import { get, set, notifyPropertyChange } from '@ember/-internals/metal'; import { applyMixins, strip } from '../../utils/abstract-test-case'; import { moduleFor, RenderingTest } from '../../utils/test-case'; import { A as emberA, ArrayProxy, RSVP } from '@ember/-internals/runtime'; import { Component, htmlSafe } from '../../utils/helpers'; import { HAS_NATIVE_SYMBOL } from '@ember/-internals/utils'; import { TogglingSyntaxConditionalsTest, TruthyGenerator, FalsyGenerator, ArrayTestCases, } from '../../utils/shared-conditional-tests'; class ArrayDelegate { constructor(content, target) { this._array = content; this._target = target || this; } // The following methods are APIs used by the tests toArray() { return this._array.slice(); } objectAt(idx) { return this._array[idx]; } clear() { this._array.length = 0; this.arrayContentDidChange(); } replace(idx, del, ins) { this._array.splice(idx, del, ...ins); this.arrayContentDidChange(); } unshiftObject(obj) { this._array.unshift(obj); this.arrayContentDidChange(); } unshiftObjects(arr) { this._array.unshift(...arr); this.arrayContentDidChange(); } pushObject(obj) { this._array.push(obj); this.arrayContentDidChange(); } pushObjects(arr) { this._array.push(...arr); this.arrayContentDidChange(); } shiftObject() { let obj = this._array.shift(); this.arrayContentDidChange(); return obj; } popObject() { let obj = this._array.pop(); this.arrayContentDidChange(); return obj; } insertAt(idx, obj) { this._array.splice(idx, 0, obj); this.arrayContentDidChange(); } removeAt(idx, len = 1) { this._array.splice(idx, len); this.arrayContentDidChange(); } arrayContentDidChange() { notifyPropertyChange(this._target, '[]'); notifyPropertyChange(this._target, 'length'); } toString() { return `#<${ || 'UnknownArrayDelegate'}>`; } toJSON() { return this.toString(); } } const makeSet = (() => { // IE11 does not support `new Set(items);` let set = new Set([1, 2, 3]); if (set.size === 3) { return items => new Set(items); } else { return items => { let s = new Set(); items.forEach(value => s.add(value)); return s; }; } })(); class SetDelegate extends ArrayDelegate { constructor(set) { let array = []; set.forEach(value => array.push(value)); super(array, set); this._set = set; } arrayContentDidChange() { this._set.clear(); this._array.forEach(value => this._set.add(value)); super.arrayContentDidChange(); } } class ForEachable extends ArrayDelegate { get length() { return this._array.length; } forEach(callback) { this._array.forEach(callback); } } let ArrayIterable; if (HAS_NATIVE_SYMBOL) { ArrayIterable = class extends ArrayDelegate { [Symbol.iterator]() { return this._array[Symbol.iterator](); } }; } class TogglingEachTest extends TogglingSyntaxConditionalsTest { get truthyValue() { return ['non-empty']; } get falsyValue() { return []; } } class BasicEachTest extends TogglingEachTest {} const TRUTHY_CASES = [ ['hello'], emberA(['hello']), makeSet(['hello']), new ForEachable(['hello']), ArrayProxy.create({ content: ['hello'] }), ArrayProxy.create({ content: emberA(['hello']) }), ]; const FALSY_CASES = [ null, undefined, false, '', 0, [], emberA([]), makeSet([]), new ForEachable([]), ArrayProxy.create({ content: [] }), ArrayProxy.create({ content: emberA([]) }), ]; if (HAS_NATIVE_SYMBOL) { TRUTHY_CASES.push(new ArrayIterable(['hello'])); FALSY_CASES.push(new ArrayIterable([])); } applyMixins( BasicEachTest, new TruthyGenerator(TRUTHY_CASES), new FalsyGenerator(FALSY_CASES), ArrayTestCases ); moduleFor( 'Syntax test: toggling {{#each}}', class extends BasicEachTest { templateFor({ cond, truthy, falsy }) { return `{{#each ${cond}}}${truthy}{{else}}${falsy}{{/each}}`; } } ); moduleFor( 'Syntax test: toggling {{#each as}}', class extends BasicEachTest { templateFor({ cond, truthy, falsy }) { return `{{#each ${cond} as |test|}}${truthy}{{else}}${falsy}{{/each}}`; } } ); class EachEdgeCasesTest extends TogglingEachTest {} applyMixins( EachEdgeCasesTest, new FalsyGenerator([ true, 'hello', 1, Object, function() {}, {}, { foo: 'bar' }, Object.create(null), Object.create({}), Object.create({ foo: 'bar' }), ]) ); moduleFor( 'Syntax test: toggling {{#each}}', class extends EachEdgeCasesTest { templateFor({ cond, truthy, falsy }) { return `{{#each ${cond}}}${truthy}{{else}}${falsy}{{/each}}`; } } ); moduleFor( 'Syntax test: toggling {{#each as}}', class extends EachEdgeCasesTest { templateFor({ cond, truthy, falsy }) { return `{{#each ${cond} as |test|}}${truthy}{{else}}${falsy}{{/each}}`; } } ); class AbstractEachTest extends RenderingTest { /* abstract */ createList(/* items */) { throw new Error('Not implemented: `createList`'); } makeList(items) { let { list, delegate } = this.createList(items); this.list = list; this.delegate = delegate; } replaceList(list) { this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'list', this.createList(list).list)); } forEach(callback) { return this.delegate.toArray().forEach(callback); } objectAt(idx) { return this.delegate.objectAt(idx); } clear() { return this.delegate.clear(); } replace(idx, del, ins) { return this.delegate.replace(idx, del, ins); } unshiftObject(obj) { return this.delegate.unshiftObject(obj); } unshiftObjects(arr) { return this.delegate.unshiftObjects(arr); } pushObject(obj) { return this.delegate.pushObject(obj); } pushObjects(arr) { return this.delegate.pushObjects(arr); } shiftObject() { return this.delegate.shiftObject(); } popObject() { return this.delegate.popObject(); } insertAt(idx, obj) { return this.delegate.insertAt(idx, obj); } removeAt(idx, len) { return this.delegate.removeAt(idx, len); } render(template, context = {}) { if (this.list !== undefined) { context.list = this.list; } return super.render(template, context); } } class EachTest extends AbstractEachTest { /* single each */ ['@test it repeats the given block for each item in the array']() { this.makeList([{ text: 'hello' }]); this.render(`{{#each list as |item|}}{{item.text}}{{else}}Empty{{/each}}`); this.assertText('hello'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertText('hello'); this.runTask(() => set(this.objectAt(0), 'text', 'Hello')); this.assertText('Hello'); this.runTask(() => { this.pushObject({ text: ' ' }); this.pushObject({ text: 'World' }); }); this.assertText('Hello World'); this.runTask(() => { this.pushObject({ text: 'Earth' }); this.removeAt(1); this.insertAt(1, { text: 'Globe' }); }); this.assertText('HelloGlobeWorldEarth'); this.runTask(() => { this.pushObject({ text: 'Planet' }); this.removeAt(1); this.insertAt(1, { text: ' ' }); this.pushObject({ text: ' ' }); this.pushObject({ text: 'Earth' }); this.removeAt(3); }); this.assertText('Hello WorldPlanet Earth'); this.runTask(() => { this.pushObject({ text: 'Globe' }); this.removeAt(1); this.insertAt(1, { text: ' ' }); this.pushObject({ text: ' ' }); this.pushObject({ text: 'World' }); this.removeAt(2); }); this.assertText('Hello Planet EarthGlobe World'); this.runTask(() => this.replace(2, 4, [{ text: 'my' }])); this.assertText('Hello my World'); this.runTask(() => this.clear()); this.assertText('Empty'); this.replaceList([{ text: 'hello' }]); this.assertText('hello'); } ['@test it receives the index as the second parameter']() { this.makeList([{ text: 'hello' }, { text: 'world' }]); this.render(`{{#each list as |item index|}}[{{index}}. {{item.text}}]{{/each}}`); this.assertText('[0. hello][1. world]'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => this.insertAt(1, { text: 'my' })); this.assertText('[0. hello][1. my][2. world]'); this.replaceList([{ text: 'hello' }, { text: 'world' }]); this.assertText('[0. hello][1. world]'); } ['@test