// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('validators/validator') ; /** @class Validate a field value as a credit card number. This validator will perform a basic check to ensure the credit card number is mathematically valid. It will also accept numbers with spaces, dashes or other punctuation. Converted credit card numbers are broken into units of 4. Basic credit card validation courtesy David Leppek (https://www.azcode.com/Mod10) @extends SC.Validator @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.Validator.CreditCard = SC.Validator.extend( /** @scope SC.Validator.CreditCard.prototype */ { /** Expects a string of 16 digits. Will split into groups of 4 for display. */ fieldValueForObject: function(object, form, field) { if (typeof(object) == "string" && object.length == 16) { object = [object.slice(0,4),object.slice(4,8),object.slice(8,12),object.slice(12,16)].join(' ') ; } return object ; }, /** Removes all whitespace or dashes to make a single string. */ objectForFieldValue: function(value, form, field) { return value.replace(/[\s-\.\:]/g,'') ; }, validate: function(form, field) { return this.checkNumber(field.get('fieldValue')) ; }, validateError: function(form, field) { var label = field.get('errorLabel') || 'Field' ; return SC.$error("Invalid.CreditCard(%@)".loc(label), label); }, /** Allow only numbers, dashes, and spaces */ validateKeyDown: function(form, field, charStr) { return !!charStr.match(/[0-9\- ]/); }, checkNumber: function(ccNumb) { if (!ccNumb || ccNumb.length===0) return YES; // do not validate empty // remove any spaces or dashes ccNumb = ccNumb.replace(/[^0-9]/g,''); var valid = "0123456789"; // Valid digits in a credit card number var len = ccNumb.length; // The length of the submitted cc number var iCCN = parseInt(ccNumb,0); // integer of ccNumb var sCCN = ccNumb.toString(); // string of ccNumb sCCN = sCCN.replace (/^\s+|\s+$/g,''); // strip spaces var iTotal = 0; // integer total set at zero var bNum = true; // by default assume it is a number var bResult = false; // by default assume it is NOT a valid cc var temp; // temp variable for parsing string var calc; // used for calculation of each digit // Determine if the ccNumb is in fact all numbers for (var j=0; j= 15){ // 15 or 16 for Amex or V/MC for(var i=len;i>0;i--){ // LOOP throught the digits of the card calc = parseInt(iCCN,0) % 10; // right most digit calc = parseInt(calc,0); // assure it is an integer iTotal += calc; // running total of the card number as we loop - Do Nothing to first digit i--; // decrement the count - move to the next digit in the card iCCN = iCCN / 10; // subtracts right most digit from ccNumb calc = parseInt(iCCN,0) % 10 ; // NEXT right most digit calc = calc *2; // multiply the digit by two // Instead of some screwy method of converting 16 to a string and then parsing 1 and 6 and then adding them to make 7, // I use a simple switch statement to change the value of calc2 to 7 if 16 is the multiple. switch(calc){ case 10: calc = 1; break; //5*2=10 & 1+0 = 1 case 12: calc = 3; break; //6*2=12 & 1+2 = 3 case 14: calc = 5; break; //7*2=14 & 1+4 = 5 case 16: calc = 7; break; //8*2=16 & 1+6 = 7 case 18: calc = 9; break; //9*2=18 & 1+8 = 9 default: calc = calc; //4*2= 8 & 8 = 8 -same for all lower numbers } iCCN = iCCN / 10; // subtracts right most digit from ccNum iTotal += calc; // running total of the card number as we loop } // END OF LOOP if ((iTotal%10)===0){ // check to see if the sum Mod 10 is zero bResult = true; // This IS (or could be) a valid credit card number. } else { bResult = false; // This could NOT be a valid credit card number } } } return bResult; // Return the results } }) ;