puppet (0.25.4-1) unstable; urgency=low In this packaging version we add a "puppet-common" package, on which the packages "puppet" and "puppetmaster" depend. The editor syntax highlighting code previously in the "puppet" package has been moved to the packages "puppet-el" and "vim-puppet". -- Stig Sandbeck Mathisen Tue, 19 Jan 2010 13:09:36 +0000 puppet (0.25.1-3) unstable; urgency=low The default setting for puppet starting on boot has been changed from true to false. This means the puppet client will not automatically start on install or boot until this file is modified. Note that the last Debian packaged version of puppet 0.24.x is too old to communicate with a 0.25.x puppetmaster server. To resolve this, either upgrade your client to 0.25.x, or install puppet 0.24.8 from source from: http://puppetlabs.com/downloads/puppet/puppet-0.24.8.tgz -- Nigel Kersten Wed, 16 Dec 2009 12:49:03 -0800 puppet (0.23.2-12) unstable; urgency=low * Handling of the rundir setting has been changed; we now store PID files in /var/run/puppet, and the initscripts have been modified to ensure that this directory exists on startup. It is no longer necessary to set rundir explicitly in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf, and you should ensure that you have no explicit rundir setting in your puppet.conf unless you want to use a custom rundir setting for your own local purposes. -- Matthew Palmer Sat, 20 Oct 2007 11:58:58 +1000 puppet (0.23.2-3) unstable; urgency=low * This version of Puppet makes a fairly major change to the location of the CA and certificates, from /etc/puppet/ssl to the more FHS-compliant location /var/lib/puppet/ssl. This is to be both policy-compliant and to match the location of the ssldir in other distributions. If you have transitioned to using the consolidated puppet.conf config file, there should be no problems. If you are using a stock puppet.conf, the change should be made for you automatically, while if you've customised puppet.conf the ssldir will be left where it is and you should transition to the new location manually. The only source of problems is if you're still using per-program config files (puppetd.conf, puppetmasterd.conf, etc). I haven't been able to work out a damage-free way of transitioning to the new location, so things will likely break for you -- ssldir will have been moved to /var/lib/puppet/ssl, but your puppet programs will use the old config file (with the default ssldir of /etc/puppet/ssl. In this case, you'll likely get all sorts of certificate-related problems. The solution is to either switch to using puppet.conf (which is necessary anyway because support for the deprecated per-program config files will be going away sometime) with the new ssldir setting, or add the ssldir setting to all your per-program config files (this includes creating them for programs that don't already have a config file, like puppetca.conf). Then delete /etc/puppet/ssl (since it's not needed) and use the existing SSL data that was moved to /var/lib/puppet/ssl. -- Matthew Palmer Fri, 24 Aug 2007 16:08:04 +1000 puppet (0.23.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * As of upstream 0.23.0, the configuration file layout has been largely revamped. Now, instead of having one file per program, there is now a single file, /etc/puppet/puppet.conf, which contains sections for each program, as well as a "main" section that sets global config options relevant for all programs. See http://puppetlabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/ConfigurationReference for more info. For backwards compatibility, all programs still read the per-program configuration files, and will ignore the generic puppet.conf file if the per-program file still exists. To prevent accidents, you will need to do the configuration change manually, by rewriting puppet.conf to match your local configuration parameters and then deleting the old files. If you haven't changed any config parameters, then it should be as simple as deleting puppetd.conf and puppetmasterd.conf and restarting the daemons, as the configuration itself hasn't changed between versions. -- Matthew Palmer Mon, 25 Jun 2007 10:43:53 +1000