it accepts a string key']() { this.makeList([{ text: 'hello' }, { text: 'world' }]); this.render(`{{#each list key='text' as |item|}}{{item.text}}{{/each}}`); this.assertText('helloworld'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => this.pushObject({ text: 'again' })); this.assertText('helloworldagain'); this.replaceList([{ text: 'hello' }, { text: 'world' }]); this.assertText('helloworld'); } ['@test it accepts a numeric key']() { this.makeList([{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]); this.render(`{{#each list key='id' as |item|}}{{}}{{/each}}`); this.assertText('12'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => this.pushObject({ id: 3 })); this.assertText('123'); this.replaceList([{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]); this.assertText('12'); } ['@test it can specify @index as the key']() { this.makeList([{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]); this.render(`{{#each list key='@index' as |item|}}{{}}{{/each}}`); this.assertText('12'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => this.pushObject({ id: 3 })); this.assertText('123'); this.replaceList([{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]); this.assertText('12'); } ['@test it can specify @identity as the key for arrays of primitives']() { this.makeList([1, 2]); this.render(`{{#each list key='@identity' as |item|}}{{item}}{{/each}}`); this.assertText('12'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => this.pushObject(3)); this.assertText('123'); this.replaceList([1, 2]); this.assertText('12'); } ['@test it can specify @identity as the key for mixed arrays of objects and primitives']() { this.makeList([1, { id: 2 }, 3]); this.render(`{{#each list key='@identity' as |item|}}{{if item}}{{/each}}`); this.assertText('123'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => this.insertAt(2, { id: 4 })); this.assertText('1243'); this.replaceList([1, { id: 2 }, 3]); this.assertText('123'); } ['@test it can render duplicate primitive items']() { this.makeList(['a', 'a', 'a']); this.render(`{{#each list as |item|}}{{item}}{{/each}}`); this.assertText('aaa'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => this.pushObject('a')); this.assertText('aaaa'); this.runTask(() => this.pushObject('a')); this.assertText('aaaaa'); this.replaceList(['a', 'a', 'a']); this.assertText('aaa'); } [`@test updating and setting within #each`]() { this.makeList([{ value: 1 }, { value: 2 }, { value: 3 }]); let FooBarComponent = Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); this.isEven = true; this.tagName = 'li'; }, _isEven() { this.set('isEven', this.get('item.value') % 2 === 0); }, didUpdate() { this._isEven(); }, }); this.registerComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: FooBarComponent, template: '{{#if isEven}}{{item.value}}{{/if}}', }); this.render(strip` {{#each list as |item|}}
  • Prev
  • {{foo-bar item=item}}
  • Next
  • {{/each}} `); this.assertText('Prev1NextPrev2NextPrev3Next'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => set(this.objectAt(0), 'value', 3)); this.assertText('PrevNextPrev2NextPrev3Next'); this.replaceList([{ value: 1 }, { value: 2 }, { value: 3 }]); this.assertText('Prev1NextPrev2NextPrev3Next'); } ['@test it can render duplicate objects']() { let duplicateItem = { text: 'foo' }; this.makeList([duplicateItem, duplicateItem, { text: 'bar' }, { text: 'baz' }]); this.render(`{{#each list as |item|}}{{item.text}}{{/each}}`); this.assertText('foofoobarbaz'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => this.pushObject(duplicateItem)); this.assertText('foofoobarbazfoo'); this.runTask(() => this.pushObject(duplicateItem)); this.assertText('foofoobarbazfoofoo'); this.replaceList([duplicateItem, duplicateItem, { text: 'bar' }, { text: 