module Fastlane module Actions class GetVersionNumberAction < Action require 'shellwords' def # More information about how to set up your project and how it works: # folder = params[:xcodeproj] ? File.join(params[:xcodeproj], '..') : '.' command_prefix = [ 'cd', File.expand_path(folder).shellescape, '&&' ].join(' ') command = [ command_prefix, 'agvtool', 'what-marketing-version', '-terse' ].join(' ') line = "" scheme = params[:scheme] || "" target = params[:target] || "" results = [] if Helper.test? results = [ '$(date +%s)n /usr/libexec/Plistbuddy -c "Set CFBundleVersion $buildnum" "${plist}"n', '"SampleProject.xcodeproj/../TargetA/TargetA-Info.plist"=4.3.2', '"SampleProject.xcodeproj/../TargetATests/Info.plist"=4.3.2', '"SampleProject.xcodeproj/../TargetB/TargetB-Info.plist"=5.4.3', '"SampleProject.xcodeproj/../TargetBTests/Info.plist"=5.4.3', '"SampleProject.xcodeproj/../SampleProject/supporting_files/TargetC_internal-Info.plist"=7.5.2', '"SampleProject.xcodeproj/../SampleProject/supporting_files/TargetC_production-Info.plist"=6.4.9', '"SampleProject.xcodeproj/../SampleProject_tests/Info.plist"=1.0' ] else results = ( command).split("\n") end if target.empty? && scheme.empty? # Sometimes the results array contains nonsense as the first element # This iteration finds the first 'real' result and returns that # emulating the actual behavior or the -terse1 flag correctly project_string = ".xcodeproj" results.any? do |result| if result.include? project_string line = result break end end else # This iteration finds the first folder structure or info plist # matching the specified target scheme_string = "/#{scheme}" target_string = "/#{target}/" plist_target_string = "/#{target}-" results.any? do |result| if !target.empty? if result.include? target_string line = result break elsif result.include? plist_target_string line = result break end else if result.include? scheme_string line = result break end end end end version_number = line.partition('=').last return version_number if Helper.is_test? # Store the number in the shared hash Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::VERSION_NUMBER] = version_number rescue => ex UI.error('Make sure to follow the steps to setup your Xcode project:') raise ex end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Get the version number of your project" end def self.details [ "This action will return the current version number set on your project.", "You first have to set up your Xcode project, if you haven't done it already:", "" ].join(' ') end def self.available_options [ :xcodeproj, env_name: "FL_VERSION_NUMBER_PROJECT", description: "optional, you must specify the path to your main Xcode project if it is not in the project root directory", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please pass the path to the project, not the workspace") if value.end_with? ".xcworkspace" UI.user_error!("Could not find Xcode project at path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'") if !File.exist?(value) and !Helper.is_test? end), :scheme, env_name: "FL_VERSION_NUMBER_SCHEME", description: "Specify a specific scheme if you have multiple per project, optional. This parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the 'target' parameter instead. The behavior of this parameter is currently undefined if your scheme name doesn't match your target name", optional: true, deprecated: true), :target, env_name: "FL_VERSION_NUMBER_TARGET", description: "Specify a specific target if you have multiple per project, optional", optional: true) ] end def self.output [ ['VERSION_NUMBER', 'The version number'] ] end def self.authors ["Liquidsoul"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include? platform end end end end