(function() { sc.activityTrackerEventHandlers = function(activityTracker) { $("#submit_activities").on("click", activityTracker.handleSubmitClick); $(".intensity_btn").on("click", activityTracker.handleIntensityClick); $(".btn-date_picker").on("click", function(){ $(this).parents("div.input-group").children("input").datepicker("show"); }); $(".btn-time_picker").on("click", function(){ $(this).parents("div.input-group").children("input").timepicker("showWidget"); activityTracker.showRater(activityTracker.getFormID($(this).attr("id"))); }); $("button.copy_btn").on("click", activityTracker.handleCopyClick); $("input.form-control").on("click", function(){ activityTracker.showRater(activityTracker.getFormID($(this).attr("id"))); }); // Focus $(".date_picker, .time_picker").on("focus", function() { activityTracker.showRater(activityTracker.getFormID($(this).attr("id"))); }); // Keys $("input.form-control").on("keypress", activityTracker.handleEnterKey); // Change $(".date_picker, .time_picker").on("change", function(){ // prevent times in the past var date = sc.datejs($(".date_picker").datepicker("getDate")); var time = $(".time_picker").data("timepicker").getTime(); var datetime = sc.datejs(date.format("YYYY-MM-DD ") + time, "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm A"); var futureTime = sc.datejs().add(60, "minutes"); if (datetime.isBefore(futureTime, "minute")) { $(".time_picker").timepicker("setTime", futureTime.format("hh:mm A")); } activityTracker.orderSummaryTable(false, activityTracker.getFormID($(this).attr("id"))); }); }; sc.activityTracker = function(path){ var self = this; this.path = path; this.waitForTable = true; this.warningSpan = document.createElement("span"); $(this.warningSpan).attr("class", "label label-warning").text("Not Rated"); var today = new Date(); $(".date_picker").datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, dateFormat: dateFormat(), minDate: today, yearRange: today.getFullYear() + ":" + (today.getFullYear()+1) }); $(".date_picker").datepicker('setDate', today); $(".time_picker").timepicker({disableFocus:true}); $('.date_picker').on('focus', function(){ $(".btn-date_picker").parents("div.input-group").children("input").blur(); }); this.handleEnterKey = function(e) { if(e.keyCode == 13) { self.handleSubmitClick(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } }; this.handleCopyClick = function(e) { var copyToId, copyFromId, aName, pIntensity, aIntensity, newPleasureSelection, newAccomplishmentSelection; copyToId = self.getFormID($(this).attr("id")); copyFromId = copyToId - 1; if(copyToId < 0) return false; //Grab the values from the previous entry aName = $("#activity_type_"+ copyFromId).val(); pIntensity = $("#pleasure_"+ copyFromId + " select")[0].options[$("#pleasure_"+ copyFromId + " select")[0].selectedIndex].value; aIntensity = $("#accomplishment_"+ copyFromId + " select")[0].options[$("#accomplishment_"+ copyFromId + " select")[0].selectedIndex].value; //Paste the activity title $("#activity_type_"+copyToId).val(aName); //Copy the pleasure rating self.copyIntensity(copyToId, "pleasure", pIntensity); //Copy the accomplishment rating self.copyIntensity(copyToId, "accomplishment",aIntensity); return false; }; this.handleIntensityClick = function(e) { var intensity, possibleParents, wholeNumId; intensity = $(this).attr("data-intensity"); possibleParents = $(this).parents(".rateIntensity"); wholeNumId = self.getFormID($(possibleParents[0]).attr("id")); if(possibleParents == null || possibleParents == undefined) return; //Check if both pleasure and accomplishment have been rated $(possibleParents[0]).removeClass("rateIntensity"); //Re-order the table if on the appropriate page if ($(".start_time_"+wholeNumId).length > 0) { self.orderSummaryTable(false, wholeNumId); } }; this.handleSubmitClick = function(e) { var shared_item_name; if($(".activity_shared_item_true")[0]) { shared_item_name = "activity_shared_item_true"; } else { shared_item_name = "planned_activity_shared_item_true"; } if(validatePublicNoEvent(e, shared_item_name)) { var $forms = $("form.activity_form"); sc.displayErrors(); if ($forms.length === 1) { $(".start_time_0").val(self.concatStringFromPickers(0)); if ($('.has-error').length === 0) { $forms.submit(); } return false; } else { return _.each($forms, function (form, index, list) { var $form = $(form); if ($(".form-group.has-error").length === 0) { $(".start_time_" + index).val(self.concatStringFromPickers(index)); $.ajax({ async: false, timeout: 600, type: "POST", url: $form.attr("action"), data: $form.serialize(), success: function () { if (index === list.length - 1) { return window.location = self.path; } }, dataType: "script" }); } return false; }); } } }; this.showRater = function(numId) { $("div.form-group").removeClass("rateIntensity"); $("#pleasure_"+numId).addClass("rateIntensity"); $("#accomplishment_"+numId).addClass("rateIntensity"); }; this.orderSummaryTable = function(insert, updateId) { var