%h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'value')
%p Manages the layout of a form field, note, or error displayed for the field.
= text_field_tag 'wl_value_text_field', nil, class: 'value__error text-box'
%span.value__error Error Message Text
= link_to 'What\'s This?', '#', class: 'value__note'
%h4 Unit Test
%p should work with a div
(block-level) element, containing only a form field
= text_field_tag 'wl_value_text_field_div', nil, class: 'text-box'
%p should work with a span
(inline) element, containing only a form field
= text_field_tag 'wl_value_text_field_span', nil, class: 'text-box'
%p should work with a p
(block-level) element, containing only a form field
= text_field_tag 'wl_value_text_field_p', nil, class: 'text-box'
%p should work with a div
(block-level) element, containing a form field and a note
= text_field_tag 'wl_value_text_field_div_note', nil, class: 'text-box'
%span.value__note This is a note
%p should work with a span
(inline) element, containing a form field and a note
= text_field_tag 'wl_value_text_field_span_note', nil, class: 'text-box'
%span.value__note This is a note
%p should work with a p
(block-level) element, containing a form field and a note
= text_field_tag 'wl_value_text_field_p_note', nil, class: 'text-box'
%span.value__note This is a note
%p should work with a div
(block-level) element, containing a form field, error message, and a note with a link:
= text_field_tag 'wl_value_text_field_div_error', nil, class: 'value__error text-box'
%span.value__error Error Message Text
= link_to 'What\'s This?', '#', class: 'value__note'
%p should work with a span
(inline) element, containing a form field, error message, and a note with a link:
= text_field_tag 'wl_value_text_field_span_error', nil, class: 'value__error text-box'
%span.value__error Error Message Text
= link_to 'What\'s This?', '#', class: 'value__note'
%p should work with a p
(block-level) element, containing a form field, error message, and a note with a link:
= text_field_tag 'wl_value_text_field_p_error', nil, class: 'value__error text-box'
%span.value__error Error Message Text
= link_to 'What\'s This?', '#', class: 'value__note'