'baz' }]); this.assertText('foofoobarbaz'); } [`@test it maintains DOM stability when condition changes between objects with the same keys`]() { this.makeList([{ text: 'Hello' }, { text: ' ' }, { text: 'world' }]); this.render(`{{#each list key="text" as |item|}}{{item.text}}{{/each}}`); this.assertText('Hello world'); this.takeSnapshot(); this.runTask(() => { this.popObject(); this.popObject(); this.pushObject({ text: ' ' }); this.pushObject({ text: 'world' }); }); this.assertText('Hello world'); this.assertInvariants(); this.replaceList([{ text: 'Hello' }, { text: ' ' }, { text: 'world' }]); this.assertText('Hello world'); this.assertInvariants(); } [`@test it maintains DOM stability for stable keys when list is updated`]() { this.makeList([{ text: 'Hello' }, { text: ' ' }, { text: 'world' }]); this.render(`{{#each list key="text" as |item|}}{{item.text}}{{/each}}`); this.assertText('Hello world'); this.assertStableRerender(); let oldSnapshot = this.takeSnapshot(); this.runTask(() => { this.unshiftObject({ text: ', ' }); this.unshiftObject({ text: 'Hi' }); this.pushObject({ text: '!' }); this.pushObject({ text: 'earth' }); }); this.assertText('Hi, Hello world!earth'); this.assertPartialInvariants(2, 5); this.replaceList([{ text: 'Hello' }, { text: ' ' }, { text: 'world' }]); this.assertText('Hello world'); this.assertInvariants(oldSnapshot, this.takeSnapshot()); } [`@test it renders all items with duplicate key values`]() { this.makeList([{ text: 'Hello' }, { text: 'Hello' }, { text: 'Hello' }]); this.render(`{{#each list key="text" as |item|}}{{item.text}}{{/each}}`); this.assertText('HelloHelloHello'); this.runTask(() => { this.forEach(hash => set(hash, 'text', 'Goodbye')); }); this.assertText('GoodbyeGoodbyeGoodbye'); this.replaceList([{ text: 'Hello' }, { text: 'Hello' }, { text: 'Hello' }]); this.assertText('HelloHelloHello'); } ['@test context is not changed to the inner scope inside an {{#each as}} block']() { this.makeList([{ name: 'Chad' }, { name: 'Zack' }, { name: 'Asa' }]); this.render(`{{name}}-{{#each list as |person|}}{{name}}{{/each}}-{{name}}`, { name: 'Joel', }); this.assertText('Joel-JoelJoelJoel-Joel'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => this.shiftObject()); this.assertText('Joel-JoelJoel-Joel'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'name', 'Godfrey')); this.assertText('Godfrey-GodfreyGodfrey-Godfrey'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'name', 'Joel')); this.replaceList([{ name: 'Chad' }, { name: 'Zack' }, { name: 'Asa' }]); this.assertText('Joel-JoelJoelJoel-Joel'); } ['@test can access the item and the original scope']() { this.makeList([{ name: 'Tom Dale' }, { name: 'Yehuda Katz' }, { name: 'Godfrey Chan' }]); this.render(`{{#each list key="name" as |person|}}[{{title}}: {{}}]{{/each}}`, { title: 'Señor Engineer', }); this.assertText( '[Señor Engineer: Tom Dale][Señor Engineer: Yehuda Katz][Señor Engineer: Godfrey Chan]' ); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertText( '[Señor Engineer: Tom Dale][Señor Engineer: Yehuda Katz][Señor Engineer: Godfrey Chan]' ); this.runTask(() => { set(this.objectAt(1), 'name', 'Stefan Penner'); this.removeAt(0); this.pushObject({ name: 'Tom Dale' }); this.insertAt(1, { name: 'Chad Hietala' }); set(this.context, 'title', 'Principal Engineer'); }); this.assertText( '[Principal Engineer: Stefan Penner][Principal Engineer: Chad Hietala][Principal Engineer: Godfrey Chan][Principal Engineer: Tom Dale]' ); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'title', 'Señor Engineer')); this.replaceList([{ name: 'Tom Dale' }, { name: 'Yehuda Katz' }, { name: 'Godfrey Chan' }]); this.assertText( '[Señor Engineer: Tom Dale][Señor Engineer: Yehuda Katz][Señor Engineer: Godfrey Chan]' ); } ['@test the scoped variable is not available outside the {{#each}} block.']