
ClutterTimeline — A class for time-based events


struct              ClutterTimelineClass;
ClutterTimeline *   clutter_timeline_new                (guint msecs);
ClutterTimeline *   clutter_timeline_clone              (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

void                clutter_timeline_set_duration       (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         guint msecs);
guint               clutter_timeline_get_duration       (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
void                clutter_timeline_set_repeat_count   (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         gint count);
gint                clutter_timeline_get_repeat_count   (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
void                clutter_timeline_set_delay          (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         guint msecs);
guint               clutter_timeline_get_delay          (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
enum                ClutterTimelineDirection;
void                clutter_timeline_set_direction      (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         ClutterTimelineDirection direction);
ClutterTimelineDirection clutter_timeline_get_direction (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
void                clutter_timeline_set_auto_reverse   (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         gboolean reverse);
gboolean            clutter_timeline_get_auto_reverse   (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
enum                ClutterAnimationMode;
enum                ClutterStepMode;
void                clutter_timeline_set_progress_mode  (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         ClutterAnimationMode mode);
ClutterAnimationMode clutter_timeline_get_progress_mode (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
void                clutter_timeline_set_cubic_bezier_progress
                                                        (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         const ClutterPoint *c_1,
                                                         const ClutterPoint *c_2);
gboolean            clutter_timeline_get_cubic_bezier_progress
                                                        (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         ClutterPoint *c_1,
                                                         ClutterPoint *c_2);
void                clutter_timeline_set_step_progress  (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         gint n_steps,
                                                         ClutterStepMode step_mode);
gboolean            clutter_timeline_get_step_progress  (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         gint *n_steps,
                                                         ClutterStepMode *step_mode);
gdouble             (*ClutterTimelineProgressFunc)      (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         gdouble elapsed,
                                                         gdouble total,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                clutter_timeline_set_progress_func  (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         ClutterTimelineProgressFunc func,
                                                         gpointer data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify notify);
gint64              clutter_timeline_get_duration_hint  (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
gint                clutter_timeline_get_current_repeat (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
void                clutter_timeline_set_loop           (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         gboolean loop);
gboolean            clutter_timeline_get_loop           (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

void                clutter_timeline_start              (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
void                clutter_timeline_pause              (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
void                clutter_timeline_stop               (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
void                clutter_timeline_rewind             (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
void                clutter_timeline_skip               (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         guint msecs);
void                clutter_timeline_advance            (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         guint msecs);
guint               clutter_timeline_get_elapsed_time   (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
guint               clutter_timeline_get_delta          (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
gdouble             clutter_timeline_get_progress       (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
gboolean            clutter_timeline_is_playing         (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

void                clutter_timeline_add_marker         (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         const gchar *marker_name,
                                                         gdouble progress);
void                clutter_timeline_add_marker_at_time (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         const gchar *marker_name,
                                                         guint msecs);
gboolean            clutter_timeline_has_marker         (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         const gchar *marker_name);
gchar **            clutter_timeline_list_markers       (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         gint msecs,
                                                         gsize *n_markers);
void                clutter_timeline_remove_marker      (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         const gchar *marker_name);
void                clutter_timeline_advance_to_marker  (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         const gchar *marker_name);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

ClutterTimeline implements ClutterScriptable.


  "auto-reverse"             gboolean              : Read / Write
  "delay"                    guint                 : Read / Write
  "direction"                ClutterTimelineDirection  : Read / Write
  "duration"                 guint                 : Read / Write
  "loop"                     gboolean              : Read / Write
  "progress-mode"            ClutterAnimationMode  : Read / Write
  "repeat-count"             gint                  : Read / Write


  "completed"                                      : Run Last
  "marker-reached"                                 : No Hooks
  "new-frame"                                      : Run Last
  "paused"                                         : Run Last
  "started"                                        : Run Last
  "stopped"                                        : Run Last


ClutterTimeline is a base class for managing time-based event that cause Clutter to redraw a stage, such as animations.

Each ClutterTimeline instance has a duration: once a timeline has been started, using clutter_timeline_start(), it will emit a signal that can be used to update the state of the actors.

It is important to note that ClutterTimeline is not a generic API for calling closures after an interval; each Timeline is tied into the master clock used to drive the frame cycle. If you need to schedule a closure after an interval, see clutter_threads_add_timeout() instead.

