RhoConnect REST API === The RhoConnect REST API allows you to control, monitor, and debug a running RhoConnect application using a simple HTTP API. Below we describe the REST API using ruby sample code. NOTE: All routes that require admin privileges must pass the API token using the special header 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN':api_token_string ## API Errors All API calls will return http 200 and requested data (if applied). Otherwise, API will return http error code and specific error message in the http message body. :::ruby def handle_api_error(error_message) @errors ||= [] begin yield rescue RestClient::Exception => re if re.response.body.nil? or re.response.body.length == 0 @errors << "#{error_message}: [#{re.http_code}] #{re.message}" else @errors << "#{error_message}: #{re.response.body}" end rescue Exception => e @errors << "#{error_message}: #{e.message}" end end handle_api_error("Can't get the url of the plugin's backend from the RhoConnect server") do @license_info = JSON.parse( RestClient.get( "#{server}/rc/v1/system/appserver", {'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ).body ) end ## System Resource - POST login POST /rc/v1/system/login Before you can use RhoConnect API you should login to the RhoConnect server and get API token: :::ruby require 'rest_client' require 'json' server = "http://localhost:9292" login = "rhoadmin" password = "" @api_token = RestClient.post("#{server}/rc/v1/system/login", { :login => login, :password => password }.to_json, :content_type => :json) ## System Resource - POST reset POST /rc/v1/system/reset Reset the server: flush db and re-bootstrap server :::ruby RestClient.post("#{server}/rc/v1/system/reset", {}.to_json, {:content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ) ## System Resource - GET appserver GET /rc/v1/system/appserver Returns the url of the plugin's backend from the RhoConnect server. :::ruby adapter_url = RestClient.get( "#{server}/rc/v1/system/appserver", {'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ).body ## System Resource - POST appserver POST /rc/v1/system/appserver Saves the url of the plugin's backend to the RhoConnect server. :::ruby RestClient.post( "#{server}/rc/v1/system/appserver", { :adapter_url => url }.to_json, {:content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ) ## System Resource - GET stats GET /rc/v1/system/stats Retrieves stats for a given metric key: :::ruby RestClient.get( "#{server}/rc/v1/system/stats", { :params => {:metric => 'foo', :start => 0, :finish => -1}, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ) Retrieves a list of metric keys matching a given pattern. This supports 'glob' or '*' style pattern matching. For example, all metric keys associated with 'Product' source adapter methods: :::ruby RestClient.get( "#{server}/rc/v1/system/stats", { :params => {:names => 'sources:*:Product'}, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ) ## Store Resource - GET doc GET /rc/v1/store/:doc Return content of a given document stored in Redis. :::ruby res = RestClient.get( "#{server}/rc/v1/store/", { 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ).body ## Store Resource - POST doc POST /rc/v1/store/:doc Sets the content of the specified server document. Data should be either a string or hash of hashes. If `append` flag is set to `true` , the data is appended to the current doc (if it exists) instead of replacing it. :::ruby RestClient.post( "#{server}/rc/v1/store/", { :data => data, :append => false }.to_json, {:content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ) ## User Resource - POST user POST /rc/v1/users Create a user in this RhoConnect application. :::ruby RestClient.post("#{server}/rc/v1/users", { :attributes => { :login => login, :password => password } }.to_json, {:content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ) ## User Resource - DELETE user_id DELETE /rc/v1/users/:user_id Delete User and all associated devices from the RhoConnect application. :::ruby RestClient.delete( "#{server}/rc/v1/users/", { 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ) ## User Resource - PUT user_id PUT /rc/v1/users/:user_id Update attributes for a user on this RhoConnect application. :::ruby RestClient.put( "#{server}/rc/v1/users/", { :attributes => { :a_user_specific_attribute => a_user_specific_attribute_value } }.to_json, {:content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ) ## User Resource - GET users GET /rc/v1/users List users registered with this RhoConnect application. :::ruby users = RestClient.get( "#{server}/rc/v1/users", { 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ).body ## User Resource - GET user_id GET /rc/v1/users/:user_id Returns the information for the specified user. :::ruby user_info = RestClient.get( "#{server}/rc/v1/users/", { 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ).body ## User Resource - GET clients GET /rc/v1/users/:user_id/clients List clients (devices) associated with given user. :::ruby clients = RestClient.get("#{server}/rc/v1/users//clients", { 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ).body Returns list of client ids. ## User Resource - DELETE client_id DELETE /rc/v1/users/:user_id/clients/:client_id Deletes the specified client (device) for the given user. :::ruby RestClient.delete( "#{server}/rc/v1/users//clients/", { 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ) ## User Resource - GET