() { this.makeList(['Yehuda']); this.render(`{{name}}-{{#each list as |name|}}{{name}}{{/each}}-{{name}}`, { name: 'Stef', }); this.assertText('Stef-Yehuda-Stef'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertText('Stef-Yehuda-Stef'); this.runTask(() => this.pushObjects([' ', 'Katz'])); this.assertText('Stef-Yehuda Katz-Stef'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'name', 'Tom')); this.assertText('Tom-Yehuda Katz-Tom'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'name', 'Stef')); this.replaceList(['Yehuda']); this.assertText('Stef-Yehuda-Stef'); } ['@test inverse template is displayed with context']() { this.makeList([]); this.render(`{{#each list as |thing|}}Has Thing{{else}}No Thing {{otherThing}}{{/each}}`, { otherThing: 'bar', }); this.assertText('No Thing bar'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertText('No Thing bar'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'otherThing', 'biz')); this.assertText('No Thing biz'); this.runTask(() => this.pushObject('non-empty')); this.assertText('Has Thing'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'otherThing', 'baz')); this.assertText('Has Thing'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'otherThing', 'bar')); this.replaceList([]); this.assertText('No Thing bar'); } ['@test content that are not initially present updates correctly GH#13983']() { // The root cause of this bug is that Glimmer did not call `didInitializeChildren` // on the inserted `TryOpcode`, causing that `TryOpcode` to have an uninitialized // tag. Currently the only way to observe this the "JUMP-IF-NOT-MODIFIED", i.e. by // wrapping it in an component. this.registerComponent('x-wrapper', { template: '{{yield}}' }); this.makeList([]); this.render(`{{#x-wrapper}}{{#each list as |obj|}}[{{obj.text}}]{{/each}}{{/x-wrapper}}`); this.assertText(''); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertText(''); this.runTask(() => this.pushObject({ text: 'foo' })); this.assertText('[foo]'); this.runTask(() => set(this.objectAt(0), 'text', 'FOO')); this.assertText('[FOO]'); this.runTask(() => this.pushObject({ text: 'bar' })); this.assertText('[FOO][bar]'); this.runTask(() => set(this.objectAt(1), 'text', 'BAR')); this.assertText('[FOO][BAR]'); this.runTask(() => set(this.objectAt(1), 'text', 'baz')); this.assertText('[FOO][baz]'); this.runTask(() => this.replace(1, 1, [{ text: 'BAZ' }])); this.assertText('[FOO][BAZ]'); this.replaceList([]); this.assertText(''); } ['@test empty trusted content clears properly [GH#16314]']() { this.makeList(['hello']); this.render(`before {{#each list as |value|}}{{{value}}}{{/each}} after`); this.assertText('before hello after'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => this.pushObjects([null, ' world'])); this.assertText('before hello world after'); this.runTask(() => this.replace(1, 2, [undefined, ' world!'])); this.assertText('before hello world! after'); this.runTask(() => this.replace(1, 2, [htmlSafe(''), ' world!!'])); this.assertText('before hello world!! after'); this.replaceList(['hello']); this.assertText('before hello after'); } /* multi each */ ['@test re-using the same variable with different {{#each}} blocks does not override each other']() { let admins = this.createList([{ name: 'Tom Dale' }]); let users = this.createList([{ name: 'Yehuda Katz' }]); this.render( `Admin: {{#each admins key="name" as |person|}}[{{}}]{{/each}} User: {{#each users key="name" as |person|}}[{{}}]{{/each}}`, { admins: admins.list, users: users.list, } ); this.assertText('Admin: [Tom Dale] User: [Yehuda Katz]'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertText('Admin: [Tom Dale] User: [Yehuda Katz]'); this.runTask(() => { admins.delegate.pushObject({ name: 'Godfrey