Users of ClutterTimeline should connect to the "new-frame" signal, which is emitted each time a timeline is advanced during the maste clock iteration. The "new-frame" signal provides the time elapsed since the beginning of the timeline, in milliseconds. A normalized progress value can be obtained by calling clutter_timeline_get_progress(). By using clutter_timeline_get_delta() it is possible to obtain the wallclock time elapsed since the last emission of the "new-frame" signal.

Initial state can be set up by using the "started" signal, while final state can be set up by using the "stopped" signal. The ClutterTimeline guarantees the emission of at least a single "new-frame" signal, as well as the emission of the "completed" signal every time the ClutterTimeline reaches its "duration".

It is possible to connect to specific points in the timeline progress by adding markers using clutter_timeline_add_marker_at_time() and connecting to the "marker-reached" signal.

Timelines can be made to loop once they reach the end of their duration, by using clutter_timeline_set_repeat_count(); a looping timeline will still emit the "completed" signal once it reaches the end of its duration at each repeat. If you want to be notified of the end of the last repeat, use the "stopped" signal.

Timelines have a "direction": the default direction is CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD, and goes from 0 to the duration; it is possible to change the direction to CLUTTER_TIMELINE_BACKWARD, and have the timeline go from the duration to 0. The direction can be automatically reversed when reaching completion by using the "auto-reverse" property.

Timelines are used in the Clutter animation framework by classes like ClutterAnimation, ClutterAnimator, and ClutterState.

Defining Timelines in ClutterScript

A ClutterTimeline can be described in ClutterScript like any other object. Additionally, it is possible to define markers directly inside the JSON definition by using the markers JSON object member, such as:

  "type" : "ClutterTimeline",
  "duration" : 1000,
  "markers" : [
    { "name" : "quarter", "time" : 250 },
    { "name" : "half-time", "time" : 500 },
    { "name" : "three-quarters", "time" : 750 }



typedef struct _ClutterTimeline ClutterTimeline;

The ClutterTimeline structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API

Since 0.2

struct ClutterTimelineClass

struct ClutterTimelineClass {
  void (*started)        (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
  void (*completed)      (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
  void (*paused)         (ClutterTimeline *timeline);
  void (*new_frame)      (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
		          gint             msecs);

  void (*marker_reached) (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                          const gchar     *marker_name,
                          gint             msecs);
  void (*stopped)        (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                          gboolean         is_finished);

The ClutterTimelineClass structure contains only private data

started ()

class handler for the "started" signal

completed ()

class handler for the "completed" signal

paused ()

class handler for the "paused" signal

new_frame ()

class handler for the "new-frame" signal

marker_reached ()

class handler for the "marker-reached" signal

stopped ()

class handler for the "stopped" signal

Since 0.2

clutter_timeline_new ()

ClutterTimeline *   clutter_timeline_new                (guint msecs);

Creates a new ClutterTimeline with a duration of msecs.

msecs :

Duration of the timeline in milliseconds

Returns :

the newly created ClutterTimeline instance. Use g_object_unref() when done using it

Since 0.6

clutter_timeline_clone ()

ClutterTimeline *   clutter_timeline_clone              (ClutterTimeline *timeline);


clutter_timeline_clone has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use clutter_timeline_new() or g_object_new() instead

Create a new ClutterTimeline instance which has property values matching that of supplied timeline. The cloned timeline will not be started and will not be positioned to the current position of the original timeline: you will have to start it with clutter_timeline_start().


The only cloned properties are:

timeline :

ClutterTimeline to duplicate.

Returns :

a new ClutterTimeline, cloned from timeline. [transfer full]

Since 0.4

clutter_timeline_set_duration ()

void                clutter_timeline_set_duration       (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         guint msecs);

Sets the duration of the timeline, in milliseconds. The speed of the timeline depends on the ClutterTimeline:fps setting.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

msecs :

duration of the timeline in milliseconds

Since 0.6

clutter_timeline_get_duration ()

guint               clutter_timeline_get_duration       (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Retrieves the duration of a ClutterTimeline in milliseconds. See clutter_timeline_set_duration().

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

Returns :

the duration of the timeline, in milliseconds.

Since 0.6

clutter_timeline_set_repeat_count ()

void                clutter_timeline_set_repeat_count   (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         gint count);

Sets the number of times the timeline should repeat.

If count is 0, the timeline never repeats.

