require 'mimer_plus' require 'unpack/container' require 'fileutils' class Unpack attr_accessor :files, :options def initialize(args) args.keys.each { |name| instance_variable_set "@" + name.to_s, args[name] } @options = { :min_files => 5, :depth => 2, :debugger => false, :force_remove => false, :remove => false, :absolute_path_to_unrar => "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../bin/unrar" } @removeable = {} @options.merge!(args[:options]) if args[:options] # If the path is relative @directory = File.expand_path(@directory) unless @directory.match(/^\//) # Makes shure that every directory structure looks the same @directory = rescue nil raise"You need to specify a valid path") if @directory.nil? or not Dir.exist?(@directory) raise"You need unzip to keep going") if %x{whereis unzip}.empty? end def self.runner!(directory = '.', options = {}) unpack = directory, options: options) rescue nil # If the initializer raised any excetions return [] if unpack.nil? unpack.prepare! unpack.clean! unpack.unpack! unpack.wipe! if options[:remove] unpack.diff end def prepare! @directory.gsub!(/\s+/, '\ ') @files = [] ['zip', 'rar'].each do |type| @files << find_file_type(type) end @files.flatten!.map! {|file| File.absolute_path(file)} end def clean! # Removing all folders that have less then {@options[:lim]} files in them # Those folders are offen subtitle folders folders = {|file| File.dirname(file)}.uniq.reject {|folder| Dir.entries(folder).count <= (@options[:min_files] + 2)} @files.reject!{|file| not folders.include?(File.dirname(file))} results = [] # Finding one rar file for every folder @files.group_by{|file| File.dirname(file) }.each_pair{|_,file| results << file.sort.first } @files = results end def unpack! @files.each do |file| type = Mimer.identify(file) path = File.dirname(file) before = if @removeable.merge!(path => {:file_type => 'zip'}) self.unzip(path: path, file: file) elsif type.rar? @removeable.merge!(path => {:file_type => 'rar'}) self.unrar(path: path, file: file) else puts "Something went wrong, the mime type does not match zip or rar" if @options[:debugger] end # What files/folders where unpacked? diff = - before @removeable[path] ? @removeable[path].merge!(:diff => diff) : @removeable.delete(path) # Some debug info if @options[:debugger] and diff.any? and @removeable[path] puts "#{diff.count} where unpacked" puts "The archive was of type #{@removeable[path][:file_type]}" puts "The name of the file(s) are #{diff.join(', ')}" puts "The path is #{path}" STDOUT.flush end end end # Removes the old rar and zip files def wipe! @removeable.each do |value| path = value.first type = value.last[:file_type] # Does not remove anything if nothing where unpacked next if value.last[:diff].empty? and not @options[:force_remove] puts "Removing files in #{path}" if @options[:debugger] # Finding every file in this directory Dir.glob(path + '/*').each do |file| # Is the found file as the same type as the one that got unpacked? FileUtils.rm(file) if Mimer.identify(file).send(:"#{type}?") end end end def diff # The code below this line can only be called once return @removeable if @removeable.first.class == Container # Removing some non welcome data @removeable.reject!{|item| @removeable[item][:diff].nil? or @removeable[item][:diff].empty?} @removeable = do |value| value.last[:diff], directory: value.first) end # Never return the hash @removeable.empty? ? [] : @removeable end def unrar(args) %x(cd '#{args[:path]}' && '#{@options[:absolute_path_to_unrar]}' e -y -o- '#{args[:file]}') end def unzip(args) %x(unzip -n '#{args[:file]}' -d '#{args[:path]}') end def find_file_type(file_type) %x{cd '#{@directory}' && find '#{@directory}' -type f -maxdepth '#{(@options[:depth])}' -name \"*.#{file_type}\"}.split(/\n/) end end