = value else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid key '#{key}'" end end } new_hash end end end