If count is -1, the timeline will always repeat until it's stopped.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

count :

the number of times the timeline should repeat

Since 1.10

clutter_timeline_get_repeat_count ()

gint                clutter_timeline_get_repeat_count   (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Retrieves the number set using clutter_timeline_set_repeat_count().

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

Returns :

the number of repeats

Since 1.10

clutter_timeline_set_delay ()

void                clutter_timeline_set_delay          (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         guint msecs);

Sets the delay, in milliseconds, before timeline should start.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

msecs :

delay in milliseconds

Since 0.4

clutter_timeline_get_delay ()

guint               clutter_timeline_get_delay          (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Retrieves the delay set using clutter_timeline_set_delay().

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

Returns :

the delay in milliseconds.

Since 0.4

enum ClutterTimelineDirection

typedef enum {
} ClutterTimelineDirection;

The direction of a ClutterTimeline


forward direction for a timeline


backward direction for a timeline

Since 0.6

clutter_timeline_set_direction ()

void                clutter_timeline_set_direction      (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         ClutterTimelineDirection direction);

Sets the direction of timeline, either CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD or CLUTTER_TIMELINE_BACKWARD.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

direction :

the direction of the timeline

Since 0.6

clutter_timeline_get_direction ()

ClutterTimelineDirection clutter_timeline_get_direction (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Retrieves the direction of the timeline set with clutter_timeline_set_direction().

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

Returns :

the direction of the timeline

Since 0.6

clutter_timeline_set_auto_reverse ()

void                clutter_timeline_set_auto_reverse   (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         gboolean reverse);

Sets whether timeline should reverse the direction after the emission of the "completed" signal.

Setting the "auto-reverse" property to TRUE is the equivalent of connecting a callback to the "completed" signal and changing the direction of the timeline from that callback; for instance, this code:

static void
reverse_timeline (ClutterTimeline *timeline)
  ClutterTimelineDirection dir = clutter_timeline_get_direction (timeline);


  clutter_timeline_set_direction (timeline, dir);
  timeline = clutter_timeline_new (1000);
  clutter_timeline_set_repeat_count (timeline, -1);
  g_signal_connect (timeline, "completed",
                    G_CALLBACK (reverse_timeline),

can be effectively replaced by:

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

reverse :

TRUE if the timeline should reverse the direction

Since 1.6

clutter_timeline_get_auto_reverse ()

gboolean            clutter_timeline_get_auto_reverse   (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Retrieves the value set by clutter_timeline_set_auto_reverse().

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

Returns :

TRUE if the timeline should automatically reverse, and FALSE otherwise

Since 1.6

enum ClutterAnimationMode

typedef enum {

  /* linear */

  /* quadratic */

  /* cubic */

  /* quartic */

  /* quintic */

  /* sinusoidal */

  /* exponential */

  /* circular */

  /* elastic */

  /* overshooting cubic */

  /* exponentially decaying parabolic */

  /* step functions (see css3-transitions) */
  CLUTTER_STEP_START, /* steps(1, start) */
  CLUTTER_STEP_END, /* steps(1, end) */

  /* cubic bezier (see css3-transitions) */

  /* guard, before registered alpha functions */
} ClutterAnimationMode;

The animation modes used by ClutterAlpha and ClutterAnimation. This enumeration can be expanded in later versions of Clutter.

Figure 8. Easing modes provided by Clutter

Easing modes provided by Clutter

Every global alpha function registered using clutter_alpha_register_func() or clutter_alpha_register_closure() will have a logical id greater than CLUTTER_ANIMATION_LAST.


custom progress function


linear tweening


quadratic tweening


quadratic tweening, inverse of CLUTTER_EASE_IN_QUAD


quadratic tweening, combininig CLUTTER_EASE_IN_QUAD and CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_QUAD


cubic tweening


cubic tweening, invers of CLUTTER_EASE_IN_CUBIC


cubic tweening, combining CLUTTER_EASE_IN_CUBIC and CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_CUBIC


quartic tweening


quartic tweening, inverse of CLUTTER_EASE_IN_QUART


quartic tweening, combining CLUTTER_EASE_IN_QUART and CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_QUART


quintic tweening


quintic tweening, inverse of CLUTTER_EASE_IN_QUINT


fifth power tweening, combining CLUTTER_EASE_IN_QUINT and CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_QUINT


sinusoidal tweening


sinusoidal tweening, inverse of CLUTTER_EASE_IN_SINE


sine wave tweening, combining CLUTTER_EASE_IN_SINE and CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_SINE


