// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright @2011 Apple Inc. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test htmlbody ok equals same stop start */ var pane, view, view1, view2 ; module("SC.ScrollerView",{ setup: function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); pane = SC.MainPane.create({ childViews: [ SC.ScrollerView.extend({ }), SC.ScrollerView.extend({ minimum:10, maximum:100, isEnabled:NO, layoutDirection: SC.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL }), SC.ScrollerView.extend({ layout:{ top: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0, width: 20 }, minimum:0, maximum:100, hasButtons: NO }) ] }); pane.append(); // make sure there is a layer... SC.RunLoop.end(); view = pane.childViews[0]; view1= pane.childViews[1]; view2= pane.childViews[2]; }, teardown: function() { pane.remove(); pane = view = null ; } }); test('value', function() { equals(view1.get('maximum'), 100, 'precond - view has maximum of 100'); equals(view1.get('minimum'), 10, 'precond - view has a minimum of 10'); view1.set('value', 300); equals(view1.get('value'), view1.get('maximum'), 'value is set to maximum if attempting to set higher than maximum'); view1.set('maximum', 50); equals(view1.get('value'), view1.get('maximum'), 'value should change if maximum changes'); view1.set('value', 0); equals(view1.get('value'), view1.get('minimum'), 'value is set to minimum if attempt to set lower than minimum'); view1.set('minimum', 15); equals(view1.get('value'), view1.get('minimum'), 'value should change if minimum changes'); }); test('isEnabled', function() { ok(!view.$().hasClass('disabled'), 'scrollers should be enabled by default'); view.set('isEnabled', NO); SC.RunLoop.begin().end(); ok(view.$().hasClass('disabled'), 'scrollers should have disabled class set if isEnabled is set to NO'); var layer = view.$('.button-down'), evt = SC.Event.simulateEvent(layer, 'mousedown'), scrollerHeight = view.get('frame').height; view.set('maximum', scrollerHeight+100); view.set('value', 500); SC.Event.trigger(layer, 'mousedown', [evt]); equals(view.get('value'), 500, 'scrollers should not respond to mouse events if they are disabled'); view.set('isEnabled', YES); SC.Event.trigger(layer, 'mousedown', [evt]); ok(view.get('value') < (scrollerHeight+100), 'scrollers should respond to mouse events if they are not disabled'); }); test('layoutDirection', function() { equals(view.get('layoutDirection'), SC.LAYOUT_VERTICAL, 'scrollers should default to vertical direction'); ok(view.$().hasClass('sc-vertical'), 'scroller with vertical layoutDirection has sc-vertical class name'); equals(view1.get('layoutDirection'), SC.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL, 'precond - view1 has horizontal direction'); ok(view1.$().hasClass('sc-horizontal'), 'scroller with horizontal layoutDirection has sc-horizontal class name'); }); test('hasButtons', function() { equals(view.get('hasButtons'), YES, 'scrollers should default to having buttons'); equals(view.$('.endcap').length, 0, 'scrollers with buttons should not have an endcap'); equals(view.$('.button-bottom, .button-top').length, 2, 'scrollers with buttons should have an up and a down button'); equals(view2.$('.endcap').length, 1, 'scrollers with buttons should have an endcap'); equals(view2.$('.button-bottom, .button-top').length, 0, 'scrollers with buttons should not have an up or a down button'); }); test('hasThumb', function() { equals(view.$('.thumb').height(), view.get('thumbLength'), 'vertical scroller should have the right height'); equals(view1.$('.thumb').width(), view1.get('thumbLength'), 'horizontal scroller should have the right width'); }); test('aria-role', function() { var viewElem = view.$(); equals(viewElem.attr('role'), 'scrollbar', 'aria role set to the scroller'); }); test('aria-orientation', function(){ var viewElem = view.$(); equals(viewElem.attr('aria-orientation'), 'vertical', 'default aria-orientation should be vertical'); }); test('aria-valuemax', function(){ var viewElem = view1.$(); equals(viewElem.attr('aria-valuemax'), 100, 'aria-maximum attribute should be 100'); }); test('aria-valuemin', function(){ var viewElem = view1.$(); equals(viewElem.attr('aria-valuemin'), 10, 'aria-min attribute should be 10'); }); test('aria-valuenow', function(){ var viewElem; view2.set('value', 80); SC.RunLoop.begin().end(); viewElem = view2.$(); equals(viewElem.attr('aria-valuenow'), 80, 'aria-now attribute should be 10'); });