Chan' }); set(users.delegate.objectAt(0), 'name', 'Stefan Penner'); }); this.assertText('Admin: [Tom Dale][Godfrey Chan] User: [Stefan Penner]'); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'admins', this.createList([{ name: 'Tom Dale' }]).list); set(this.context, 'users', this.createList([{ name: 'Yehuda Katz' }]).list); }); this.assertText('Admin: [Tom Dale] User: [Yehuda Katz]'); } [`@test an outer {{#each}}'s scoped variable does not clobber an inner {{#each}}'s property if they share the same name - Issue #1315`]() { let content = this.createList(['X', 'Y']); let options = this.createList([{ label: 'One', value: 1 }, { label: 'Two', value: 2 }]); this.render( strip` {{#each content as |value|}} {{value}}- {{#each options as |option|}} {{option.value}}:{{option.label}} {{/each}} {{/each}} `, { content: content.list, options: options.list, } ); this.assertText('X-1:One2:TwoY-1:One2:Two'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => { content.delegate.pushObject('Z'); set(options.delegate.objectAt(0), 'value', 0); }); this.assertText('X-0:One2:TwoY-0:One2:TwoZ-0:One2:Two'); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'content', this.createList(['X', 'Y']).list); set( this.context, 'options', this.createList([{ label: 'One', value: 1 }, { label: 'Two', value: 2 }]).list ); }); this.assertText('X-1:One2:TwoY-1:One2:Two'); } ['@test the scoped variable is not available outside the {{#each}} block']() { let first = this.createList(['Limbo']); let fifth = this.createList(['Wrath']); let ninth = this.createList(['Treachery']); this.render( `{{ring}}-{{#each first as |ring|}}{{ring}}-{{#each fifth as |ring|}}{{ring}}-{{#each ninth as |ring|}}{{ring}}-{{/each}}{{ring}}-{{/each}}{{ring}}-{{/each}}{{ring}}`, { ring: 'Greed', first: first.list, fifth: fifth.list, ninth: ninth.list, } ); this.assertText('Greed-Limbo-Wrath-Treachery-Wrath-Limbo-Greed'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertText('Greed-Limbo-Wrath-Treachery-Wrath-Limbo-Greed'); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'ring', 'O'); fifth.delegate.insertAt(0, 'D'); }); this.assertText('O-Limbo-D-Treachery-D-Wrath-Treachery-Wrath-Limbo-O'); this.runTask(() => { first.delegate.pushObject('I'); ninth.delegate.replace(0, 1, ['K']); }); this.assertText('O-Limbo-D-K-D-Wrath-K-Wrath-Limbo-I-D-K-D-Wrath-K-Wrath-I-O'); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'ring', 'Greed'); set(this.context, 'first', this.createList(['Limbo']).list); set(this.context, 'fifth', this.createList(['Wrath']).list); set(this.context, 'ninth', this.createList(['Treachery']).list); }); this.assertText('Greed-Limbo-Wrath-Treachery-Wrath-Limbo-Greed'); } ['@test it should support {{#each name as |foo|}}, then {{#each foo as |bar|}}']() { let inner = this.createList(['caterpillar']); let outer = this.createList([inner.list]); this.render( `{{#each name key="@index" as |foo|}}{{#each foo as |bar|}}{{bar}}{{/each}}{{/each}}`, { name: outer.list, } ); this.assertText('caterpillar'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertText('caterpillar'); this.runTask(() => { inner.delegate.replace(0, 1, ['lady']); outer.delegate.pushObject(this.createList(['bird']).list); }); this.assertText('ladybird'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'name', this.createList([this.createList(['caterpillar']).list]).list) ); this.assertText('caterpillar'); } } moduleFor( 'Syntax test: {{#each}} with native arrays', class extends EachTest { createList(items) { return { list: items, delegate: new ArrayDelegate(items, items) }; } } ); moduleFor( 'Syntax test: {{#each}} with emberA-wrapped arrays', class extends EachTest { createList(items) { let wrapped = emberA(items); return { list: wrapped, delegate: wrapped }; } } ); moduleFor( 'Syntax test: {{#each}} with