exponential tweening


exponential tweening, inverse of CLUTTER_EASE_IN_EXPO


exponential tweening, combining CLUTTER_EASE_IN_EXPO and CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_EXPO


circular tweening


circular tweening, inverse of CLUTTER_EASE_IN_CIRC


circular tweening, combining CLUTTER_EASE_IN_CIRC and CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_CIRC


elastic tweening, with offshoot on start


elastic tweening, with offshoot on end


elastic tweening with offshoot on both ends


overshooting cubic tweening, with backtracking on start


overshooting cubic tweening, with backtracking on end


overshooting cubic tweening, with backtracking on both ends


exponentially decaying parabolic (bounce) tweening, with bounce on start


exponentially decaying parabolic (bounce) tweening, with bounce on end


exponentially decaying parabolic (bounce) tweening, with bounce on both ends


parametrized step function; see clutter_timeline_set_step_progress() for further details. (Since 1.12)


equivalent to CLUTTER_STEPS with a number of steps equal to 1, and a step mode of CLUTTER_STEP_MODE_START. (Since 1.12)


equivalent to CLUTTER_STEPS with a number of steps equal to 1, and a step mode of CLUTTER_STEP_MODE_END. (Since 1.12)


cubic bezier between (0, 0) and (1, 1) with two control points; see clutter_timeline_set_cubic_bezier_progress(). (Since 1.12)


equivalent to CLUTTER_CUBIC_BEZIER with control points in (0.25, 0.1) and (0.25, 1.0). (Since 1.12)


equivalent to CLUTTER_CUBIC_BEZIER with control points in (0.42, 0) and (1.0, 1.0). (Since 1.12)


equivalent to CLUTTER_CUBIC_BEZIER with control points in (0, 0) and (0.58, 1.0). (Since 1.12)


equivalent to CLUTTER_CUBIC_BEZIER with control points in (0.42, 0) and (0.58, 1.0). (Since 1.12)


last animation mode, used as a guard for registered global alpha functions

Since 1.0

enum ClutterStepMode

typedef enum {
} ClutterStepMode;

Change the value transition of a step function.

See clutter_timeline_set_step_progress().


The change in the value of a CLUTTER_STEP progress mode should occur at the start of the transition


The change in the value of a CLUTTER_STEP progress mode should occur at the end of the transition

Since 1.12

clutter_timeline_set_progress_mode ()

void                clutter_timeline_set_progress_mode  (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         ClutterAnimationMode mode);

Sets the progress function using a value from the ClutterAnimationMode enumeration. The mode cannot be CLUTTER_CUSTOM_MODE or bigger than CLUTTER_ANIMATION_LAST.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

mode :

the progress mode, as a ClutterAnimationMode

Since 1.10

clutter_timeline_get_progress_mode ()

ClutterAnimationMode clutter_timeline_get_progress_mode (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Retrieves the progress mode set using clutter_timeline_set_progress_mode() or clutter_timeline_set_progress_func().

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

Returns :

a ClutterAnimationMode

Since 1.10

clutter_timeline_set_cubic_bezier_progress ()

void                clutter_timeline_set_cubic_bezier_progress
                                                        (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         const ClutterPoint *c_1,
                                                         const ClutterPoint *c_2);

Sets the "progress-mode" of timeline to CLUTTER_CUBIC_BEZIER, and sets the two control points for the cubic bezier.

The cubic bezier curve is between (0, 0) and (1, 1). The X coordinate of the two control points must be in the [ 0, 1 ] range, while the Y coordinate of the two control points can exceed this range.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

c_1 :

the first control point for the cubic bezier

c_2 :

the second control point for the cubic bezier

Since 1.12

clutter_timeline_get_cubic_bezier_progress ()

gboolean            clutter_timeline_get_cubic_bezier_progress
                                                        (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         ClutterPoint *c_1,
                                                         ClutterPoint *c_2);

Retrieves the control points for the cubic bezier progress mode.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

c_1 :

return location for the first control point of the cubic bezier, or NULL. [out caller-allocates]

c_2 :

return location for the second control point of the cubic bezier, or NULL. [out caller-allocates]

Returns :

TRUE if the timeline is using a cubic bezier progress more, and FALSE otherwise

Since 1.12

clutter_timeline_set_step_progress ()

void                clutter_timeline_set_step_progress  (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         gint n_steps,
                                                         ClutterStepMode step_mode);

