module Sequel module JDBC # Database and Dataset support for H2 databases accessed via JDBC. module H2 # Instance methods for H2 Database objects accessed via JDBC. module DatabaseMethods PRIMARY_KEY_INDEX_RE = /\Aprimary_key/i.freeze # H2 uses the :h2 database type. def database_type :h2 end # Return Sequel::JDBC::H2::Dataset object with the given opts. def dataset(opts=nil), opts) end # H2 uses an IDENTITY type def serial_primary_key_options {:primary_key => true, :type => :identity} end private # H2 needs to add a primary key column as a constraint def alter_table_sql(table, op) case op[:op] when :add_column if op.delete(:primary_key) sql = super(table, op) [sql, "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} ADD PRIMARY KEY (#{quote_identifier(op[:name])})"] else super(table, op) end else super(table, op) end end # Default to a single connection for a memory database. def connection_pool_default_options o = super uri == 'jdbc:h2:mem:' ? o.merge(:max_connections=>1) : o end # Use IDENTITY() to get the last inserted id. def last_insert_id(conn, opts={}) stmt = conn.createStatement begin rs = stmt.executeQuery('SELECT IDENTITY();') rs.getInt(1) ensure stmt.close end end def primary_key_index_re PRIMARY_KEY_INDEX_RE end end # Dataset class for H2 datasets accessed via JDBC. class Dataset < JDBC::Dataset SELECT_CLAUSE_ORDER = %w'distinct columns from join where group having compounds order limit'.freeze # H2 requires SQL standard datetimes def requires_sql_standard_datetimes? true end # H2 doesn't support IS TRUE def supports_is_true? false end private def select_clause_order SELECT_CLAUSE_ORDER end end end end end