require "#{VagrantWindows::vagrant_root}/plugins/provisioners/chef/provisioner/chef_solo" module VagrantPlugins module Chef module Provisioner class ChefSolo < Base run_chef_solo_on_linux = instance_method(:run_chef_solo) # This patch is needed until Vagrant supports chef on Windows guests define_method(:run_chef_solo) do is_windows ? run_chef_solo_on_windows() : run_chef_solo_on_linux.bind(self).() end def run_chef_solo_on_windows command_env = @config.binary_env ? "#{@config.binary_env} " : "" command_args = @config.arguments ? " #{@config.arguments}" : "" command_solo = "#{command_env}#{chef_binary_path("chef-solo")} " command_solo << "-c #{@config.provisioning_path}/solo.rb " command_solo << "-j #{@config.provisioning_path}/dna.json " command_solo << "#{command_args}" command = VagrantWindows.load_script_template("ps_runas.ps1", :options => { :user => machine.config.winrm.username, :password => @machine.config.winrm.password, :cmd => "powershell.exe", :arguments => "-Command #{command_solo}"}) @config.attempts.times do |attempt| if attempt == 0 I18n.t("vagrant.provisioners.chef.running_solo") else I18n.t("vagrant.provisioners.chef.running_solo_again") end exit_status = @machine.communicate.sudo(command, :error_check => false) do |type, data| # Output the data with the proper color based on the stream. color = type == :stdout ? :green : :red # Note: Be sure to chomp the data to avoid the newlines that the # Chef outputs., :color => color, :prefix => false) end # There is no need to run Chef again if it converges return if exit_status == 0 end # If we reached this point then Chef never converged! Error. raise ChefError, :no_convergence end def is_windows @machine.config.vm.guest.eql? :windows end end # ChefSolo class end end end