source_id docnames GET /rc/v1/users/:user_id/sources/:source_id/docnames Return list of document keys associated with given source and user. If `:user_id` set to '*', this call will return list of keys for 'shared' documents. :::ruby docs = RestClient.get( "#{server}/rc/v1/users//sources//docnames", { 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ).body ## User Resource - POST ping POST /rc/v1/users/ping Sends PUSH message to all devices of the specified user(s): :::ruby # :message - message which will be used to display notification popup dialog on the device # :badge - iphone specific badge # :sound - name of the sound file to play upon receiving PUSH notification # :vibrate - number of seconds to vibrate upon receiving PUSH notification # :sources - list of data source names to be synced upon receiving PUSH notification ping_params = { :api_token => token, :user_id => [array_of_users], :sources => source_name, :message => 'hello world', :vibrate => 2000, :sound => 'hello.mp3' } RestClient.post( "#{server}/rc/v1/users/ping", ping_params.to_json, { :content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ) ## User Resource - GET source_id doc GET /rc/v1/users/:user_id/sources/:source_id/docs/:doc Return content of a given source document for the specified user. :::ruby res = RestClient.get( "#{server}/rc/v1/users//sources//docs/", { 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ).body ## User Resource - POST source_id doc POST /rc/v1/users/:user_id/sources/:source_id/docs/:doc Sets the content of the specified source document for the given user. Data should be either a string or hash of hashes. If `append` flag is set to `true` , the data is appended to the current doc (if it exists) instead of replacing it. :::ruby RestClient.post( "#{server}/rc/v1/users//sources//docs/", { :data => data, :append => false }.to_json, {:content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ) ## Read State - POST user source_id POST /rc/v1/read_state/users/:user_id/sources/:source_id Sets source poll interval to "current time plus x seconds". :::ruby RestClient.post( #{server}/rc/v1/read_state/users//sources/", { :refresh_time => 100 }.to_json, {:content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ) This will set the refresh time to 100 seconds from the current time. Calling `set_refresh_time` with no `:refresh_time` will trigger a refresh on the sync request for the source. ## Source Controller - GET partition_type GET /rc/v1/sources/type/:partition_type Return list of source adapters for this RhoConnect application for the given partition type. Partition type can be either `app` or `user`. :::ruby sources = RestClient.get("#{server}/rc/v1/sources/type/", { 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ).body ## Source Controller - GET source_id GET /rc/v1/sources/:source_id Return attributes associated with a given source: * `name` - name of the data source * `poll_interval` - query poll interval; defines how often RhoConnect will call source adapter to query for new data, set to -1 to disable polling, 0 to always poll * `partition_type` - to share data across all users, set partition to :app; otherwise use `:user` partition (default) * `sync_type` - set to `:bulk_only` to disable `:incremental` sync; regular sync is `:incremental` (default) * `queue` - name of the queue for both query and create/update/delete (CUD) jobs (used if no specific queues not specified) * `query_queue` - name of query queue * `cud_queue` - name of CUD queue **NOTE: query or create/update/delete methods of the source adapter will be executed [asynchronously](/rhoconnect/async-jobs) if a queue name is defined.** :::ruby attributes = RestClient.get("#{server}/rc/v1/sources/", { 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ).body ## Source Controller - PUT source_id PUT /rc/v1/sources/:source_id Updates attributes associated with a given source: `poll_interval` - query poll interval; defines how often RhoConnect will call source adapter to query for new data, set to -1 to disable polling, 0 to always poll. :::ruby RestClient.put("#{server}/rc/v1/sources/", { :user_name => user, :data => {:poll_interval => 25} }.to_json, {:content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ).body ## Client Resource - GET client_id GET /rc/v1/clients/:client_id Returns client (device) attributes, such as `device_type`, `device_pin`, `device_port`. These attributes are used by [RhoConnect push](/rhoconnect/push). :::ruby client_attributes = RestClient.get( "#{server}/rc/v1/clients/", { 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ).body ## Client Resource - GET source_id docnames GET /rc/v1/clients/:client_id/sources/:source_id/docnames Returns list of document keys associated with particular client for a given source. These documents are used by the server to sync data with the client. :::ruby docs = RestClient.get( "#{server}/rc/v1/clients/:client_id/sources/:source_id/docnames", { 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ).body ## Client Resource - GET source_id doc GET /rc/v1/clients/:client_id/sources/:source_id/docs/:doc Return content of a given source document for the specified client. :::ruby res = RestClient.get( "#{server}/rc/v1/clients//sources//docs/", { 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token } ).body ## Client Resource - POST source_id doc POST /rc/v1/clients/:client_id/sources/:source_id/docs/:doc Sets the content of the specified source document for the given client. Data should be either a string or hash of hashes. If `append` flag is set to `true` , the data is appended to the current doc (if it exists) instead of replacing it. :::ruby RestClient.post( "#{server}/rc/v1/clients//sources//docs/", { :data => data, :append => false }.to_json, {:content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ) ## Plugin source_name - POST push_objects POST /app/v1/:source_name/push_objects Push new objects or object updates to RhoConnect. These changes will be sent to the device the next time it synchronizes. **NOTE: you may use [ping](/rhoconnect/push) to notify client and trigger sync.