Sets the "progress-mode" of the timeline to CLUTTER_STEPS and provides the parameters of the step function.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

n_steps :

the number of steps

step_mode :

whether the change should happen at the start or at the end of the step

Since 1.12

clutter_timeline_get_step_progress ()

gboolean            clutter_timeline_get_step_progress  (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         gint *n_steps,
                                                         ClutterStepMode *step_mode);

Retrieves the parameters of the step progress mode used by timeline.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

n_steps :

return location for the number of steps, or NULL. [out]

step_mode :

return location for the value change policy, or NULL. [out]

Returns :

TRUE if the timeline is using a step progress mode, and FALSE otherwise

Since 1.12

ClutterTimelineProgressFunc ()

gdouble             (*ClutterTimelineProgressFunc)      (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         gdouble elapsed,
                                                         gdouble total,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

A function for defining a custom progress.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

elapsed :

the elapsed time, in milliseconds

total :

the total duration of the timeline, in milliseconds,

user_data :

data passed to the function

Returns :

the progress, as a floating point value between -1.0 and 2.0.

Since 1.10

clutter_timeline_set_progress_func ()

void                clutter_timeline_set_progress_func  (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         ClutterTimelineProgressFunc func,
                                                         gpointer data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify notify);

Sets a custom progress function for timeline. The progress function will be called by clutter_timeline_get_progress() and will be used to compute the progress value based on the elapsed time and the total duration of the timeline.

If func is not NULL, the "progress-mode" property will be set to CLUTTER_CUSTOM_MODE.

If func is NULL, any previously set progress function will be unset, and the "progress-mode" property will be set to CLUTTER_LINEAR.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

func :

a progress function, or NULL. [scope notified][allow-none]

data :

data to pass to func. [closure]

notify :

a function to be called when the progress function is removed or the timeline is disposed

Since 1.10

clutter_timeline_get_duration_hint ()

gint64              clutter_timeline_get_duration_hint  (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Retrieves the full duration of the timeline, taking into account the current value of the "repeat-count" property.

If the "repeat-count" property is set to -1, this function will return G_MAXINT64.

The returned value is to be considered a hint, and it's only valid as long as the timeline hasn't been changed.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

Returns :

the full duration of the ClutterTimeline

Since 1.10

clutter_timeline_get_current_repeat ()

gint                clutter_timeline_get_current_repeat (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Retrieves the current repeat for a timeline.

Repeats start at 0.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

Returns :

the current repeat

Since 1.10

clutter_timeline_set_loop ()

void                clutter_timeline_set_loop           (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         gboolean loop);


clutter_timeline_set_loop has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use clutter_timeline_set_repeat_count() instead.

Sets whether timeline should loop.

This function is equivalent to calling clutter_timeline_set_repeat_count() with -1 if loop is TRUE, and with 0 if loop is FALSE.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

loop :

TRUE for enable looping

clutter_timeline_get_loop ()

gboolean            clutter_timeline_get_loop           (ClutterTimeline *timeline);


clutter_timeline_get_loop has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use clutter_timeline_get_repeat_count() instead.

Gets whether timeline is looping

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

Returns :

TRUE if the timeline is looping

clutter_timeline_start ()

void                clutter_timeline_start              (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Starts the ClutterTimeline playing.

timeline :

A ClutterTimeline

clutter_timeline_pause ()

void                clutter_timeline_pause              (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Pauses the ClutterTimeline on current frame

timeline :

A ClutterTimeline

clutter_timeline_stop ()

void                clutter_timeline_stop               (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Stops the ClutterTimeline and moves to frame 0

timeline :

A ClutterTimeline

clutter_timeline_rewind ()

void                clutter_timeline_rewind             (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Rewinds ClutterTimeline to the first frame if its direction is CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD and the last frame if it is CLUTTER_TIMELINE_BACKWARD.

timeline :

A ClutterTimeline

clutter_timeline_skip ()

void                clutter_timeline_skip               (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         guint msecs);

Advance timeline by the requested time in milliseconds

timeline :

A ClutterTimeline

msecs :

Amount of time to skip

clutter_timeline_advance ()

void                clutter_timeline_advance            (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         guint msecs);

Advance timeline to the requested point. The point is given as a time in milliseconds since the timeline started.