native Set', class extends EachTest { createList(items) { let set = makeSet(items); return { list: set, delegate: new SetDelegate(set) }; } ['@test it can render duplicate primitive items'](assert) { assert.ok(true, 'not supported by Set'); } ['@test it can render duplicate objects'](assert) { assert.ok(true, 'not supported by Set'); } } ); moduleFor( 'Syntax test: {{#each}} with array-like objects implementing forEach', class extends EachTest { createList(items) { let forEachable = new ForEachable(items); return { list: forEachable, delegate: forEachable }; } } ); if (HAS_NATIVE_SYMBOL) { moduleFor( 'Syntax test: {{#each}} with array-like objects implementing Symbol.iterator', class extends EachTest { createList(items) { let iterable = new ArrayIterable(items); return { list: iterable, delegate: iterable }; } } ); } moduleFor( 'Syntax test: {{#each}} with array proxies, modifying itself', class extends EachTest { createList(items) { let proxty = ArrayProxy.create({ content: emberA(items) }); return { list: proxty, delegate: proxty }; } } ); moduleFor( 'Syntax test: {{#each}} with array proxies, replacing its content', class extends EachTest { createList(items) { let wrapped = emberA(items); return { list: wrapped, delegate: ArrayProxy.create({ content: wrapped }), }; } } ); moduleFor( 'Syntax test: {{#each as}} undefined path', class extends RenderingTest { ['@test keying off of `undefined` does not render']() { this.render( strip` {{#each as |thing|}} {{thing}} {{/each}}`, { foo: {} } ); this.assertText(''); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertText(''); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'foo', { bar: { baz: ['Here!'] } })); this.assertText('Here!'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'foo', {})); this.assertText(''); } } ); moduleFor( 'Syntax test: {{#each}} with sparse arrays', class extends RenderingTest { ['@test it should itterate over holes']() { let sparseArray = []; sparseArray[3] = 'foo'; sparseArray[4] = 'bar'; this.render( strip` {{#each list as |value key|}} [{{key}}:{{value}}] {{/each}}`, { list: emberA(sparseArray) } ); this.assertText('[0:][1:][2:][3:foo][4:bar]'); this.assertStableRerender(); this.runTask(() => { let list = get(this.context, 'list'); list.pushObject('baz'); }); this.assertText('[0:][1:][2:][3:foo][4:bar][5:baz]'); } } ); /* globals MutationObserver: false */ if (typeof MutationObserver === 'function') { moduleFor( 'Syntax test: {{#each as}} DOM mutation test', class extends RenderingTest { constructor() { super(...arguments); = null; } observe(element) { let observer = ( = new MutationObserver(function() {})); observer.observe(element, { childList: true, characterData: true }); } teardown() { if ( {; } super.teardown(); } assertNoMutation() { this.assert.deepEqual(, [], 'Expected no mutations'); } expectMutations() { this.assert.ok( > 0, 'Expected some mutations'); } ['@test {{#each}} should not mutate a subtree when the array has not changed [GH #14332]']() { let page = { title: 'Blog Posts' }; let model = [{ title: 'Rails is omakase' }, { title: 'Ember is omakase' }]; this.render( strip`


    `, { page, model } ); this.assertHTML(strip`

    Blog Posts

    `); this.observe(this.$('#posts')[0]); // MutationObserver is async return RSVP.Promise.resolve(() => { this.assertStableRerender(); }) .then(() => { this.assertNoMutation(); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'page', { title: 'Essays' })); this.assertHTML(strip`


    `); }) .then(() => { this.assertNoMutation(); this.runTask(() => set(, 'title', 'Think Pieces™')); this.assertHTML(strip`

    Think Pieces™

    `); }) .then(() => { // The last set is localized to the `page` object, so we do not expect Glimmer // to re-iterate the list this.assertNoMutation(); }); } } ); }