######################################## # # # Important Note # # # # When running calabash-ios tests at # # www.xamarin-test-cloud.com # # this file will be overwritten by # # a file which automates # # app launch on devices. # # # # Don't rely on this file being # # present when running at # # www.xamarin-test-cloud.com. # # # # Only put stuff here to automate # # iOS Simulator. # # # # You can put your app bundle path # # for automating simulator app start: # # Uncomment APP_BUNDLE_PATH =.. # # # ######################################## require 'calabash-cucumber/launch/simulator_helper' require 'sim_launcher' # Uncomment and replace ?? appropriately # This should point to your Simulator build # which includes calabash framework # this is usually the Calabash build configuration # of your production target. #APP_BUNDLE_PATH = "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/??/Build/Products/Calabash-iphonesimulator/??.app" # def reset_app_jail(sdk, app_path) app = File.basename(app_path) bundle = `find "#{ENV['HOME']}/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/#{sdk}/Applications/" -type d -depth 2 -name #{app} | head -n 1` return if bundle.empty? # Assuming we're already clean sandbox = File.dirname(bundle) ['Library', 'Documents', 'tmp'].each do |dir| FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(sandbox, dir)) end end def relaunch if ENV['NO_LAUNCH']!="1" sdk = ENV['SDK_VERSION'] || SimLauncher::SdkDetector.new().latest_sdk_version path = Calabash::Cucumber::SimulatorHelper.app_bundle_or_raise(app_path) if ENV['RESET_BETWEEN_SCENARIOS']=="1" reset_app_jail(sdk, path) end Calabash::Cucumber::SimulatorHelper.relaunch(path,sdk,ENV['DEVICE'] || 'iphone') end end def app_path ENV['APP_BUNDLE_PATH'] || (defined?(APP_BUNDLE_PATH) && APP_BUNDLE_PATH) end def calabash_notify if self.respond_to?(:on_launch) self.on_launch end end Before do |scenario| relaunch calabash_notify end at_exit do if ENV['NO_LAUNCH']!="1" and ENV['NO_STOP']!="1" Calabash::Cucumber::SimulatorHelper.stop end end