The timeline will not emit the "new-frame" signal for the given time. The first ::new-frame signal after the call to clutter_timeline_advance() will be emit the skipped markers.

timeline :

A ClutterTimeline

msecs :

Time to advance to

clutter_timeline_get_elapsed_time ()

guint               clutter_timeline_get_elapsed_time   (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Request the current time position of the timeline.

timeline :

A ClutterTimeline

Returns :

current elapsed time in milliseconds.

clutter_timeline_get_delta ()

guint               clutter_timeline_get_delta          (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Retrieves the amount of time elapsed since the last ClutterTimeline::new-frame signal.

This function is only useful inside handlers for the ::new-frame signal, and its behaviour is undefined if the timeline is not playing.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

Returns :

the amount of time in milliseconds elapsed since the last frame

Since 0.6

clutter_timeline_get_progress ()

gdouble             clutter_timeline_get_progress       (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

The position of the timeline in a normalized [-1, 2] interval.

The return value of this function is determined by the progress mode set using clutter_timeline_set_progress_mode(), or by the progress function set using clutter_timeline_set_progress_func().

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

Returns :

the normalized current position in the timeline.

Since 0.6

clutter_timeline_is_playing ()

gboolean            clutter_timeline_is_playing         (ClutterTimeline *timeline);

Queries state of a ClutterTimeline.

timeline :

A ClutterTimeline

Returns :

TRUE if timeline is currently playing

clutter_timeline_add_marker ()

void                clutter_timeline_add_marker         (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         const gchar *marker_name,
                                                         gdouble progress);

Adds a named marker that will be hit when the timeline has reached the specified progress.

Markers are unique string identifiers for a given position on the timeline. Once timeline reaches the given progress of its duration, if will emit a ::marker-reached signal for each marker attached to that particular point.

A marker can be removed with clutter_timeline_remove_marker(). The timeline can be advanced to a marker using clutter_timeline_advance_to_marker().

See also: clutter_timeline_add_marker_at_time()

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

marker_name :

the unique name for this marker

progress :

the normalized value of the position of the martke

Since 1.14

clutter_timeline_add_marker_at_time ()

void                clutter_timeline_add_marker_at_time (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         const gchar *marker_name,
                                                         guint msecs);

Adds a named marker that will be hit when the timeline has been running for msecs milliseconds.

Markers are unique string identifiers for a given position on the timeline. Once timeline reaches the given msecs, it will emit a ::marker-reached signal for each marker attached to that position.

A marker can be removed with clutter_timeline_remove_marker(). The timeline can be advanced to a marker using clutter_timeline_advance_to_marker().

See also: clutter_timeline_add_marker()

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

marker_name :

the unique name for this marker

msecs :

position of the marker in milliseconds

Since 0.8

clutter_timeline_has_marker ()

gboolean            clutter_timeline_has_marker         (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         const gchar *marker_name);

Checks whether timeline has a marker set with the given name.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

marker_name :

the name of the marker

Returns :

TRUE if the marker was found

Since 0.8

clutter_timeline_list_markers ()

gchar **            clutter_timeline_list_markers       (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         gint msecs,
                                                         gsize *n_markers);

Retrieves the list of markers at time msecs. If msecs is a negative integer, all the markers attached to timeline will be returned.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

msecs :

the time to check, or -1

n_markers :

the number of markers returned

Returns :

a newly allocated, NULL terminated string array containing the names of the markers. Use g_strfreev() when done. [transfer full][array zero-terminated=1 length=n_markers]

Since 0.8

clutter_timeline_remove_marker ()

void                clutter_timeline_remove_marker      (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         const gchar *marker_name);

Removes marker_name, if found, from timeline.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

marker_name :

the name of the marker to remove

Since 0.8

clutter_timeline_advance_to_marker ()

void                clutter_timeline_advance_to_marker  (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                         const gchar *marker_name);

Advances timeline to the time of the given marker_name.


Like clutter_timeline_advance(), this function will not emit the "new-frame" for the time where marker_name is set, nor it will emit "marker-reached" for marker_name.

timeline :

a ClutterTimeline

marker_name :

the name of the marker

Since 0.8

Property Details

The "auto-reverse" property

  "auto-reverse"             gboolean              : Read / Write

If the direction of the timeline should be automatically reversed when reaching the end.

Default value: FALSE

Since 1.6

The "delay" property

  "delay"                    guint                 : Read / Write

A delay, in milliseconds, that should be observed by the timeline before actually starting.