** :::ruby # list of objects in the canonical hash of hashes structure data = { '5' => { 'name' => 'iPhone' } } RestClient.post( "#{server}/app/v1//push_objects", { :user_id => user_id, :objects => data }.to_json, {:content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ) **NOTE: Normally, `push_objects` method will refresh the whole :md document in Redis. However, in case of large-size documents, `push_objects` method can be optimized by invoking only the necessary updates. This can help reducing the number of transactions with Redis. To force the optimization, user can use the `:rebuild_md => false` flag in the `push_objects` parameters hash.** ## Plugin source_name - POST delete_objects POST /app/v1/:source_name/push_deletes Delete objects from RhoConnect. These objects will be deleted from the device the next time it synchronizes. **NOTE: You may use [ping](/rhoconnect/push) to notify client and trigger sync.** :::ruby # object_ids is an array of objects to be deleted RestClient.post( "#{server}/app/v1//push_deletes", { :user_id => user_id, :objects => object_ids }.to_json, {:content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ) **NOTE: Normally, `push_deletes` method will refresh the whole :md document in Redis. However, in case of large-size documents, `push_deletes` method can be optimized by invoking only the necessary updates. This can help reducing the number of transactions with Redis. To force the optimization, user can use the `:rebuild_md => false` flag in the `push_deletes` parameters hash.** ## Plugin sourece_name - POST fast_insert POST /app/v1/:source_name/fast_insert Push new objects to RhoConnect. Changes are inserted into the Redis set without any checking for previous existence. This way, the insert is very fast, but user must ensure that the object didn't exist before. No safeguards are implemented. Use this method only when you can ensure the integrity of the data. **NOTE: you may use [ping](/rhoconnect/push) to notify client after the insert and trigger sync.** :::ruby # list of objects in the canonical hash of hashes structure data = { '5' => { 'name' => 'iPhone' } } RestClient.post( "#{server}/app/v1//fast_insert", { :user_id => user_id, :objects => data }.to_json, {:content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ) ## Plugin source_name - POST fast_update POST /app/v1/:source_name/fast_update Push object updates to RhoConnect. This method doesn't involve pulling the existing data out of Redis. Instead it required user to provide the previous state of the data. This way, this method allows for very fast updates (since it just removes the previous data from set and adds new ones). However, no data integrity checks are performed. Therefore, this method must be used only if user can ensure the integrity of the data (i.e. previous state must exist, otherwise it won't be properly deleted). Also, this method can be used to perform fast appends and deletes for any of the object's attributes (However, you shouldn't use this method to remove all of the attributes, `fast_delete` should be used instead.) **NOTE: you may use [ping](/rhoconnect/push) to notify client after the update and trigger sync.** :::ruby # list of objects in the canonical hash of hashes structure # delete_data contains previous state of the object (to be deleted) delete_data = { '5' => { 'name' => 'iPhone' } } # data contains new state of the object # to be inserted data = { '5' => { 'name' => 'HTC' } } RestClient.post( "#{server}/app/v1//fast_update", { :user_id => user_id, :delete_data => delete_data, :data => data }.to_json, {:content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} ) ## Plugin source_name - POST fast_delete POST /app/v1/:source_name/fast_delete Push object deletes to RhoConnect. This method doesn't involve pulling the existing data out of Redis and removing all of its attributes. Instead it requires the user to provide all of the object's data in the hash to be removed. This way, this method allows for very fast deletes (since it just removes the object's data from set). However, no data integrity checks are performed. Therefore, this method must be used only if user can ensure the integrity of the data (i.e. supply all of the object's data to be removed, otherwise some object's data will remain in Redis). **NOTE: you may use [ping](/rhoconnect/push) to notify client after the delete and trigger sync.** :::ruby # list of objects in the canonical hash of hashes structure # data contains all of the object's data (to be deleted) data = { '5' => { 'name' => 'iPhone' } } RestClient.post( "#{server}/app/v1//fast_delete", { :user_id => user_id, :data => data }.to_json, {:content_type => :json, 'X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN' => @api_token} )