uhm , i think no. sorry.. :(
well my cat's got the correct amount of chromosomes so i don't think old jeremiah would have her :-(
ahhaha yes ! such a cheapo right :(
guys plllz anyone help me :( my facebook is freezing, i can post/comment/share anything!! why?? hellpp. plz
i hate having to worry.. :(
-sigh- its going to be weird going to work at 11 tonight :(
hello my beautiful the holidays r all good kinda i'm at my grandads as he passed away :( but got loads of eggs for you haha xxx
smallville returns! wow! i love it! but i don't know when i'll see the new episodes in spain! :(
my new hub is faulty. i need a repair man now!!!! no internet is killing me! :(
agaiin watching mu chelsea :(
i don't know how it happened but i def got toothpaste in my eye :( wow i'm a goof.
17th. it is a shame after aus grand prix :(
hahaha piss mas aku lg sedih ki :( genahe.ditakoni og yo tidur -____- (cont)
yes! i always wake up extra early. would you like to do it for me hun ? :-(
need. want. to go out. but with whom.... :-(
i've already tell you :( tell me somethin i dont know
tell me about it ._. i wanna come too!! :( bs i can't 2da
haha yeahrt yes, but i think they don't like each other :( #iwishmariahcollabwith celine
kok bisa? tolonggg password q ilang :(
in bad need of that usb cable....oh ipod how i miss the sweet sweet music we used to make together :(
he said he's profile was being hacked!!!:/ :(
no, i could care less if i lose them...i just want my site to be as popular as my old miley one :( stupid hackers!
yea but i couldn't find anything since we got to the mall so late :(
wasnt that what happened with ljubicic as well? heartbreaking to believe that he'll do it, but he wont :(
why i have to doing this!? :(
uda lese x mat? gampang 15 mnt lese.rt mampos akuu, campah. aku lupa buat remidi mat.. !! wadoggg.. mateng konn :(
is not on the trending list :(
gue butuh lo :(
not got any red bull :(
#oshofreetweet i want some easter food! :(
td ketemu tp ga bs peluk :( waaa senangnyaa abiss youth :)
crita dung . critaaa iyaa ada :( apa an tu ? suatu masalah :( curhat apa a
sry, o ways need to wait :(
i've been ill for a week now... when is it gonna go away?? :(
ayoo dong sembuh, please please... hiks :(
ciara just left :( x gonna miss her 4 a week ! even tho she hasn't left my house in 5 days !!
adee..tunggu akunya yah.. i need you :(
put ma hairdryer on and a terrified my pet guinnea pigs :( lol
awesome out-of-context tweet of the day: nobody listened when i suggested we put the ent at the back of the group. :(
louisiana 2 :( rt:@amyinpajamas rainy morning in nashville! where did the sun go?
hey guys soory wasnt on last nite all mi credit went done :( and i stayed in ma nans huse wif no laptop so just watched newmoon again
same here :( my mom's going 2 hua hin for a conference thingy and my dad told us 2 stay at home t^t
feeling sick to my stomach :( i don't have time for this! work, then meeting, then church to set up for later. #easter
miss playing rock band 2 very much (y) :(
ouch i want to go to mbg tomorrow but there're so many problem :(
im ipod less :( .. ps why the hell am i up at 9;20
fu** i need something to do today until about 9 :-( my baby is leaving me till then.. any ideas?
what happened?? minggu please, i need you monday :-( pulang minggu ato senin ya?
slab ridin..... how's the weather on the coast? not too pretty up this way :-( 
bah, i'm *trying* to apply for dew, and can't come up with anything good to say in the app. :(
awww! baby! poor thing!! ok, i'll wear u out so u can sleep 2nite ;) help me sleep! :(
back to work, have to leave at home. sorry babe :(
atu ya inda active atu, sad. :( esuk tah. hahaha. si new girl new member of pcd. haha
sowee hun..u need a chill pill lord, this headache! i'v never xperiencd such in my entire lyfe :(
morning. i'm gonna drink this protein shake & pretend it's a crumbs cupcake :(
that's shit. :(
ha,ha oh dear :(
im real bored :( what are you doing today ? <3 ily!
i want my havainas back :(
hi marv, hope ur good! :) i was guna get u boys some eggs but i wouldnt see u to give them to you :( loool xxx
mayb u did nt reciprocate in sm wy n follow dem bk i lost a few nice followers!!!! sniff sniff..wonder wht i did wrong! :(
someone unfollowed me :(
srorrrrrry :(