Default value: 0

Since 0.4

The "direction" property

  "direction"                ClutterTimelineDirection  : Read / Write

The direction of the timeline, either CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD or CLUTTER_TIMELINE_BACKWARD.


Since 0.6

The "duration" property

  "duration"                 guint                 : Read / Write

Duration of the timeline in milliseconds, depending on the ClutterTimeline:fps value.

Default value: 1000

Since 0.6

The "loop" property

  "loop"                     gboolean              : Read / Write


ClutterTimeline:loop has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use the "repeat-count" property instead.

Whether the timeline should automatically rewind and restart.

As a side effect, setting this property to TRUE will set the "repeat-count" property to -1, while setting this property to FALSE will set the "repeat-count" property to 0.

Default value: FALSE

The "progress-mode" property

  "progress-mode"            ClutterAnimationMode  : Read / Write

Controls the way a ClutterTimeline computes the normalized progress.

Default value: CLUTTER_LINEAR

Since 1.10

The "repeat-count" property

  "repeat-count"             gint                  : Read / Write

Defines how many times the timeline should repeat.

If the repeat count is 0, the timeline does not repeat.

If the repeat count is set to -1, the timeline will repeat until it is stopped.

Allowed values: >= G_MAXULONG

Default value: 0

Since 1.10

Signal Details

The "completed" signal

void                user_function                      (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                        gpointer         user_data)      : Run Last

The "completed" signal is emitted when the timeline's elapsed time reaches the value of the "duration" property.

This signal will be emitted even if the ClutterTimeline is set to be repeating.

If you want to get notification on whether the ClutterTimeline has been stopped or has finished its run, including its eventual repeats, you should use the "stopped" signal instead.

timeline :

the ClutterTimeline which received the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "marker-reached" signal

void                user_function                      (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                        gchar           *marker_name,
                                                        gint             msecs,
                                                        gpointer         user_data)        : No Hooks

The ::marker-reached signal is emitted each time a timeline reaches a marker set with clutter_timeline_add_marker_at_time(). This signal is detailed with the name of the marker as well, so it is possible to connect a callback to the ::marker-reached signal for a specific marker with:

clutter_timeline_add_marker_at_time (timeline, "foo", 500);
clutter_timeline_add_marker_at_time (timeline, "bar", 750);

g_signal_connect (timeline, "marker-reached",
                  G_CALLBACK (each_marker_reached), NULL);
g_signal_connect (timeline, "marker-reached::foo",
                  G_CALLBACK (foo_marker_reached), NULL);
g_signal_connect (timeline, "marker-reached::bar",
                  G_CALLBACK (bar_marker_reached), NULL);

In the example, the first callback will be invoked for both the "foo" and "bar" marker, while the second and third callbacks will be invoked for the "foo" or "bar" markers, respectively.

timeline :

the ClutterTimeline which received the signal

marker_name :

the name of the marker reached

msecs :

the elapsed time

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 0.8

The "new-frame" signal

void                user_function                      (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                        gint             msecs,
                                                        gpointer         user_data)      : Run Last

The ::new-frame signal is emitted for each timeline running timeline before a new frame is drawn to give animations a chance to update the scene.

timeline :

the timeline which received the signal

msecs :

the elapsed time between 0 and duration

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "paused" signal

void                user_function                      (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                        gpointer         user_data)      : Run Last

The ::paused signal is emitted when clutter_timeline_pause() is invoked.

timeline :

the ClutterTimeline which received the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "started" signal

void                user_function                      (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                        gpointer         user_data)      : Run Last

The ::started signal is emitted when the timeline starts its run. This might be as soon as clutter_timeline_start() is invoked or after the delay set in the ClutterTimeline:delay property has expired.

timeline :

the ClutterTimeline which received the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "stopped" signal

void                user_function                      (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                                        gboolean         is_finished,
                                                        gpointer         user_data)        : Run Last

The "stopped" signal is emitted when the timeline has been stopped, either because clutter_timeline_stop() has been called, or because it has been exhausted.

This is different from the "completed" signal, which gets emitted after every repeat finishes.

If the ClutterTimeline has is marked as infinitely repeating, this signal will never be emitted.

timeline :

the ClutterTimeline that emitted the signal

is_finished :

TRUE if the signal was emitted at the end of the timeline.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 1.12

See Also

ClutterAnimation, ClutterAnimator, ClutterState