# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe GraphQL::Relay::Mutation do let(:query_string) {%| mutation addBagel($clientMutationId: String, $shipName: String = "Bagel") { introduceShip(input: {shipName: $shipName, factionId: "1", clientMutationId: $clientMutationId}) { clientMutationId shipEdge { node { name, id } } faction { name } } } |} let(:introspect) {%| { __schema { types { name, fields { name } } } } |} after do StarWars::DATA["Ship"].delete("9") StarWars::DATA["Faction"]["1"].ships.delete("9") end it "supports null values" do result = star_wars_query(query_string, "clientMutationId" => "1234", "shipName" => nil) expected = {"data" => { "introduceShip" => { "clientMutationId" => "1234", "shipEdge" => { "node" => { "name" => nil, "id" => GraphQL::Schema::UniqueWithinType.encode("Ship", "9"), }, }, "faction" => {"name" => StarWars::DATA["Faction"]["1"].name } } }} assert_equal(expected, result) end it "supports lazy resolution" do result = star_wars_query(query_string, "clientMutationId" => "1234", "shipName" => "Slave II") assert_equal "Slave II", result["data"]["introduceShip"]["shipEdge"]["node"]["name"] end it "raises when using a generated return type and resolve doesnt return a Hash" do bad_mutation = GraphQL::Relay::Mutation.define do name 'BadMutation' description 'A mutation type that doesnt return a hash' input_field :input, types.String return_field :return, types.String resolve ->(_, _, _) { # Should have been { return: 'my_bad_return_value' } 'my_bad_return_value' } end root = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "MutationRoot" field :bad, bad_mutation.field end schema = GraphQL::Schema.define { mutation(root) } exception = assert_raises(StandardError) do schema.execute('mutation { bad(input: { input: "graphql" }) { return } }') end expected_message = "Expected `my_bad_return_value` to be a Hash."\ " Return a hash when using `return_field` or specify a custom `return_type`." assert_equal expected_message, exception.message end it "returns the result & clientMutationId" do result = star_wars_query(query_string, "clientMutationId" => "1234") expected = {"data" => { "introduceShip" => { "clientMutationId" => "1234", "shipEdge" => { "node" => { "name" => "Bagel", "id" => GraphQL::Schema::UniqueWithinType.encode("Ship", "9"), }, }, "faction" => {"name" => StarWars::DATA["Faction"]["1"].name } } }} assert_equal(expected, result) end it "doesn't require a clientMutationId to perform mutations" do result = star_wars_query(query_string) new_ship_name = result["data"]["introduceShip"]["shipEdge"]["node"]["name"] assert_equal("Bagel", new_ship_name) end it "applies the description to the derived field" do field = GraphQL::Schema::Field.from_options(name: "x", **StarWars::IntroduceShipMutation.field_options) assert_equal "Add a ship to this faction", field.description end it "inserts itself into the derived objects' metadata" do field = GraphQL::Schema::Field.from_options(name: "x", **StarWars::IntroduceShipMutation.field_options) assert_equal StarWars::IntroduceShipMutation, field.mutation assert_equal StarWars::IntroduceShipMutation, field.to_graphql.mutation assert_equal StarWars::IntroduceShipMutation, StarWars::IntroduceShipMutation.payload_type.mutation assert_equal StarWars::IntroduceShipMutation, StarWars::IntroduceShipMutation.input_type.mutation end describe "return_field ... property:" do it "resolves correctly" do query_str = <<-GRAPHQL mutation { introduceShip(input: {shipName: "Bagel", factionId: "1"}) { aliasedFaction { name } } } GRAPHQL result = star_wars_query(query_str) faction_name = result["data"]["introduceShip"]["aliasedFaction"]["name"] assert_equal("Alliance to Restore the Republic", faction_name) end end describe "aliased methods" do describe "on an unreached mutation" do it 'still ensures definitions' do UnreachedMutation = GraphQL::Relay::Mutation.define do name 'UnreachedMutation' description 'A mutation type not directly used in the schema.' input_field :input, types.String return_field :return, types.String end assert UnreachedMutation.input_fields['input'] assert UnreachedMutation.return_fields['return'] end end end describe "providing a return type" do let(:custom_return_type) { GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "CustomReturnType" field :name, types.String end } let(:mutation) { custom_type = custom_return_type GraphQL::Relay::Mutation.define do name "CustomReturnTypeTest" input_field :nullDefault, types.String, default_value: nil input_field :noDefault, types.String input_field :stringDefault, types.String, default_value: 'String' return_type custom_type resolve ->(obj, input, ctx) { OpenStruct.new(name: "Custom Return Type Test") } end } let(:input) { mutation.field.arguments['input'].type.unwrap } let(:schema) { mutation_field = mutation.field mutation_root = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "Mutation" field :custom, mutation_field end GraphQL::Schema.define do mutation(mutation_root) end } it "uses the provided type" do assert_equal custom_return_type, mutation.return_type assert_equal custom_return_type, mutation.field.type result = schema.execute("mutation { custom(input: {}) { name } }") assert_equal "Custom Return Type Test", result["data"]["custom"]["name"] end it "doesn't get a mutation in the metadata" do assert_nil custom_return_type.mutation end it "supports input fields with nil default value" do assert input.arguments['nullDefault'].default_value? assert_nil input.arguments['nullDefault'].default_value end it "supports input fields with no default value" do assert !input.arguments['noDefault'].default_value? assert_nil input.arguments['noDefault'].default_value end it "supports input fields with non-nil default value" do assert input.arguments['stringDefault'].default_value? assert_equal "String", input.arguments['stringDefault'].default_value end end describe "specifying return interfaces" do let(:result_interface) { GraphQL::InterfaceType.define do name "ResultInterface" field :success, !types.Boolean field :notice, types.String end } let(:error_interface) { GraphQL::InterfaceType.define do name "ErrorInterface" field :error, types.String end } let(:mutation) { interfaces = [result_interface, error_interface] GraphQL::Relay::Mutation.define do name "ReturnTypeWithInterfaceTest" return_field :name, types.String return_interfaces interfaces resolve ->(obj, input, ctx) { { name: "Type Specific Field", success: true, notice: "Success Interface Field", error: "Error Interface Field" } } end } let(:schema) { mutation_field = mutation.field mutation_root = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "Mutation" field :custom, mutation_field end GraphQL::Schema.define do mutation(mutation_root) resolve_type NO_OP_RESOLVE_TYPE end } it 'makes the mutation type implement the interfaces' do assert_equal [result_interface, error_interface], mutation.return_type.interfaces end it "returns interface values and specific ones" do result = schema.execute('mutation { custom(input: {clientMutationId: "123"}) { name, success, notice, error, clientMutationId } }') assert_equal "Type Specific Field", result["data"]["custom"]["name"] assert_equal "Success Interface Field", result["data"]["custom"]["notice"] assert_equal true, result["data"]["custom"]["success"] assert_equal "Error Interface Field", result["data"]["custom"]["error"] assert_equal "123", result["data"]["custom"]["clientMutationId"] end end describe "handling errors" do it "supports returning an error in resolve" do result = star_wars_query(query_string, "clientMutationId" => "5678", "shipName" => "Millennium Falcon") expected = { "data" => { "introduceShip" => nil, }, "errors" => [ { "message" => "Sorry, Millennium Falcon ship is reserved", "locations" => [ { "line" => 3 , "column" => 7}], "path" => ["introduceShip"] } ] } assert_equal(expected, result) end it "supports raising an error in a lazy callback" do result = star_wars_query(query_string, "clientMutationId" => "5678", "shipName" => "Ebon Hawk") expected = { "data" => { "introduceShip" => nil, }, "errors" => [ { "message" => "💥", "locations" => [ { "line" => 3 , "column" => 7}], "path" => ["introduceShip"] } ] } assert_equal(expected, result) end it "supports raising an error in the resolve function" do result = star_wars_query(query_string, "clientMutationId" => "5678", "shipName" => "Leviathan") expected = { "data" => { "introduceShip" => nil, }, "errors" => [ { "message" => "🔥", "locations" => [ { "line" => 3 , "column" => 7}], "path" => ["introduceShip"] } ] } assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe 'supports new input object definition with old mutation definition' do let(:some_attribute_type) do Class.new(GraphQL::Schema::InputObject) do graphql_name 'SomeAttribute' argument :something, String, required: false end end let(:do_something_mutation) do some_attribute = some_attribute_type GraphQL::Relay::Mutation.define do name 'DoSomethingMutation' input_field :someAttributes, types[some_attribute.graphql_definition] return_field :anything, types.String resolve ->(_obj, inputs, _ctx) { { anything: inputs.to_h['someAttributes'][0].class.to_s } } end end let(:mutation_type) do do_something = do_something_mutation Class.new(GraphQL::Schema::Object) do graphql_name 'Mutation' field :doSomething, field: do_something.field end end let(:schema) do mutation = mutation_type Class.new(GraphQL::Schema) do mutation mutation end end it 'converts to hash the whole input' do result = schema.execute('mutation { doSomething(input: {someAttributes: [{something: "string"}]}) { anything } }') assert_equal 'Hash', result['data']['doSomething']['anything'] end end end