require 'tap/signal' require 'configurable' module Tap module Signals module ClassMethods SIGNALS_CLASS = Configurable::ClassMethods::CONFIGURATIONS_CLASS # A hash of (key, Signal) pairs defining signals available to the class. attr_reader :signal_registry def self.initialize(base) unless base.instance_variable_defined?(:@signal_registry) base.instance_variable_set(:@signal_registry, end unless base.instance_variable_defined?(:@signals) base.instance_variable_set(:@signals, nil) end unless base.instance_variable_defined?(:@use_signal_constants) base.instance_variable_set(:@use_signal_constants, true) end end # A hash of (key, Signal) pairs representing all signals defined on this # class or inherited from ancestors. The signals hash is generated on # each call to ensure it accurately reflects any signals added on # ancestors. This slows down signal calls through instance.signal. # # Call cache_signals after all signals have been declared in order # to prevent regeneration of signals and to significantly improve # performance. def signals return @signals if @signals signals = ancestors.reverse.each do |ancestor| next unless ancestor.kind_of?(ClassMethods) ancestor.signal_registry.each_pair do |key, value| if value.nil? signals.delete(key) else signals[key] = value end end end signals end # Caches the signals hash so as to improve peformance. Call with on set to # false to turn off caching. def cache_signals(on=true) @signals = nil @signals = self.signals if on end protected def use_signal_constants(input=true) @use_signal_constants = input end # Defines a signal to call a method using an argument vector. The argv # is sent to the method using a splat, so any method may be signaled. # A signature of keys may be specified to automatically generate an argv # from a hash; values for the keys are collected in order. # # A block may also be provided to pre-process the argv before it is sent # to the method; the block return is sent to the method (and so should # be an argv). def signal(sig, opts={}, &block) # :yields: sig, argv signature = opts[:signature] || [] remainder = opts[:remainder] || false opts[:caller_index] ||= 2 define_signal(sig, opts) do |args| argv = convert_to_array(args, signature, remainder) block ?, argv) : argv end end # Defines a signal to call a method that receives a single hash as an # input. A signature may be specified to automatically generate a # hash from an array input. # # A block may also be provided to pre-process the hash before it is sent # to the method; the block return is sent to the method (and so should # be a hash). def signal_hash(sig, opts={}, &block) # :yields: sig, argh signature = opts[:signature] || [] remainder = opts[:remainder] opts[:caller_index] ||= 2 define_signal(sig, opts) do |args| argh = convert_to_hash(args, signature, remainder) [block ?, argh) : argh] end end def define_signal(sig, opts=nil, &block) # :yields: args unless opts.kind_of?(Hash) opts = {:class => opts, :bind => false} end # generate a subclass of signal klass = opts[:class] || Signal signal = # bind the new signal method_name = opts.has_key?(:bind) ? opts[:bind] : sig if method_name signal.send(:define_method, :call) do |args| args = process(args) obj.send(method_name, *args, &self.block) end end if block_given? signal.send(:define_method, :process, &block) end if signal.respond_to?(:desc=) caller_index = opts[:caller_index] || 1 signal.desc ||= Lazydoc.register_caller(Lazydoc::Trailer, caller_index) end register_signal(sig, signal, opts) end # Removes a signal much like remove_method removes a method. The signal # constant is likewise removed unless the :remove_const option is set to # to true. def remove_signal(sig, opts={}) sig = sig.to_s unless signal_registry.has_key?(sig) raise"#{sig} is not a signal for #{self}") end unregister_signal(sig, opts) end # Undefines a signal much like undef_method undefines a method. The signal # constant is likewise removed unless the :remove_const option is set to # to true. # # ==== Implementation Note # # Signals are undefined by setting the key to nil in the registry. Deleting # the signal is not sufficient because the registry needs to convey to self # and subclasses to not inherit the signal from ancestors. # # This is unlike remove_signal where the signal is simply deleted from # the signal_registry. # def undef_signal(sig, opts={}) # temporarily cache as an optimization signals_cache = signals sig = sig.to_s unless signals_cache.has_key?(sig) raise"#{sig} is not a signal for #{self}") end unregister_signal(sig, opts) signal_registry[sig] = nil signals_cache[sig] end private def inherited(base) # :nodoc: ClassMethods.initialize(base) unless base.instance_variable_defined?(:@use_signal_constants) base.instance_variable_set(:@use_signal_constants, true) end super end def register_signal(sig, signal, opts={}) # :nodoc: signal_registry[sig.to_s] = signal cache_signals(@signals != nil) # set the new constant, if specified if @use_signal_constants const_name = opts.has_key?(:const_name) ? opts[:const_name] : sig.to_s.capitalize const_name = const_name.to_s if const_name =~ /\A[A-Z]\w*\z/ unless const_defined?(const_name) && const_get(const_name) == signal const_set(const_name, signal) end end end signal end def unregister_signal(sig, opts={}) # :nodoc: signal = signal_registry.delete(sig.to_s) remove_const = opts.has_key?(:remove_const) ? opts[:remove_const] : true if @use_signal_constants && remove_const const_name = signal.to_s.split("::").pop.to_s if const_name =~ /\A[A-Z]\w*\z/ && const_defined?(const_name) remove_const(const_name) end end cache_signals(@signals != nil) signal end end end end