already, soon, row, niceTime, niceDate, tempCells,warningSpan; if(insert && this.waitForTable) { //Grab dates already in table already = self.grabCurrentActivityDates(); //Grab dates not in table soon = self.grabPendingActivityDates(); //Now insert that data into the table _.each(soon,function(sval, i){ if(already.length > 0){ _.every(already, function(aval, j){ if(aval.date > sval.date) { self.insertRow(sval, i, j); return false; } else if(j == already.length - 1) { self.insertRow(sval, i, j); } return true; }); } else{ self.insertRow(sval, i, 0); } }); self.waitForTable = false; return; } row = $("#future_row_"+updateId)[0]; niceDate = self.concatDateFromPickers(updateId); niceTime = niceDate.getTime(); tempCells = []; //keep name constant tempCells.push( $($(row).children()[0]).text() ); //update date tempCells.push(self.concatStringFromPickers(updateId)); //update pleasure tempCells.push( $("#p_indicator_" + updateId).text() == "Not Rated" ? $(self.warningSpan).clone() : $("#p_indicator_"+ updateId).text() ); //update accomplishment tempCells.push( $("#a_indicator_" + updateId).text() == "Not Rated" ? $(self.warningSpan).clone() : $("#a_indicator_"+ updateId).text() ); //compare and reorder the updated row in the table already = self.grabCurrentActivityDates(updateId); row = self.makeRow(row, tempCells); _.every(already,function(aval,j){ if(aval.date > niceTime) { $('table#previous_activities tr:eq('+(j+1)+')').before(row); return false; } else if(j == already.length - 1) { $('table#previous_activities tr:eq('+(j+1)+')').after(row); } return true; }); }; /* Utility - [Shared/General] */ this.getFormID = function(str) { if(typeof str === "undefined" || str === null || str.length === 0) return -1; var matches = str.match(/\d+$/); if (matches) return matches[0]; return -1; }; /* Utility - [DO#1 Awareness - Data Preparation] */ this.copyIntensity = function(toId, typeString, newIntensity) { newSelection = $("#"+typeString+"_"+ toId + " select")[0]; newSelection.selectedIndex = newIntensity; }; /* Utility - [DO#2 Planning - Data Preparation] */ this.concatDateFromPickers = function (id) { var datestring; //Much more clear compared to before datestring = $("#future_date_picker_"+id).val(); datestring += " "; datestring += $("#future_time_picker_"+id).val(); return new Date(datestring); }; this.concatStringFromPickers = function (id) { var date = self.concatDateFromPickers(id); return $.datepicker.formatDate(dateFormat(), date) + " " + self.formatAMPM(date); }; this.formatAMPM = function(date) { var hours, minutes, ampm; hours = date.getHours(); minutes = date.getMinutes(); ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM'; hours = hours % 12; hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12' minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+minutes : minutes; return hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm; }; /* Utility - [DO#2 Planning - Summary Table] */ this.insertRow = function(sval, sourceIndex, destIndex) { var row, niceDate, cells; //Make a new row to mess with row = document.createElement("tr"); $(row).attr("id", "future_row_"+sourceIndex).attr("class","success"); //Set up the parameters for this row cells = []; nicedate = new Date(sval.date); cells.push($("#future_activity_title_" + sourceIndex).text()); cells.push($.datepicker.formatDate(dateFormat(), nicedate) + " " + self.formatAMPM(nicedate)); cells.push($(self.warningSpan).clone()); cells.push($(self.warningSpan).clone()); row = self.makeRow(row,cells); if($('table#previous_activities tr').length > 1) $('table#previous_activities tr:eq('+ (destIndex+1) +')').after(row); else $('table#previous_activities tbody').append(row); }; this.makeRow = function(row, args) { var newRow, newTag; newRow = $.map(args, function(val, i){ newTag = document.createElement("td"); if(val.length == 1 && val[0].nodeType == 1) return $(newTag).append(val[0]); return $(newTag).text(val); }); $(row).empty(); return $(row).append(newRow); }; this.grabCurrentActivityDates = function(ignoreId) { var already, id, d, oldActivity; already = $.map($('table#previous_activities tbody tr td:nth-child(2)'), function(val, i){ id = self.getFormID($(val).parent().attr("id")); d = new Date($(val).text()); oldActivity = {date:d.getTime(), index: i}; return oldActivity; }); return already; }; this.grabPendingActivityDates = function() { var soon, d, newActivity; soon = $.map($(".date_picker"), function(val, i) { d = self.concatDateFromPickers(i); newActivity = {date:d.getTime(), index: i}; return newActivity; }); //Just like in classic sorting methods, first we sort the data we're adding. return soon.sort(function(a, b){ return a.date - b.date; }); }; $(".time_picker").timepicker("setTime", sc.datejs().add(60, "minutes").format("hh:mm A")); if ($(".start_time_0").length > 0) { self.orderSummaryTable(true); } sc.activityTrackerEventHandlers(this); }; function dateFormat() { return 'M dd yy'; }; })();